Class SnmpAdaptorServer

  extended by com.sun.jdmk.comm.CommunicatorServer
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
CommunicatorServerMBean, SnmpAdaptorServerMBean, SnmpMibHandler, SnmpDefinitions, Runnable, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SnmpAdaptorServer
extends CommunicatorServer
implements SnmpAdaptorServerMBean, MBeanRegistration, SnmpDefinitions, SnmpMibHandler

Implements an adaptor on top of the SNMP protocol.

When this SNMP protocol adaptor is started it creates a datagram socket and is able to receive requests and send traps or inform requests. When it is stopped, the socket is closed and neither requests and nor traps/inform request are processed.

The default port number of the socket is 161. This default value can be changed by specifying a port number:

The default object name is define by com.sun.jdmk.ServiceName.DOMAIN and com.sun.jdmk.ServiceName.SNMP_ADAPTOR_SERVER.

The SNMP protocol adaptor supports versions 1 and 2 of the SNMP protocol in a stateless way: when it receives a v1 request, it replies with a v1 response, when it receives a v2 request it replies with a v2 response.
The method snmpV1Trap sends traps using SNMP v1 format. The method snmpV2Trap sends traps using SNMP v2 format. The method snmpInformRequest sends inform requests using SNMP v2 format.

To receive data packets, the SNMP protocol adaptor uses a buffer whose size can be configured using the property bufferSize (default value is 1024). Packets which do not fit into the buffer are rejected. Increasing bufferSize allows the exchange of bigger packets. However, the underlying networking system may impose a limit on the size of UDP packets. Packets bigger than this limit will be rejected, no matter what the value of bufferSize.

An SNMP protocol adaptor may serve several managers concurrently. The number of concurrent managers can be limited using the property maxActiveClientCount.

The SNMP protocol adaptor specifies a default value (10) for the maxActiveClientCount property. When the adaptor is stopped, the active requests are interrupted and an error result is sent to the managers.

Java DMK 5.1

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.sun.jdmk.comm.CommunicatorServer
Fields inherited from interface
authMask, authNoPriv, authPriv, authPrivMask, CtxtConsFlag, noAuthNoPriv, noGroupName, noSuchContext, noSuchView, notInView, pduGetBulkRequestPdu, pduGetNextRequestPdu, pduGetRequestPdu, pduGetResponsePdu, pduInformRequestPdu, pduReportPdu, pduSetRequestPdu, pduV1TrapPdu, pduV2TrapPdu, pduWalkRequest, privMask, reportableFlag, snmpAuthNotSupported, snmpBadSecurityLevel, snmpPrivNotSupported, snmpReqAborted, snmpReqEncodingError, snmpReqHandleTooBig, snmpReqInternalError, snmpReqPacketOverflow, snmpReqRefireAfterVbFix, snmpReqSocketIOError, snmpReqTimeout, snmpReqTooBigImpossible, snmpReqUnknownError, snmpRspAuthorizationError, snmpRspBadValue, snmpRspCommitFailed, snmpRspDecodingError, snmpRspEndOfTable, snmpRspGenErr, snmpRspInconsistentName, snmpRspInconsistentValue, snmpRspNoAccess, snmpRspNoCreation, snmpRspNoError, snmpRspNoSuchName, snmpRspNotWritable, snmpRspReadOnly, snmpRspResourceUnavailable, snmpRspTooBig, snmpRspUndoFailed, snmpRspWrongEncoding, snmpRspWrongLength, snmpRspWrongType, snmpRspWrongValue, snmpUnknownPrincipal, snmpUsmBadEngineId, snmpUsmInvalidTimeliness, snmpUsmSecurityModel, snmpV1AccessControlModel, snmpV1MsgProcessingModel, snmpV1SecurityModel, snmpV2AccessControlModel, snmpV2MsgProcessingModel, snmpV2SecurityModel, snmpV3AccessControlModel, snmpV3MsgProcessingModel, snmpVersionOne, snmpVersionThree, snmpVersionTwo, snmpWrongSnmpVersion, trapAuthenticationFailure, trapColdStart, trapEgpNeighborLoss, trapEnterpriseSpecific, trapLinkDown, trapLinkUp, trapWarmStart
Constructor Summary
          Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the default port (161).
SnmpAdaptorServer(boolean useAcl, int port, InetAddress addr)
          Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port and the specified InetAddress.
SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddress addr)
          Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the default port (161) and the specified InetAddress.
SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddressAcl acl)
          Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the default port (161) and the specified IP address based ACL implementation.
SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddressAcl acl, InetAddress addr)
          Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified IP address based ACL implementation and the specified InetAddress.
SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddressAcl acl, int port)
          Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port and the specified IP address based ACL implementation.
SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddressAcl acl, int port, InetAddress addr)
          Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port, the specified address based ACL implementation and the specified InetAddress.
SnmpAdaptorServer(int port)
          Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port.
SnmpAdaptorServer(int port, InetAddress addr)
          Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port and the specified InetAddress.
Method Summary
 SnmpMibHandler addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib)
          Adds a new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler.
 SnmpMibHandler addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib, SnmpOid[] oids)
          Adds a new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler.
 SnmpMibHandler addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib, String contextName)
          Adds a new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler.
 SnmpMibHandler addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib, String contextName, SnmpOid[] oids)
          Adds a new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler.
protected  void doBind()
          Creates the datagram socket.
protected  void doError(Exception e)
protected  void doProcess()
          Not used in this context.
protected  void doReceive()
          Reads a packet from the datagram socket and creates a request handler which decodes and processes the request.
protected  void doUnbind()
          Closes the datagram socket.
protected  void finalize()
          Finalizer of the SNMP protocol adaptor objects.
 int getActiveClientCount()
          Gets the number of managers currently being processed by this SNMP protocol adaptor.
 boolean getAuthRespEnabled()
          Returns true if this SNMP protocol adaptor sends a response in case of authentication failure.
 boolean getAuthTrapEnabled()
          Returns true if authentication traps are enabled.
 Integer getBufferSize()
          Returns the buffer size of this SNMP protocol adaptor.
 String getEnterpriseOid()
          Returns the enterprise OID.
 String getHost()
          Gets the host name used by this CommunicatorServer.
 InetAddressAcl getInetAddressAcl()
          Returns the Ip address based ACL used by this SNMP protocol adaptor.
 int getInformPort()
          Returns the port used by this SNMP protocol adaptor for sending inform requests.
 int getMaxActiveClientCount()
          Gets the maximum number of managers that this SNMP protocol adaptor can process concurrently.
 int getMaxTries()
          Gets the number of times to try sending an inform request before giving up.
 String[] getMibs()
          Returns the names of the MIBs available in this SNMP protocol adaptor.
 SnmpPduFactory getPduFactory()
          Returns the message factory of this SNMP protocol adaptor.
 int getPort()
          Gets the port number used by this CommunicatorServer.
 String getProtocol()
          Returns the protocol of this SNMP protocol adaptor.
 int getServedClientCount()
          Gets the number of managers that have been processed by this SNMP protocol adaptor since its creation.
 Long getSnmpInASNParseErrs()
          Returns the snmpInASNParseErrs value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpInBadCommunityNames()
          Returns the snmpInBadCommunityNames value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpInBadCommunityUses()
          Returns the snmpInBadCommunityUses value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpInBadVersions()
          Returns the snmpInBadVersions value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpInGetNexts()
          Returns the snmpInGetNexts value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpInGetRequests()
          Returns the snmpInGetRequests value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpInPkts()
          Returns the snmpInPkts value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpInSetRequests()
          Returns the snmpInSetRequests value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpInTotalReqVars()
          Returns the snmpInTotalReqVars value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpInTotalSetVars()
          Returns the snmpInTotalSetVars value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpOutBadValues()
          Returns the snmpOutBadValues value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpOutGenErrs()
          Returns the snmpOutGenErrs value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpOutGetResponses()
          Returns the snmpOutGetResponses value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpOutNoSuchNames()
          Returns the snmpOutNoSuchNames value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpOutPkts()
          Returns the snmpOutPkts value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpOutTooBigs()
          Returns the snmpOutTooBigs value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpOutTraps()
          Returns the snmpOutTraps value defined in MIB-II.
 Long getSnmpProxyDrops()
          Returns the snmpProxyDrops value defined in RFC 1907 NMPv2-MIB .
 Long getSnmpSilentDrops()
          Returns the snmpSilentDrops value defined in RFC 1907 NMPv2-MIB .
 long getSysUpTime()
          Returns the time (in hundredths of second) elapsed since the SNMP protocol adaptor startup.
 int getTimeout()
          Gets the timeout to wait for an inform response from the manager.
 Integer getTrapPort()
          Returns the port used by this SNMP protocol adaptor for sending traps.
 SnmpUserDataFactory getUserDataFactory()
          Get the user-data factory associated with this SNMP protocol adaptor.
static int mapErrorStatus(int errorStatus, int protocolVersion, int reqPduType)
          Method that maps an SNMP error status in the passed protocolVersion according to the provided pdu type.
 void postDeregister()
          Not used in this context.
 void postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
          Not used in this context.
 void preDeregister()
          Not used in this context.
 ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName name)
          Allows the MBean to perform any operations it needs before being registered in the MBean server.
 boolean removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib)
          Removes the specified MIB from the SNMP protocol adaptor.
 boolean removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib, SnmpOid[] oids)
          Removes the specified MIB from the SNMP protocol adaptor.
 boolean removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib, String contextName)
          Removes the specified MIB from the SNMP protocol adaptor.
 boolean removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib, String contextName, SnmpOid[] oids)
          Removes the specified MIB from the SNMP protocol adaptor.
 void setAuthRespEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Sets the flag indicating if responses need to be sent in case of authentication failure.
 void setAuthTrapEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Sets the flag indicating if traps need to be sent in case of authentication failure.
 void setBufferSize(Integer s)
          Sets the buffer size of this SNMP protocol adaptor.
 void setEnterpriseOid(String oid)
          Sets the enterprise OID.
 void setInformPort(int port)
          Sets the port used by this SNMP protocol adaptor for sending inform requests.
 void setMaxActiveClientCount(int c)
          Sets the maximum number of managers this SNMP protocol adaptor can process concurrently.
 void setMaxTries(int newMaxTries)
          Changes the maximum number of times to try sending an inform request before giving up.
 void setPduFactory(SnmpPduFactory factory)
          Sets the message factory of this SNMP protocol adaptor.
 void setPort(int port)
          Sets the port number used by this CommunicatorServer.
 void setTimeout(int newTimeout)
          Changes the timeout to wait for an inform response from the manager.
 void setTrapPort(Integer port)
          Sets the port used by this SNMP protocol adaptor for sending traps.
 void setUserDataFactory(SnmpUserDataFactory factory)
          Set the user-data factory of this SNMP protocol adaptor.
 SnmpInformRequest snmpInformRequest(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 Vector snmpInformRequest(SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 SnmpInformRequest snmpInformRequest(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpInformHandler cb, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
 void snmpPduTrap(InetAddress address, SnmpPduPacket pdu)
          Send the specified trap PDU to the passed InetAddress.
 void snmpPduTrap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpPduPacket pdu)
          Send the specified trap PDU to the passed SnmpPeer.
 void snmpV1Trap(InetAddress addr, SnmpIpAddress agentAddr, String cs, SnmpOid enterpOid, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void snmpV1Trap(InetAddress addr, String cs, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void snmpV1Trap(int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void snmpV1Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpIpAddress agentAddr, SnmpOid enterpOid, int generic, int specific, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
 void snmpV2Trap(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void snmpV2Trap(InetAddress addr, String cs, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void snmpV2Trap(SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void snmpV2Trap(SnmpPeer peer, SnmpOid trapOid, SnmpVarBindList varBindList, SnmpTimeticks time)
          Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
 void stop()
          Stops this SNMP protocol adaptor.
Methods inherited from class
addNotificationListener, getMBeanServer, getNotificationInfo, getState, getStateString, isActive, removeNotificationListener, run, setMBeanServer, start, waitState
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdmk.comm.CommunicatorServerMBean
getState, getStateString, isActive, start, waitState

Constructor Detail


public SnmpAdaptorServer()
Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the default port (161). Use the JdmkAcl default implementation of the InetAddressAcl interface.


public SnmpAdaptorServer(int port)
Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port. Use the JdmkAcl default implementation of the InetAddressAcl interface.

port - The port number for sending SNMP responses.


public SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddressAcl acl)
Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the default port (161) and the specified IP address based ACL implementation.

acl - The InetAddressAcl implementation.


public SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddress addr)
Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the default port (161) and the specified InetAddress. Use the JdmkAcl default implementation of the InetAddressAcl interface.

addr - The IP address to bind.


public SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddressAcl acl,
                         int port)
Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port and the specified IP address based ACL implementation.

acl - The InetAddressAcl implementation.
port - The port number for sending SNMP responses.


public SnmpAdaptorServer(int port,
                         InetAddress addr)
Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port and the specified InetAddress. Use the JdmkAcl default implementation of the InetAddressAcl interface.

port - The port number for sending SNMP responses.
addr - The IP address to bind.


public SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddressAcl acl,
                         InetAddress addr)
Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified IP address based ACL implementation and the specified InetAddress.

acl - The InetAddressAcl implementation.
addr - The IP address to bind.


public SnmpAdaptorServer(InetAddressAcl acl,
                         int port,
                         InetAddress addr)
Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port, the specified address based ACL implementation and the specified InetAddress.

acl - The InetAddressAcl implementation.
port - The port number for sending SNMP responses.
addr - The IP address to bind.


public SnmpAdaptorServer(boolean useAcl,
                         int port,
                         InetAddress addr)
Initializes this SNMP protocol adaptor using the specified port and the specified InetAddress. This constructor allows to initialize an SNMP adaptor without using the ACL mechanism (by setting the useAcl parameter to false).
This constructor must be used in particular with a platform that does not support the package like pJava.

useAcl - Specifies if this new SNMP adaptor uses the ACL mechanism. If the specified parameter is set to true, this constructor is equivalent to SnmpAdaptorServer(int port, InetAddress addr).
port - The port number for sending SNMP responses.
addr - The IP address to bind.
Method Detail


public int getServedClientCount()
Gets the number of managers that have been processed by this SNMP protocol adaptor since its creation.

Specified by:
getServedClientCount in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The number of managers handled by this SNMP protocol adaptor since its creation. This counter is not reset by the stop method.


public int getActiveClientCount()
Gets the number of managers currently being processed by this SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
getActiveClientCount in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The number of managers currently being processed by this SNMP protocol adaptor.


public int getMaxActiveClientCount()
Gets the maximum number of managers that this SNMP protocol adaptor can process concurrently.

Specified by:
getMaxActiveClientCount in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The maximum number of managers that this SNMP protocol adaptor can process concurrently.


public void setMaxActiveClientCount(int c)
                             throws IllegalStateException
Sets the maximum number of managers this SNMP protocol adaptor can process concurrently.

Specified by:
setMaxActiveClientCount in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
c - The number of managers.
IllegalStateException - This method has been invoked while the communicator was ONLINE or STARTING.


public InetAddressAcl getInetAddressAcl()
Returns the Ip address based ACL used by this SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
getInetAddressAcl in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The InetAddressAcl implementation.


public Integer getTrapPort()
Returns the port used by this SNMP protocol adaptor for sending traps. By default, port 162 is used.

Specified by:
getTrapPort in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The port number for sending SNMP traps.


public void setTrapPort(Integer port)
Sets the port used by this SNMP protocol adaptor for sending traps.

Specified by:
setTrapPort in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
port - The port number for sending SNMP traps.


public int getInformPort()
Returns the port used by this SNMP protocol adaptor for sending inform requests. By default, port 162 is used.

Specified by:
getInformPort in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The port number for sending SNMP inform requests.


public void setInformPort(int port)
Sets the port used by this SNMP protocol adaptor for sending inform requests.

Specified by:
setInformPort in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
port - The port number for sending SNMP inform requests.


public String getProtocol()
Returns the protocol of this SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
getProtocol in interface CommunicatorServerMBean
Specified by:
getProtocol in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
Specified by:
getProtocol in class CommunicatorServer
The string "snmp".


public Integer getBufferSize()
Returns the buffer size of this SNMP protocol adaptor. This buffer size is used for both incoming request and outgoing inform requests. By default, buffer size 1024 is used.

Specified by:
getBufferSize in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The buffer size.


public void setBufferSize(Integer s)
                   throws IllegalStateException
Sets the buffer size of this SNMP protocol adaptor. This buffer size is used for both incoming request and outgoing inform requests.

Specified by:
setBufferSize in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
s - The buffer size.
IllegalStateException - This method has been invoked while the communicator was ONLINE or STARTING.


public final int getMaxTries()
Gets the number of times to try sending an inform request before giving up. By default, a maximum of 3 tries is used.

Specified by:
getMaxTries in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The maximum number of tries.


public final void setMaxTries(int newMaxTries)
Changes the maximum number of times to try sending an inform request before giving up.

Specified by:
setMaxTries in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
newMaxTries - The maximum number of tries.


public final int getTimeout()
Gets the timeout to wait for an inform response from the manager. By default, a timeout of 3 seconds is used.

Specified by:
getTimeout in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The value of the timeout property.


public final void setTimeout(int newTimeout)
Changes the timeout to wait for an inform response from the manager.

Specified by:
setTimeout in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
newTimeout - The timeout (in milliseconds).


public SnmpPduFactory getPduFactory()
Returns the message factory of this SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
getPduFactory in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The factory object.


public void setPduFactory(SnmpPduFactory factory)
Sets the message factory of this SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
setPduFactory in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
factory - The factory object (null means the default factory).


public void setUserDataFactory(SnmpUserDataFactory factory)
Set the user-data factory of this SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
setUserDataFactory in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
factory - The factory object (null means no factory).
See Also:


public SnmpUserDataFactory getUserDataFactory()
Get the user-data factory associated with this SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
getUserDataFactory in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The factory object (null means no factory).
See Also:


public boolean getAuthTrapEnabled()
Returns true if authentication traps are enabled.

When this feature is enabled, the SNMP protocol adaptor sends an authenticationFailure trap each time an authentication fails.

The default behavior is to send authentication traps.

Specified by:
getAuthTrapEnabled in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
true if authentication traps are enabled, false otherwise.


public void setAuthTrapEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets the flag indicating if traps need to be sent in case of authentication failure.

Specified by:
setAuthTrapEnabled in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
enabled - Flag indicating if traps need to be sent.


public boolean getAuthRespEnabled()
Returns true if this SNMP protocol adaptor sends a response in case of authentication failure.

When this feature is enabled, the SNMP protocol adaptor sends a response with noSuchName or readOnly when the authentication failed. If the flag is disabled, the SNMP protocol adaptor trashes the PDU silently.

The default behavior is to send responses.

Specified by:
getAuthRespEnabled in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
true if responses are sent.


public void setAuthRespEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets the flag indicating if responses need to be sent in case of authentication failure.

Specified by:
setAuthRespEnabled in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
enabled - Flag indicating if responses need to be sent.


public String getEnterpriseOid()
Returns the enterprise OID. It is used by snmpV1Trap to fill the 'enterprise' field of the trap request.

Specified by:
getEnterpriseOid in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The OID in string format "x.x.x.x".


public void setEnterpriseOid(String oid)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
Sets the enterprise OID.

Specified by:
setEnterpriseOid in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
oid - The OID in string format "x.x.x.x".
IllegalArgumentException - The string format is incorrect


public String[] getMibs()
Returns the names of the MIBs available in this SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
getMibs in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
An array of MIB names.


public Long getSnmpOutTraps()
Returns the snmpOutTraps value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpOutTraps in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpOutTraps value.


public Long getSnmpOutGetResponses()
Returns the snmpOutGetResponses value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpOutGetResponses in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpOutGetResponses value.


public Long getSnmpOutGenErrs()
Returns the snmpOutGenErrs value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpOutGenErrs in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpOutGenErrs value.


public Long getSnmpOutBadValues()
Returns the snmpOutBadValues value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpOutBadValues in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpOutBadValues value.


public Long getSnmpOutNoSuchNames()
Returns the snmpOutNoSuchNames value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpOutNoSuchNames in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpOutNoSuchNames value.


public Long getSnmpOutTooBigs()
Returns the snmpOutTooBigs value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpOutTooBigs in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpOutTooBigs value.


public Long getSnmpInASNParseErrs()
Returns the snmpInASNParseErrs value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInASNParseErrs in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInASNParseErrs value.


public Long getSnmpInBadCommunityUses()
Returns the snmpInBadCommunityUses value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInBadCommunityUses in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInBadCommunityUses value.


public Long getSnmpInBadCommunityNames()
Returns the snmpInBadCommunityNames value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInBadCommunityNames in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInBadCommunityNames value.


public Long getSnmpInBadVersions()
Returns the snmpInBadVersions value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInBadVersions in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInBadVersions value.


public Long getSnmpOutPkts()
Returns the snmpOutPkts value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpOutPkts in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpOutPkts value.


public Long getSnmpInPkts()
Returns the snmpInPkts value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInPkts in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInPkts value.


public Long getSnmpInGetRequests()
Returns the snmpInGetRequests value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInGetRequests in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInGetRequests value.


public Long getSnmpInGetNexts()
Returns the snmpInGetNexts value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInGetNexts in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInGetNexts value.


public Long getSnmpInSetRequests()
Returns the snmpInSetRequests value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInSetRequests in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInSetRequests value.


public Long getSnmpInTotalSetVars()
Returns the snmpInTotalSetVars value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInTotalSetVars in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInTotalSetVars value.


public Long getSnmpInTotalReqVars()
Returns the snmpInTotalReqVars value defined in MIB-II.

Specified by:
getSnmpInTotalReqVars in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpInTotalReqVars value.


public Long getSnmpSilentDrops()
Returns the snmpSilentDrops value defined in RFC 1907 NMPv2-MIB .

Specified by:
getSnmpSilentDrops in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpSilentDrops value.


public Long getSnmpProxyDrops()
Returns the snmpProxyDrops value defined in RFC 1907 NMPv2-MIB .

Specified by:
getSnmpProxyDrops in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
The snmpProxyDrops value.


public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server,
                              ObjectName name)
                       throws Exception
Allows the MBean to perform any operations it needs before being registered in the MBean server. If the name of the SNMP protocol adaptor MBean is not specified, it is initialized with the default value: com.sun.jdmk.ServiceName.DOMAIN: com.sun.jdmk.ServiceName.SNMP_ADAPTOR_SERVER. If any exception is raised, the SNMP protocol adaptor MBean will not be registered in the MBean server.

Specified by:
preRegister in interface MBeanRegistration
preRegister in class CommunicatorServer
server - The MBean server to register the service with.
name - The object name.
The name of the SNMP protocol adaptor registered.


public void postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
Not used in this context.

Specified by:
postRegister in interface MBeanRegistration
postRegister in class CommunicatorServer
registrationDone - Indicates whether or not the MBean has been successfully registered in the MBeanServer. The value false means that the registration phase has failed.


public void preDeregister()
                   throws Exception
Not used in this context.

Specified by:
preDeregister in interface MBeanRegistration
preDeregister in class CommunicatorServer
Exception - This exception should be caught by the MBeanServer and re-thrown as an MBeanRegistrationException.


public void postDeregister()
Not used in this context.

Specified by:
postDeregister in interface MBeanRegistration
postDeregister in class CommunicatorServer


public SnmpMibHandler addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
Adds a new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler.

Specified by:
addMib in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
Specified by:
addMib in interface SnmpMibHandler
mib - The MIB to add.
A reference to the SNMP MIB handler.
IllegalArgumentException - If the parameter is null.


public SnmpMibHandler addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib,
                             SnmpOid[] oids)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
Adds a new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler. This method is to be called to set a specific agent to a specific OID. This can be useful when dealing with MIB overlapping. Some OID can be implemented in more than one MIB. In this case, the OID nearer agent will be used on SNMP operations.

Specified by:
addMib in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
Specified by:
addMib in interface SnmpMibHandler
mib - The MIB to add.
oids - The set of OIDs this agent implements. If null or oids.length == 0, this is equivalent to calling addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib)
A reference to the SNMP MIB handler.
IllegalArgumentException - If the parameter is null.


public SnmpMibHandler addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib,
                             String contextName)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
Adds a new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler. When the underlying implementation does not support MIB scoping, calling this method is equivalent to calling addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib).

Note that MIB scoping is only supported by the SnmpV3AdaptorServer. This class does not support it.

Specified by:
addMib in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
Specified by:
addMib in interface SnmpMibHandler
mib - The MIB to add.
contextName - The MIB context name. The SnmpAdaptorServer base class always ignores this parameter.
A reference on the SNMP MIB handler.
IllegalArgumentException - If the parameter is null.


public SnmpMibHandler addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib,
                             String contextName,
                             SnmpOid[] oids)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
Adds a new MIB in the SNMP MIB handler. When the underlying implementation does not support MIB scoping, calling this method is equivalent to calling addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib, SnmpOid[] oids).

Note that MIB scoping is only supported by the SnmpV3AdaptorServer. This class does not support it.

Specified by:
addMib in interface SnmpMibHandler
mib - The MIB to add.
contextName - The MIB context. The SnmpAdaptorServer base class always ignores this parameter.
oids - The set of OIDs this agent implements. If null or oids.length == 0, this is equivalent to calling addMib(SnmpMibAgent mib, String contextName)
A reference to the SNMP MIB handler.
IllegalArgumentException - If the parameter is null.


public boolean removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib,
                         String contextName)
Removes the specified MIB from the SNMP protocol adaptor. When the underlying implementation does not support MIB scoping, calling this method is equivalent to calling removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib).

Note that MIB scoping is only supported by the SnmpV3AdaptorServer. This class does not support it.

Specified by:
removeMib in interface SnmpMibHandler
mib - The MIB to be removed.
contextName - The context name used at registration time. The SnmpAdaptorServer base class always ignores this parameter.
true if the specified mib was a MIB included in the SNMP MIB handler, false otherwise.


public boolean removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib)
Removes the specified MIB from the SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
removeMib in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
Specified by:
removeMib in interface SnmpMibHandler
mib - The MIB to be removed.
true if the specified mib was a MIB included in the SNMP MIB handler, false otherwise.


public boolean removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib,
                         SnmpOid[] oids)
Removes the specified MIB from the SNMP protocol adaptor.

Specified by:
removeMib in interface SnmpMibHandler
mib - The MIB to be removed.
oids - The oid the MIB was previously registered for. If null or oids.length == 0, this is equivalent to calling removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib)
true if the specified mib was a MIB included in the SNMP MIB handler, false otherwise.


public boolean removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib,
                         String contextName,
                         SnmpOid[] oids)
Removes the specified MIB from the SNMP protocol adaptor. When the underlying implementation does not support MIB scoping, calling this method is equivalent to calling removeMib(SnmpMibAgent mib, SnmpOid[] oids).

Note that MIB scoping is only supported by the SnmpV3AdaptorServer. This class does not support it.

Specified by:
removeMib in interface SnmpMibHandler
mib - The MIB to be removed.
contextName - The context name used at registration time. The SnmpAdaptorServer base class always ignores this parameter.
oids - The oid the MIB was previously registered for.
true if the specified mib was a MIB included in the SNMP MIB handler, false otherwise.


public void setPort(int port)
             throws IllegalStateException
Sets the port number used by this CommunicatorServer.

Specified by:
setPort in interface CommunicatorServerMBean
setPort in class CommunicatorServer
port - The port number used by this CommunicatorServer.
IllegalStateException - This method has been invoked while the communicator was ONLINE or STARTING.


protected void doBind()
               throws CommunicationException,
Creates the datagram socket.

Specified by:
doBind in class CommunicatorServer


protected void doUnbind()
                 throws CommunicationException,
Closes the datagram socket.

Specified by:
doUnbind in class CommunicatorServer


protected void doReceive()
                  throws CommunicationException,
Reads a packet from the datagram socket and creates a request handler which decodes and processes the request.

Specified by:
doReceive in class CommunicatorServer


protected void doError(Exception e)
                throws CommunicationException
Specified by:
doError in class CommunicatorServer


protected void doProcess()
                  throws CommunicationException,
Not used in this context.

Specified by:
doProcess in class CommunicatorServer


public void stop()
Stops this SNMP protocol adaptor. Closes the datagram socket.

Has no effect if this SNMP protocol adaptor is OFFLINE or STOPPING.

Specified by:
stop in interface CommunicatorServerMBean
stop in class CommunicatorServer


public void snmpV1Trap(int generic,
                       int specific,
                       SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
                throws IOException,
Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
The trap is sent to each destination defined in the ACL file (if available). If no ACL file or no destinations are available, the trap is sent to the local host.

Specified by:
snmpV1Trap in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
generic - The generic number of the trap.
specific - The specific number of the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public void snmpV1Trap(InetAddress addr,
                       String cs,
                       int generic,
                       int specific,
                       SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
                throws IOException,
Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
The trap is sent to the specified InetAddress destination using the specified community string (and the ACL file is not used).

Specified by:
snmpV1Trap in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
addr - The InetAddress destination of the trap.
cs - The community string to be used for the trap.
generic - The generic number of the trap.
specific - The specific number of the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public void snmpV1Trap(InetAddress addr,
                       SnmpIpAddress agentAddr,
                       String cs,
                       SnmpOid enterpOid,
                       int generic,
                       int specific,
                       SnmpVarBindList varBindList,
                       SnmpTimeticks time)
                throws IOException,
Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
The trap is sent to the specified InetAddress destination using the specified parameters (and the ACL file is not used). Note that if the specified InetAddress destination is null, then the ACL file mechanism is used.

addr - The InetAddress destination of the trap.
agentAddr - The agent address to be used for the trap.
cs - The community string to be used for the trap.
enterpOid - The enterprise OID to be used for the trap.
generic - The generic number of the trap.
specific - The specific number of the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
time - The time stamp (overwrite the current time).
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public void snmpV1Trap(SnmpPeer peer,
                       SnmpIpAddress agentAddr,
                       SnmpOid enterpOid,
                       int generic,
                       int specific,
                       SnmpVarBindList varBindList,
                       SnmpTimeticks time)
                throws IOException,
Sends a trap using SNMP V1 trap format.
The trap is sent to the specified SnmpPeer destination. The community string used is the one located in the SnmpPeer parameters (SnmpParameters.getRdCommunity() ).

Specified by:
snmpV1Trap in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
peer - The SnmpPeer destination of the trap.
agentAddr - The agent address to be used for the trap.
enterpOid - The enterprise OID to be used for the trap.
generic - The generic number of the trap.
specific - The specific number of the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
time - The time stamp (overwrite the current time).
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public void snmpV2Trap(SnmpPeer peer,
                       SnmpOid trapOid,
                       SnmpVarBindList varBindList,
                       SnmpTimeticks time)
                throws IOException,
Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
The trap is sent to the specified SnmpPeer destination.
The community string used is the one located in the SnmpPeer parameters (SnmpParameters.getRdCommunity() ).
The variable list included in the outgoing trap is composed of the following items:

Specified by:
snmpV2Trap in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
peer - The SnmpPeer destination of the trap.
trapOid - The OID identifying the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
time - The time stamp (overwrite the current time).
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public void snmpV2Trap(SnmpOid trapOid,
                       SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
                throws IOException,
Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
The trap is sent to each destination defined in the ACL file (if available). If no ACL file or no destinations are available, the trap is sent to the local host.
The variable list included in the outgoing trap is composed of the following items:

Specified by:
snmpV2Trap in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
trapOid - The OID identifying the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public void snmpV2Trap(InetAddress addr,
                       String cs,
                       SnmpOid trapOid,
                       SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
                throws IOException,
Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
The trap is sent to the specified InetAddress destination using the specified community string (and the ACL file is not used).
The variable list included in the outgoing trap is composed of the following items:

Specified by:
snmpV2Trap in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
addr - The InetAddress destination of the trap.
cs - The community string to be used for the trap.
trapOid - The OID identifying the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public void snmpV2Trap(InetAddress addr,
                       String cs,
                       SnmpOid trapOid,
                       SnmpVarBindList varBindList,
                       SnmpTimeticks time)
                throws IOException,
Sends a trap using SNMP V2 trap format.
The trap is sent to the specified InetAddress destination using the specified parameters (and the ACL file is not used). Note that if the specified InetAddress destination is null, then the ACL file mechanism is used.
The variable list included in the outgoing trap is composed of the following items:

addr - The InetAddress destination of the trap.
cs - The community string to be used for the trap.
trapOid - The OID identifying the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
time - The time stamp (overwrite the current time).
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public void snmpPduTrap(InetAddress address,
                        SnmpPduPacket pdu)
                 throws IOException,
Send the specified trap PDU to the passed InetAddress.

Specified by:
snmpPduTrap in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
address - The destination address.
pdu - The pdu to send.
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public void snmpPduTrap(SnmpPeer peer,
                        SnmpPduPacket pdu)
                 throws IOException,
Send the specified trap PDU to the passed SnmpPeer.

Specified by:
snmpPduTrap in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
peer - The destination peer. The Read community string is used of SnmpParameters is used as the trap community string.
pdu - The pdu to send.
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the trap.
SnmpStatusException - If the trap exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public Vector snmpInformRequest(SnmpInformHandler cb,
                                SnmpOid trapOid,
                                SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
                         throws IllegalStateException,
Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
The inform request is sent to each destination defined in the ACL file (if available). If no ACL file or no destinations are available, the inform request is sent to the local host.
The variable list included in the outgoing inform is composed of the following items: To send an inform request, the SNMP adaptor server must be active.

Specified by:
snmpInformRequest in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
cb - The callback that is invoked when a request is complete.
trapOid - The OID identifying the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
A vector of SnmpInformRequest objects.

If there is no destination host for this inform request, the returned vector will be empty.

IllegalStateException - This method has been invoked while the SNMP adaptor server was not active.
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the inform request.
SnmpStatusException - If the inform request exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public SnmpInformRequest snmpInformRequest(InetAddress addr,
                                           String cs,
                                           SnmpInformHandler cb,
                                           SnmpOid trapOid,
                                           SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
                                    throws IllegalStateException,
Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
The inform is sent to the specified InetAddress destination using the specified community string.
The variable list included in the outgoing inform is composed of the following items: To send an inform request, the SNMP adaptor server must be active.

Specified by:
snmpInformRequest in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
addr - The InetAddress destination for this inform request.
cs - The community string to be used for the inform request.
cb - The callback that is invoked when a request is complete.
trapOid - The OID identifying the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
The inform request object.
IllegalStateException - This method has been invoked while the SNMP adaptor server was not active.
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the inform request.
SnmpStatusException - If the inform request exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public SnmpInformRequest snmpInformRequest(SnmpPeer peer,
                                           SnmpInformHandler cb,
                                           SnmpOid trapOid,
                                           SnmpVarBindList varBindList)
                                    throws IllegalStateException,
Sends an inform using SNMP V2 inform request format.
The inform is sent to the specified SnmpPeer destination.
The community string used is the one located in the SnmpPeer parameters (SnmpParameters.getInformCommunity() ).
The variable list included in the outgoing inform is composed of the following items: To send an inform request, the SNMP adaptor server must be active.

Specified by:
snmpInformRequest in interface SnmpAdaptorServerMBean
peer - The SnmpPeer destination for this inform request.
cb - The callback that is invoked when a request is complete.
trapOid - The OID identifying the trap.
varBindList - A list of SnmpVarBind instances or null.
The inform request object.
IllegalStateException - This method has been invoked while the SNMP adaptor server was not active.
IOException - An I/O error occurred while sending the inform request.
SnmpStatusException - If the inform request exceeds the limit defined by bufferSize.


public static final int mapErrorStatus(int errorStatus,
                                       int protocolVersion,
                                       int reqPduType)
Method that maps an SNMP error status in the passed protocolVersion according to the provided pdu type.

errorStatus - The error status to convert.
protocolVersion - The protocol version.
reqPduType - The pdu type.


public String getHost()
Description copied from class: CommunicatorServer
Gets the host name used by this CommunicatorServer.

Specified by:
getHost in interface CommunicatorServerMBean
getHost in class CommunicatorServer
The host name used by this CommunicatorServer.


public int getPort()
Description copied from class: CommunicatorServer
Gets the port number used by this CommunicatorServer.

Specified by:
getPort in interface CommunicatorServerMBean
getPort in class CommunicatorServer
The port number used by this CommunicatorServer.


protected void finalize()
Finalizer of the SNMP protocol adaptor objects. This method is called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

Closes the datagram socket associated to this SNMP protocol adaptor.

finalize in class Object


public long getSysUpTime()
Returns the time (in hundredths of second) elapsed since the SNMP protocol adaptor startup.

Open Source build 02
opendmk-1.0-b02 2007.10.01_19:17:46_MEST

Copyright 1998-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.