JMSLTM Numerical Library 4.0

Interface MinConNonlin.Gradient

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface MinConNonlin.Gradient
extends MinConNonlin.Function

Public interface for the user supplied function to MinConNonlin object.

Method Summary
 void gradient(int mTotalConstraints, int mEqualityConstraints, double[] x, boolean[] active, double f, double[] g, double[] df, double[][] dg)
          Computes the value of the gradient of the function at the given point.
Methods inherited from interface com.imsl.math.MinConNonlin.Function

Method Detail


public void gradient(int mTotalConstraints,
                     int mEqualityConstraints,
                     double[] x,
                     boolean[] active,
                     double f,
                     double[] g,
                     double[] df,
                     double[][] dg)
Computes the value of the gradient of the function at the given point.

mTotalConstraints - an input int value specifying the total number of constraints.
mEqualityConstraints - an input int value specyfying the number of equality constraints
x - an input double array, the point at which the function is to be evaluated
active - an input boolean array, specifying the active constraints
f - an input double, the value of the function at x
g - an input double array containing the values of the constraints at point x.
df - an output doublearray containing the values of the gradient of the objective function at x
dg - an output MMAX by N double array containing the values of the gradients for the active constraints. MMAX is the maximum of 1 and mTotalConstraints. N is the number of variables.

JMSLTM Numerical Library 4.0

Copyright 1970-2006 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built June 1 2006.