Package org.hsqldb.lib

Interface Summary
HsqlHeap Provides the base HSQLDB interface for Heap ADT implementations.
HsqlList This should be used as the datatype for parameters and instance variables instead of HsqlArrayList or HsqlLinkedList to allow interchangable use of the two.

Class Summary
ArrayCounter Collection of routines for counting the distribution of the values in an int[] array.
ArrayUtil Collection of static methods for operations on arrays
AsciiStringInputStream minimal InputStream subclass to fetch low order bytes form a String
BooleanConverter Collection of static helper methods for converting types into boolean;
DoubleIntTable Minimal class for maintaining and searching an int to int sorted lookup table.
FileUtil A collection of static file management methods.
HashMap This class does not store null keys.
HashMappedList Implementation of an Map which maintains the user-defined order of the keys.
HashSet This class does not store null keys.
HsqlArrayHeap An HsqlHeap implementation backed by an array of objects and an ObjectComparator.
HsqlArrayList Intended as an asynchronous alternative to Vector.
HsqlByteArrayInputStream This class is a replacement for both (without synchronization) and
HsqlByteArrayOutputStream This class is a replacement for both (without synchronization) and
HsqlDeque jdk 1.1 compatible minimal implementation of a list object suitable for stack, queue and deque usage patterns backed by an Object[].
HsqlLinkedList Intended as an asynchronous alternative to HsqlArrayList.
HsqlTaskQueue Provides very simple queued execution of Runnable objects in a background thread.
HsqlTimer Provides facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread.
InOutUtil Input / Output utility
IntValueHashMap This class does not store null keys.
MD5 Provides a static utility interface to an MD5 digest algorithm obtained through the spi.
StopWatch Provides the programatic analog of a physical stop watch.
StringConverter Collection of static methods for converting strings between different formats and to and from byte arrays
StringInputStream minimal InputStream subclass to fetch bytes form a String
StringUtil Provides a collection of convenience methods for processing and creating objects with String value components.
WrapperIterator An Iterator that returns the elements of a specified array, or other iterators etc.

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