Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDataSet

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit

Methods in org.dbunit that return IDataSet
protected abstract  IDataSet DatabaseTestCase.getDataSet()
          Returns the test dataset.

Methods in org.dbunit with parameters of type IDataSet
static void Assertion.assertEquals(IDataSet expectedDataSet, IDataSet actualDataSet)
          Asserts that the two specified dataset are equals.

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit.ant

Methods in org.dbunit.ant that return IDataSet
protected  IDataSet AbstractStep.getDatabaseDataSet(IDatabaseConnection connection, java.util.List tables, boolean forwardonly)
protected  IDataSet AbstractStep.getSrcDataSet( src, java.lang.String format, boolean forwardonly)

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit.database

Classes in org.dbunit.database that implement IDataSet
 class DatabaseDataSet
          provides access to a database instance as a dataset.
 class QueryDataSet
          Holds collection of tables resulting from database query.

Methods in org.dbunit.database that return IDataSet
 IDataSet AbstractDatabaseConnection.createDataSet()
 IDataSet AbstractDatabaseConnection.createDataSet(java.lang.String[] tableNames)
 IDataSet IDatabaseConnection.createDataSet()
          Creates a dataset corresponding to the entire database.
 IDataSet IDatabaseConnection.createDataSet(java.lang.String[] tableNames)
          Creates a dataset containing only the specified tables from the database.

Constructors in org.dbunit.database with parameters of type IDataSet
DatabaseTableIterator(java.lang.String[] tableNames, IDataSet dataSet)

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit.dataset

Classes in org.dbunit.dataset that implement IDataSet
 class AbstractDataSet
          This abstract class provides the basic implementation of the IDataSet interface.
 class CachedDataSet
          Hold copy of another dataset or a consumed provider content.
 class CaseInsensitiveDataSet
          Deprecated. All IDataSet implementations are case insensitive since DbUnit 1.5
 class CompositeDataSet
          Combines multiple datasets into a single logical dataset.
 class DefaultDataSet
 class FilteredDataSet
          Decorates a dataset and exposes only some tables from it.
 class ForwardOnlyDataSet
          Decorator that allows forward only access to decorated dataset.
 class LowerCaseDataSet
          Specialized IDataSet decorator that convert the table name and column names to lower case.
 class ReplacementDataSet
          Decorator that replace configured values from the decorated dataset with replacement values.
 class SortedDataSet

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset with parameters of type IDataSet
static void DataSetUtils.assertEquals(IDataSet expectedDataSet, IDataSet actualDataSet)
          Deprecated. Use Assertion.assertEquals
static ITable[] DataSetUtils.getTables(java.lang.String[] names, IDataSet dataSet)
          Search and returns the specified tables from the specified dataSet.
static ITable[] DataSetUtils.getTables(IDataSet dataSet)
          Returns the tables from the specified dataset.
static java.lang.String[] DataSetUtils.getReverseTableNames(IDataSet dataSet)
          Returns the table names from the specified dataset in reverse order.

Constructors in org.dbunit.dataset with parameters of type IDataSet
CachedDataSet(IDataSet dataSet)
          Creates a copy of the specified dataset.
CaseInsensitiveDataSet(IDataSet dataSet)
CompositeDataSet(IDataSet[] dataSets)
          Creates a composite dataset that combines specified datasets.
CompositeDataSet(IDataSet[] dataSets, boolean combine)
          Creates a composite dataset that combines specified datasets.
CompositeDataSet(IDataSet dataSet1, IDataSet dataSet2)
          Creates a composite dataset that combines the two specified datasets.
CompositeDataSet(IDataSet dataSet1, IDataSet dataSet2, boolean combine)
          Creates a composite dataset that combines the two specified datasets.
CompositeDataSet(IDataSet dataSet, boolean combine)
          Deprecated. This constructor is useless when the combine parameter is false. Use overload that doesn't have the combine argument.
CompositeDataSet(IDataSet dataSet)
          Creates a composite dataset that combines duplicate tables of the specified dataset.
FilteredDataSet(java.lang.String[] tableNames, IDataSet dataSet)
          Creates a FilteredDataSet that decorates the specified dataset and exposes only the specified tables using SequenceTableFilter as filtering startegy.
FilteredDataSet(ITableFilter filter, IDataSet dataSet)
          Creates a FilteredDataSet that decorates the specified dataset and exposes only the tables allowed by the specified filter.
ForwardOnlyDataSet(IDataSet dataSet)
LowerCaseDataSet(IDataSet dataSet)
ReplacementDataSet(IDataSet dataSet)
          Create a new ReplacementDataSet object that decorates the specified dataset.
ReplacementDataSet(IDataSet dataSet, java.util.Map objectMap, java.util.Map substringMap)
          Create a new ReplacementDataSet object that decorates the specified dataset.
SortedDataSet(IDataSet dataSet)

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit.dataset.csv

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset.csv with parameters of type IDataSet
 void CsvDataSetWriter.write(IDataSet dataSet)
static void CsvDataSetWriter.write(IDataSet dataset, dest)

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit.dataset.excel

Classes in org.dbunit.dataset.excel that implement IDataSet
 class XlsDataSet
          This dataset implementation can read and write MS Excel documents.

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset.excel with parameters of type IDataSet
static void XlsDataSet.write(IDataSet dataSet, out)
          Write the specified dataset to the specified Excel document.

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit.dataset.filter

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset.filter with parameters of type IDataSet
 java.lang.String[] AbstractTableFilter.getTableNames(IDataSet dataSet)
 ITableIterator AbstractTableFilter.iterator(IDataSet dataSet, boolean reversed)
 java.lang.String[] ITableFilter.getTableNames(IDataSet dataSet)
          Returns the table names allowed by this filter from the specified dataset.
 ITableIterator ITableFilter.iterator(IDataSet dataSet, boolean reversed)
          Returns iterator of tables allowed by this filter from the specified dataset.
 java.lang.String[] SequenceTableFilter.getTableNames(IDataSet dataSet)
 ITableIterator SequenceTableFilter.iterator(IDataSet dataSet, boolean reversed)

Constructors in org.dbunit.dataset.filter with parameters of type IDataSet
SequenceTableIterator(java.lang.String[] tableNames, IDataSet dataSet)

Uses of IDataSet in

Classes in that implement IDataSet
 class StreamingDataSet
          Dataset that consumes producer asyncronously.

Constructors in with parameters of type IDataSet
DataSetProducerAdapter(IDataSet dataSet)

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit.dataset.xml

Classes in org.dbunit.dataset.xml that implement IDataSet
 class FlatDtdDataSet
 class FlatXmlDataSet
          Reads and writes flat XML dataset document.
 class XmlDataSet
          Reads and writes original XML dataset document.

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset.xml with parameters of type IDataSet
static void FlatDtdDataSet.write(IDataSet dataSet, out)
          Write the specified dataset to the specified output stream as DTD.
static void FlatDtdDataSet.write(IDataSet dataSet, out)
          Write the specified dataset to the specified writer as DTD.
 void FlatDtdWriter.write(IDataSet dataSet)
static void FlatXmlDataSet.write(IDataSet dataSet, out)
          Write the specified dataset to the specified output stream as xml.
static void FlatXmlDataSet.write(IDataSet dataSet, writer)
          Write the specified dataset to the specified writer as xml.
static void FlatXmlDataSet.write(IDataSet dataSet, writer, java.lang.String encoding)
          Write the specified dataset to the specified writer as xml.
static void FlatXmlDataSet.writeDtd(IDataSet dataSet, out)
          Deprecated. use FlatDtdDataSet.write(org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet,
 void FlatXmlWriter.write(IDataSet dataSet)
static void XmlDataSet.write(IDataSet dataSet, out)
          Write the specified dataset to the specified output stream as xml.
static void XmlDataSet.write(IDataSet dataSet, writer)
          Write the specified dataset to the specified writer as xml.
static void XmlDataSet.write(IDataSet dataSet, writer, java.lang.String encoding)
          Write the specified dataset to the specified writer as xml.
 void XmlDataSetWriter.write(IDataSet dataSet)

Constructors in org.dbunit.dataset.xml with parameters of type IDataSet
FlatXmlDataSet( xmlReader, IDataSet metaDataSet)
          Creates an FlatXmlDataSet object with the specifed xml reader.
FlatXmlDataSet( xmlStream, IDataSet metaDataSet)
          Creates an FlatXmlDataSet object with the specifed xml input stream.
FlatXmlProducer(org.xml.sax.InputSource xmlSource, IDataSet metaDataSet)

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit.ext.mssql

Methods in org.dbunit.ext.mssql that return IDataSet
 IDataSet MsSqlConnection.createDataSet()
 IDataSet MsSqlConnection.createDataSet(java.lang.String[] tableNames)

Methods in org.dbunit.ext.mssql with parameters of type IDataSet
 void InsertIdentityOperation.execute(IDatabaseConnection connection, IDataSet dataSet)

Uses of IDataSet in org.dbunit.operation

Methods in org.dbunit.operation with parameters of type IDataSet
protected  ITableIterator AbstractBatchOperation.iterator(IDataSet dataSet)
          Returns list of tables this operation is applied to.
 void AbstractBatchOperation.execute(IDatabaseConnection connection, IDataSet dataSet)
 void CloseConnectionOperation.execute(IDatabaseConnection connection, IDataSet dataSet)
 void CompositeOperation.execute(IDatabaseConnection connection, IDataSet dataSet)
abstract  void DatabaseOperation.execute(IDatabaseConnection connection, IDataSet dataSet)
          Executes this operation on the specified database using the specified dataset contents.
 void DeleteAllOperation.execute(IDatabaseConnection connection, IDataSet dataSet)
protected  ITableIterator DeleteOperation.iterator(IDataSet dataSet)
 void RefreshOperation.execute(IDatabaseConnection connection, IDataSet dataSet)
 void TransactionOperation.execute(IDatabaseConnection connection, IDataSet dataSet)
 void TruncateTableOperation.execute(IDatabaseConnection connection, IDataSet dataSet)

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