Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITableFilter

Uses of ITableFilter in org.dbunit.database

Classes in org.dbunit.database that implement ITableFilter
 class DatabaseSequenceFilter
          This filter orders tables using dependency information provided by DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String).

Uses of ITableFilter in org.dbunit.dataset

Constructors in org.dbunit.dataset with parameters of type ITableFilter
FilteredDataSet(ITableFilter filter, IDataSet dataSet)
          Creates a FilteredDataSet that decorates the specified dataset and exposes only the tables allowed by the specified filter.

Uses of ITableFilter in org.dbunit.dataset.filter

Classes in org.dbunit.dataset.filter that implement ITableFilter
 class AbstractTableFilter
          This class provides a skeletal implementation of the ITableFilter interface to minimize the effort required to implement a filter.
 class DefaultTableFilter
          This filter exposes only tables matching include patterns and not matching exclude patterns.
 class ExcludeTableFilter
          This filter hides specified tables from the filtered dataset.
 class IncludeTableFilter
          This filter exposes only allowed tables from the filtered dataset.
 class SequenceTableFilter
          This filter expose a specified table sequence and can be used to reorder tables in a dataset.

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