Package org.dbunit.util.concurrent

Interface Summary
BoundedChannel A channel that is known to have a capacity, signifying that put operations may block when the capacity is reached.
Channel Main interface for buffers, queues, pipes, conduits, etc.
Executor Interface for objects that execute Runnables, as well as various objects that can be wrapped as Runnables.
Puttable This interface exists to enable stricter type checking for channels.
Sync Main interface for locks, gates, and conditions.
Takable This interface exists to enable stricter type checking for channels.

Class Summary
BoundedBuffer Efficient array-based bounded buffer class.
BoundedLinkedQueue A bounded variant of LinkedQueue class.
DefaultChannelCapacity A utility class to set the default capacity of BoundedChannel implementations that otherwise require a capacity argument
LinkedNode A standard linked list node used in various queue classes
LinkedQueue A linked list based channel implementation.
PropertyChangeMulticaster This class is interoperable with java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport, but relies on a streamlined copy-on-write scheme similar to that used in CopyOnWriteArrayList.
Semaphore Base class for counting semaphores.
SemaphoreControlledChannel Abstract class for channels that use Semaphores to control puts and takes.
Slot A one-slot buffer, using semaphores to control access.
SynchronizedInt A class useful for offloading synch for int instance variables.
SynchronizedVariable Base class for simple, small classes maintaining single values that are always accessed and updated under synchronization.
SynchronousChannel A rendezvous channel, similar to those used in CSP and Ada.
SynchronousChannel.Queue Simple FIFO queue class to hold waiting puts/takes.

Exception Summary
TimeoutException Thrown by synchronization classes that report timeouts via exceptions.

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