A DEMO license allows the use of the JMSL Numerical Library for a limited period of time. It does not require a license manager daemon.
Cut and paste the contents of the e-mail from the Visual Numerics License Administrator to the file
The DEMO license file looks similar to:
FEATURE JMSL VNI 4.0 30-apr-2006 uncounted 123456789ABC HOSTID=DEMO
JMSL Numerical Library applications need to be able to find the license file. This is done by setting a system property as an argument to the Java program, as follows:
java -Dcom.imsl.license.path=
install/license/license.dat MyMainClass
java -Dcom.imsl.license.path=
install\license\license.dat MyMainClass
If the Backcom.imsl.license.path
system property is not specified then
the client first looks for a license file called license.dat
in its
current directory and then tries to contact a license server running on the local machine.
If no license can be found, the application throws an exception and terminates.