Uses of Class

Packages that use DataType

Uses of DataType in org.dbunit.database.statement

Methods in org.dbunit.database.statement with parameters of type DataType
 void AutomaticPreparedBatchStatement.addValue(java.lang.Object value, DataType dataType)
 void BatchStatementDecorator.addValue(java.lang.Object value, DataType dataType)
 void IPreparedBatchStatement.addValue(java.lang.Object value, DataType dataType)
 void PreparedBatchStatement.addValue(java.lang.Object value, DataType dataType)
 void SimplePreparedStatement.addValue(java.lang.Object value, DataType dataType)

Uses of DataType in org.dbunit.dataset

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset that return DataType
 DataType Column.getDataType()
          Returns this column data type.

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset with parameters of type DataType
static java.lang.String DataSetUtils.getSqlValueString(java.lang.Object value, DataType dataType)
          Returns the specified value as a string to be use in an SQL Statement.

Constructors in org.dbunit.dataset with parameters of type DataType
Column(java.lang.String columnName, DataType dataType)
          Creates a Column object.
Column(java.lang.String columnName, DataType dataType, Column.Nullable nullable)
          Creates a Column object.
Column(java.lang.String columnName, DataType dataType, java.lang.String sqlTypeName, Column.Nullable nullable)
          Creates a Column object.

Uses of DataType in org.dbunit.dataset.datatype

Subclasses of DataType in org.dbunit.dataset.datatype
 class AbstractDataType
 class BinaryStreamDataType
 class BlobDataType
 class BooleanDataType
 class BytesDataType
 class ClobDataType
 class DateDataType
 class DoubleDataType
 class FloatDataType
 class IntegerDataType
 class LongDataType
 class NumberDataType
 class StringDataType
 class TimeDataType
 class TimestampDataType
 class UnknownDataType

Fields in org.dbunit.dataset.datatype declared as DataType
static DataType DataType.UNKNOWN
static DataType DataType.CHAR
static DataType DataType.VARCHAR
static DataType DataType.LONGVARCHAR
static DataType DataType.CLOB
static DataType DataType.NUMERIC
static DataType DataType.DECIMAL
static DataType DataType.BOOLEAN
static DataType DataType.TINYINT
static DataType DataType.SMALLINT
static DataType DataType.INTEGER
static DataType DataType.BIGINT
static DataType DataType.REAL
static DataType DataType.FLOAT
static DataType DataType.DOUBLE
static DataType DataType.DATE
static DataType DataType.TIME
static DataType DataType.TIMESTAMP
static DataType DataType.BINARY
static DataType DataType.VARBINARY
static DataType DataType.LONGVARBINARY
static DataType DataType.BLOB

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset.datatype that return DataType
static DataType DataType.forSqlType(int sqlType)
          Returns the DataType corresponding to the specified Sql type.
static DataType DataType.forSqlTypeName(java.lang.String sqlTypeName)
          Deprecated. Should not be used anymore
static DataType DataType.forObject(java.lang.Object value)
          Returns the DataType corresponding to the specified value runtime class.
 DataType DefaultDataTypeFactory.createDataType(int sqlType, java.lang.String sqlTypeName)
 DataType IDataTypeFactory.createDataType(int sqlType, java.lang.String sqlTypeName)
          Returns the DataType object that corresponds to the specified Types.

Constructors in org.dbunit.dataset.datatype with parameters of type DataType
TypeCastException(java.lang.Object value, DataType dataType)
TypeCastException(java.lang.Object value, DataType dataType, java.lang.Throwable e)

Uses of DataType in org.dbunit.ext.db2

Methods in org.dbunit.ext.db2 that return DataType
 DataType Db2DataTypeFactory.createDataType(int sqlType, java.lang.String sqlTypeName)

Uses of DataType in org.dbunit.ext.mssql

Methods in org.dbunit.ext.mssql that return DataType
 DataType MsSqlDataTypeFactory.createDataType(int sqlType, java.lang.String sqlTypeName)

Uses of DataType in org.dbunit.ext.mysql

Methods in org.dbunit.ext.mysql that return DataType
 DataType MySqlDataTypeFactory.createDataType(int sqlType, java.lang.String sqlTypeName)

Uses of DataType in

Subclasses of DataType in
 class OracleBlobDataType
 class OracleClobDataType

Fields in declared as DataType
static DataType OracleDataTypeFactory.ORACLE_BLOB
static DataType OracleDataTypeFactory.ORACLE_CLOB
static DataType OracleDataTypeFactory.LONG_RAW

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType OracleDataTypeFactory.createDataType(int sqlType, java.lang.String sqlTypeName)

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