
See Supported Platforms for the list of the supported platforms.

The JMSL Numerical Library has a Java-based install. It requires that J2SE 1.4 or later be already installed.

Installation can be done in either command line mode or in GUI mode. If Java is installed and autorun is active, then GUI mode installation should start automatically. If not, then cd to the root directory of the installation CD and run

java -jar setup.jar

or, for command line mode,

java -jar setup.jar -cli

In both cases you will be prompted for input. The following items are required:

In the installation directory

The look of charts depends on the fonts used. The fonts used by Java are installation dependent. Most JVM have a file that determines the fonts used. See here for more details.

Test the Installation

Setup the classpath. There are a number of options for setting up the classpath. See Sun's site or below for details. The command
java  -Dcom.imsl.license.path=license  -jar install/jmsl4.0/lib/jmsl.jar
where install is the directory in which JMSL has been installed, will print version information, assuming that java is in the execution path and license points to the license file. The license path argument can be omitted if the license.dat file is in the current directory or if a license server is running on the local machine.


JMSL is a pure class library that has no special installation requirements beyond those of any JAR file. The requirement is that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) be able to find jmsl.jar. A few JMSL classes require additional JAR files. This section summarizes the most important ways in which a JVM can find JAR files.

The CLASSPATH is a list of directories (containing class files) and JAR file names. The entries in the CLASSPATH are separated by semicolons (";") on Windows and by colons (":") on most other systems. Note that it is not enough to include the directory containing the JAR files in the CLASSPATH; each JAR file must be explicitly listed in the CLASSPATH.

The preferred method of setting the CLASSPATH is as an argument to the java program with the -cp or -classpath option . The command line classpath overrides the environment classpath. See the java documentation for Windows, Solaris or Linux for more details.

The classpath can also be set as an environment variable.

Java Extension

JAR files can be installed within a JDK or JRE as a Java Extension and are loaded without being specified in the CLASSPATH. To make JMSL an installed extension, copy jmsl.jar into the lib/ext directory of the Java Runtime Environment.

Sometimes Java is installed several times on the same machine. Be careful that the extension is copied into the JRE that is being used.

Web Server

In most web servers that support servlets, JAR files can be located in a web applications WEB-INF/lib directory. There is usually no need to adjust the web server's classpath to find this directory.

Custom ClassLoader

A Java application can define its own ClassLoader. This allows the application to use its own mechanism to locate and load classes.