JMSLTM Numerical Library 4.0

Interface BoundedLeastSquares.Jacobian

Enclosing interface:

public static interface BoundedLeastSquares.Jacobian

Public interface for the user-supplied function to compute the Jacobian.

Method Summary
 void compute(double[] x, double[] fjac)
          Public interface for the user-supplied function to compute the Jacobian.

Method Detail


public void compute(double[] x,
                    double[] fjac)
Public interface for the user-supplied function to compute the Jacobian.

x - a double array, the point at which the Jacobian is to evaluated. x.length = nVariables
fjac - a double array, the computed Jacobian at the point x. point x. fjac.length = mFunctions x nVariables

JMSLTM Numerical Library 4.0

Copyright 1970-2006 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built June 1 2006.