Installation   License Manager  

Using a DEMO License

A DEMO license allows the use of the JMSL Numerical Library for a limited period of time. It does not require a license manager daemon.

1. Create the License File

Cut and paste the contents of the e-mail from the Visual Numerics License Administrator to the file

install/license/license.dat (Unix)


install\license\license.dat (Windows)

where install is the directory in which the JMSL Numerical Library has been installed.

The DEMO license file looks similar to:

FEATURE JMSL VNI 4.0 30-apr-2006 uncounted 123456789ABC HOSTID=DEMO

2. Run the licensed client

JMSL Numerical Library applications need to be able to find the license file. This is done by setting a system property as an argument to the Java program, as follows:

java  -Dcom.imsl.license.path= install/license/license.dat  MyMainClass (Unix)


java  -Dcom.imsl.license.path= install\license\license.dat  MyMainClass (Windows)

where install is the directory in which the JMSL Numerical Library has been installed.

If the com.imsl.license.path system property is not specified then the client first looks for a license file called license.dat in its current directory and then tries to contact a license server running on the local machine. If no license can be found, the application throws an exception and terminates.
