This page describes the most significant changes since the JavaHelp 1.1.3 release.
Release 2.0_02 enables you to use a native browser to display your help topics in the topic pane of the help window. This alternate content viewer uses the Java Desktop Integrated Component (JDIC) browser component BasicNativeContentViewerUI to render content by using the native browser. The use of BasicNativeContentViewerUI requires that the JDIC libraries be installed. See for details on how to integrate the JDIC components into your application.
In your applications, you use this browser by adding the following import statement and then putting the call to setContentViewerUI before the code that creates the HelpBroker or JHelp component (for a code example that creates a HelpBroker, see Adding the JavaHelp System to Applications).
import; ... SwingHelpUtilities.setContentViewerUI("BasicNativeContentViewerUI");
Additionally, you can use the command-line parameters -ID and -contentViewer to cause hsviewer to use the alternate browser and display a given ID in the helpset, as follows:
java -jar hsviewer.jar -helpset HolidayHistory -classpath\
../hsjar/holidays.jar -ID easter -contentViewer BasicNativeContentViewerUI
JavaHelp is now released in a single zip file installation package. You must uninstall prior releases before unpacking V2.0 into a directory.
The JavaHelp viewer is now in the JAR file hsviewer.jar
. To run it
you must use a command similar to the following one:
java -jar c:\jh20\demos\bin\hsviewer.jar
For more information, see Viewing Helpsets.
The earliest version of the JDK that is supported is the JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SETM) JDK 1.2.2.
In previous versions of JavaHelp, you could directly access the frame in which JavaHelp is displayed if you extended the DefaultHelpBroker. After extending DefaultHelpBroker, you were able access the protected JFrame frame field.
In JavaHelp 2, the frame field is no longer accessible. In applications that use JavaHelp 2, you will have to rewrite code that does this kind of frame access. Use the following methods:
WindowPresentation DefaultHelpBroker.getWindowPresentation();
Window WindowPresentation.getHelpWindow();
You will still be able to access the frame with the following method calls:
WindowPresentation pres = hb.getWindowPresentation();
Window win = pres.getHelpWindow();
It is now possible to print more than one help page at a time. You can select a group of topics in a navigation pane, such as the TOC or index, and then choose the Print option to print them all out.
When helpsets are merged, there are new merge options available: UniteAppendMerge and SortMerge. UniteAppendMerge causes like items to be merged, making it possible, for example, to produce fully merged TOCs. SortMerge allows you to produce fully merged and canonically sorted indexes. For more information, see Merging Helpsets.
In addition to the existing TOC, Index, and Search navigators, there are two new navigators that can be added to the navigation pane of the help viewer:
When you specify a navigator by using the <view>
tag in
the helpset file, you can also specify the icon that displays in the tab above
the navigator by using the <image> tag. For more information
on setting view images, see the description of the <view>
tags in The Helpset File.
You can display text instead of icons in the navigator tabs by setting the
presentation tag's displayviewimage
attribute to "false"
For more information on setting this attribute, see the description of the <presentation>
tag in The Helpset File.
It is now possible to display help in various kinds of windows (called presentations)
from a Java application or from a helpset's table of contents. There are presentation
controls in the helpset file and navigator files, a Presentation
class, and context-sensitive help changes that support the class. These features
provide you with more options for displaying your help content in the JavaHelp
Viewer, in a secondary window, or in a popup window.
Not only can you specify the type of presentation window, but for each type of window you can designate the buttons that appear in the toolbar. In addition to the standard Back, Forward, and Print buttons, you can display buttons like the Reload button (reloads the current topic) and the Home button (goes to the main topic defined for the helpset).
For more information, see the Presentation feature in Helpset File and Implementing Context-Sensitive Help.
When you define a presentation window, you can specify if it has a toolbar,
and, if so, which controls appear on the toolbar. For more information, see
the <toolbar
> tag in Helpset
The JavaHelp V1.0 API provided an initial foundation for developing online help for server-based applications. JavaHelp 2 extends support for server-based applications with a standard for a JavaHelp bean and a Java Server PagesTM (JSP) tag library for accessing helpset data. For more information, see Server-Based JavaHelp.
The implementation section of the helpset, enclosed in the <impl>
tag, enables you to use special viewers based on a MIME type. It can also simplify
using an external browser to display your helpsets rather than using the default
helpset viewer included in the JavaHelp system.
Specifying an <impl>
section in a helpset file creates a registry
that provides key data mapping to define the HelpBroker class to use in the
method. The registry also determines the content
viewer to user for a given MIME type.
uses this mechanism to link a given MIME type with an
editor kit.
For example, the JavaHelp system gets its default content pane viewer for HTML
by linking the text/html
MIME type to
which is an extension of the Swing HTMLEditorKit
. If you wanted to
display PDF in the content pane, you could write your own PDF editor kit, and
then you could map the MIME type for PDF (application/pdf
) to your
new editor kit.
Another use for this feature might be to replace the current HTMLEditorKit
(the content viewer) with a web browser without having to change code as you
do in JavaHelp 1.
To see how to declare the tag, see the <impl>
tag in Helpset
You can assign help IDs based on cursor position, selection, or some other mechanism inherent in an object. For more information, see Dynamic Map ID Assignment in "Implementing Context Sensitive Help."