Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITable

Uses of ITable in org.dbunit

Methods in org.dbunit with parameters of type ITable
static void Assertion.assertEquals(ITable expectedTable, ITable actualTable)
          Asserts that the two specified tables are equals.

Uses of ITable in org.dbunit.database

Subinterfaces of ITable in org.dbunit.database
 interface IResultSetTable

Classes in org.dbunit.database that implement ITable
 class AbstractResultSetTable
 class CachedResultSetTable
 class ForwardOnlyResultSetTable
 class ScrollableResultSetTable

Methods in org.dbunit.database that return ITable
 ITable AbstractDatabaseConnection.createQueryTable(java.lang.String resultName, java.lang.String sql)
 ITable DatabaseDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
 ITable DatabaseTableIterator.getTable()
 ITable IDatabaseConnection.createQueryTable(java.lang.String resultName, java.lang.String sql)
          Creates a table with the result of the specified SQL statement.
 ITable QueryTableIterator.getTable()

Uses of ITable in org.dbunit.dataset

Classes in org.dbunit.dataset that implement ITable
 class AbstractTable
 class CachedTable
 class CaseInsensitiveTable
          Deprecated. All IDataSet implementations are case insensitive since DbUnit 1.5
 class CompositeTable
 class DefaultTable
 class ForwardOnlyTable
 class ReplacementTable
          Decorator that replace configured values from the decorated table with replacement values.
 class SortedTable
          This is a ITable decorator that provide a sorted view of the decorated table.

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset that return ITable
protected  ITable[] AbstractDataSet.cloneTables(ITable[] tables)
 ITable AbstractDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
 ITable[] AbstractDataSet.getTables()
 ITable CaseInsensitiveDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
static ITable[] DataSetUtils.getTables(java.lang.String[] names, IDataSet dataSet)
          Search and returns the specified tables from the specified dataSet.
static ITable[] DataSetUtils.getTables(IDataSet dataSet)
          Returns the tables from the specified dataset.
static ITable[] DataSetUtils.getTables(ITableIterator iterator)
          Returns the tables from the specified iterator.
 ITable DefaultTableIterator.getTable()
 ITable FilteredDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
 ITable ForwardOnlyDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
 ITable IDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
          Returns the specified table.
 ITable[] IDataSet.getTables()
          Deprecated. Use IDataSet.iterator() or IDataSet.reverseIterator() instead.
 ITable ITableIterator.getTable()
          Returns the current table.
 ITable LowerCaseDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
 ITable ReplacementDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
 ITable SortedDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset with parameters of type ITable
protected  ITable[] AbstractDataSet.cloneTables(ITable[] tables)
static void DataSetUtils.assertEquals(ITable expectedTable, ITable actualTable)
          Deprecated. Use Assertion.assertEquals
 void DefaultDataSet.addTable(ITable table)
          Add a new table in this dataset.
 void DefaultTable.addTableRows(ITable table)
          Inserts all rows from the specified table.

Constructors in org.dbunit.dataset with parameters of type ITable
CachedTable(ITable table)
CaseInsensitiveTable(ITable table)
CompositeDataSet(ITable[] tables)
          Creates a composite dataset that combines tables having identical name.
CompositeTable(ITableMetaData metaData, ITable table)
          Creates a composite table that combines the specified metadata with the specified table.
CompositeTable(ITableMetaData metaData, ITable[] tables)
          Creates a composite table that combines the specified metadata with the specified tables.
CompositeTable(ITable table1, ITable table2)
          Creates a composite table that combines the specified specified tables.
CompositeTable(java.lang.String newName, ITable table)
          Creates a composite dataset that encapsulate the specified table with a new name.
DefaultDataSet(ITable table)
DefaultDataSet(ITable[] tables)
DefaultDataSet(ITable table1, ITable table2)
DefaultTableIterator(ITable[] tables)
DefaultTableIterator(ITable[] tables, boolean reversed)
ForwardOnlyTable(ITable table)
LowerCaseDataSet(ITable table)
LowerCaseDataSet(ITable[] tables)
ReplacementTable(ITable table)
          Create a new ReplacementTable object that decorates the specified table.
ReplacementTable(ITable table, java.util.Map objectMap, java.util.Map substringMap, java.lang.String startDelimiter, java.lang.String endDelimiter)
SortedTable(ITable table, Column[] columns)
          Sort the decorated table by specified columns order.
SortedTable(ITable table, java.lang.String[] columnNames)
          Sort the decorated table by specified columns order.
SortedTable(ITable table, ITableMetaData metaData)
          Sort the decorated table by specified metadata columns order.
SortedTable(ITable table)
          Sort the decorated table by its own columns order.

Uses of ITable in org.dbunit.dataset.filter

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset.filter that return ITable
static ITable DefaultColumnFilter.includedColumnsTable(ITable table, java.lang.String[] columnNames)
          Returns a table backed by the specified table that only exposes specified columns.
static ITable DefaultColumnFilter.includedColumnsTable(ITable table, Column[] columns)
          Returns a table backed by the specified table that only exposes specified columns.
static ITable DefaultColumnFilter.excludedColumnsTable(ITable table, java.lang.String[] columnNames)
          Returns a table backed by the specified table but with specified columns excluded.
static ITable DefaultColumnFilter.excludedColumnsTable(ITable table, Column[] columns)
          Returns a table backed by the specified table but with specified columns excluded.
 ITable SequenceTableIterator.getTable()

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset.filter with parameters of type ITable
static ITable DefaultColumnFilter.includedColumnsTable(ITable table, java.lang.String[] columnNames)
          Returns a table backed by the specified table that only exposes specified columns.
static ITable DefaultColumnFilter.includedColumnsTable(ITable table, Column[] columns)
          Returns a table backed by the specified table that only exposes specified columns.
static ITable DefaultColumnFilter.excludedColumnsTable(ITable table, java.lang.String[] columnNames)
          Returns a table backed by the specified table but with specified columns excluded.
static ITable DefaultColumnFilter.excludedColumnsTable(ITable table, Column[] columns)
          Returns a table backed by the specified table but with specified columns excluded.

Uses of ITable in

Methods in that return ITable
 ITable StreamingDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)
          Not supported.
 ITable StreamingIterator.getTable()

Uses of ITable in org.dbunit.dataset.xml

Methods in org.dbunit.dataset.xml that return ITable
 ITable FlatDtdDataSet.getTable(java.lang.String tableName)

Uses of ITable in org.dbunit.operation

Methods in org.dbunit.operation with parameters of type ITable
protected  java.util.BitSet InsertOperation.getIgnoreMapping(ITable table, int row)
protected  boolean InsertOperation.equalsIgnoreMapping(java.util.BitSet ignoreMapping, ITable table, int row)

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