
Provides the core classes for implementing common SNMP data types and services.


Interface Summary
InetAddressAcl Defines the IP address based ACL used by the SNMP protocol adaptor.
SnmpAckPdu Interface to be implemented by PDUs that are acknowledged (e.g.
SnmpDataTypeEnums Contains SNMP data type constants.
SnmpDefinitions Contains SNMP constants related to command and response codes.
SnmpEngine This engine is conformant with the RFC 2571.
SnmpEngineFactory This SnmpEngineFactory is instantiating an SnmpEngine containing : Message Processing Sub System + V1, V2 et V3 Message Processing Models Security Sub System + User based Security Model (Id 3) Access Control Sub System + Ip ACL + User based Access Control Model.
SnmpOidDatabase Defines the minimal functionality that should be provided by a class containing a set of SnmpOidTable objects containing metadata definitions for MIB variables.
SnmpOidTable Defines the minimum functionality that should be provided by a class containing metadata definitions for variables of a MIB.
SnmpPduBulkType Interface implemented by classes modeling bulk pdu.
SnmpPduFactory Defines the interface of the object in charge of encoding and decoding SNMP packets.
SnmpPduRequestType Interface implemented by classes modeling request pdu.
SnmpSecurityParameters Security parameters are security model dependent.
SnmpUsmKeyHandler This interface allows you to compute key localization and delta generation.
UserAcl Defines the user based ACL used by the SNMP protocol adaptor.

Class Summary
BerDecoder The BerDecoder class is used for decoding BER-encoded data.
BerEncoder The BerEncoder class is used for encoding data using BER.
EnumRowStatus This class is an internal class which is used to represent RowStatus codes as defined in RFC 2579.
JdmkEngineFactory This SnmpEngineFactory instantiates an SnmpEngine containing : Message Processing Sub System + V1, V2 et V3 Message Processing Models Security Sub System + User based Security Model (Id 3) Access Control Sub System + Ip Acl + User based Access Control Model.
SnmpCounter Represents an SNMP counter.
SnmpCounter64 Represents an SNMP 64bits counter.
SnmpEngineId This class is handling an SnmpEngineId data.
SnmpEngineParameters This class is used to pass some specific parameters to an SnmpEngineFactory .
SnmpEventReportDispatcher Implements an SNMP event report dispatcher.
SnmpGauge Represents an SNMP gauge.
SnmpInt Represents an SNMP integer.
SnmpIpAddress Represents an SNMP IpAddress.
SnmpMessage Is a partially decoded representation of an SNMP packet.
SnmpMsg A partially decoded representation of an SNMP packet.
SnmpNull Represents an SNMP null value.
SnmpOid Represents an SNMP Object Identifier (OID).
SnmpOidDatabaseSupport Defines a set of SnmpOidTable objects containing metadata definitions for MIB variables.
SnmpOidRecord Represents an entry of an SnmpOidTable.
SnmpOidTableSupport Contains metadata definitions for MIB variables.
SnmpOpaque Is used to represent an SNMP value.
SnmpPdu Is the fully decoded representation of an SNMP packet.
SnmpPduBulk Represents a get-bulk PDU as defined in RFC 1448.
SnmpPduFactoryBER Default implementation of the SnmpPduFactory interface.
SnmpPduPacket Is the fully decoded representation of an SNMP packet.
SnmpPduRequest Is used to represent get, get-next, set, response and SNMPv2-trap PDUs.
SnmpPduTrap Represents an SNMPv1-trap PDU.
SnmpScopedPduBulk Represents a get-bulk PDU as defined in RFC 1448.
SnmpScopedPduPacket Is the fully decoded representation of an SNMP V3 packet.
SnmpScopedPduRequest Is used to represent get, get-next, set, response SNMP V3 scoped PDUs.
SnmpString Represents an SNMP string.
SnmpStringFixed Represents an SNMP String defined with a fixed length.
SnmpTimeticks Contains an SnmpTimeTick value which has units of 1/100th of a second.
SnmpUnsignedInt Is the base for all SNMP syntaxes based on unsigned integers.
SnmpV3Message Is a partially decoded representation of an SNMP V3 packet.
SnmpValue Is an abstract representation of an SNMP Value.
SnmpVarBind This class holds information for a MIB variable contained in an SnmpVarBindList.
SnmpVarBindList Contains a list of SnmpVarBind objects.
Timestamp This class is used by the SnmpVarBindList object.

Exception Summary
BerException Exception thrown when a BER encoding/decoding error occurs.
SnmpBadSecurityLevelException This exception is thrown when an incorrect security level is handled.
SnmpSecurityException This exception is thrown when an error occurs in an SnmpSecurityModel .
SnmpStatusException Reports an error which occurred during a get/set operation on a mib node.
SnmpTooBigException Is used internally to signal that the size of a PDU exceeds the packet size limitation.
SnmpUnknownAccContrModelException This exception is thrown when an SnmpAccessControlSubSystem doesn't know the passed ID.
SnmpUnknownModelException This exception is thrown when a needed model is not present in the engine.
SnmpUnknownModelLcdException This exception is thrown when an SnmpLcd has no ModelLcd associated to the model.
SnmpUnknownMsgProcModelException This exception is thrown when an SnmpMsgProcessingSubSystem doesn't know the passed ID.
SnmpUnknownSecModelException This exception is thrown when an SnmpSecuritySubSystem doesn't know the passed ID.
SnmpUnknownSubSystemException This exception is thrown when the handled SnmpSubSystem is unknown.

Package Description

Provides the core classes for implementing common SNMP data types and services.

Open Source build 02
opendmk-1.0-b02 2007.10.01_19:17:46_MEST

Copyright 1998-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.