Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractOperation

Uses of AbstractOperation in org.dbunit.ext.mssql

Subclasses of AbstractOperation in org.dbunit.ext.mssql
 class InsertIdentityOperation
          This class disable the MS SQL Server automatic identifier generation for the execution of inserts.

Uses of AbstractOperation in org.dbunit.operation

Subclasses of AbstractOperation in org.dbunit.operation
 class AbstractBatchOperation
          Base implementation for database operation that are executed in batch.
 class DeleteAllOperation
          Deletes all rows of tables present in the specified dataset.
 class DeleteOperation
          Deletes only the dataset contents from the database.
 class InsertOperation
          Inserts the dataset contents into the database.
 class RefreshOperation
          This operation literally refreshes dataset contents into the database.
 class TruncateTableOperation
          Truncate tables present in the specified dataset.
 class UpdateOperation
          Updates the database from the dataset contents.

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