Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.6

JavaTM Web Services Developer Pack 1.6 Release Notes


Supported Platforms
What's New in Java WSDP 1.6?
Redistributable Components
Nonredistributable Components
Environment Variables
Using Ant That Comes with Java WSDP on Linux
Uninstalling Java WSDP 1.6
Known Issues

The JavaTM Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP) is an all-in-one download containing key technologies to simplify building of web services using the Java 2 Platform. For release notes for these technologies see:

Updated, online versions of the release notes are available here.

Supported Platforms

This release of the Java WSDP has been tested in various configurations with J2SE 1.4.2 and J2SE 5.0 on the following platforms:

What's New in Java WSDP 1.6?

Redistributable Components

Redistribution of the entire Java WSDP is subject to this license.

The following Java WSDP components are individually redistributable. Redistribution of a component entails the redistribution of all files comprising the component and any dependent components.

Redistributable Component Files
JAXP jaxp-api.jar, dom.jar, sax.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar
JAXB [1] JAXB JAR files (jaxb-api.jar, jaxb-impl.jar, jaxb-libs.jar, jaxb-xjc.jar), JAXP 1.1 or higher JAR files (jaxp-api.jar, sax.jar, dom.jar, xalan.jar), JWSDP Shared JAR files (jax-qname.jar, namespace.jar, xsdlib.jar, relaxngDataype.jar)
JAX-RPC jaxrpc-api.jar, jaxrpc-impl.jar, jaxrpc-spi.jar, relaxngDatatype.jar, xsdlib.jar, JAXP, SAAJ, jcert.jar, jnet.jar, jsse.jar, FastInfoset.jar, jsr173_api.jar
SAAJ saaj-api.jar, saaj-impl.jar, jaxp-api.jar, dom.jar, sax.jar, xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, activation.jar, mail.jar, servlet.jar, FastInfoset.jar, jsr173_api.jar
JAXR jaxr-api.jar, jaxr-impl.jar, jaxb-api.jar, jaxb-impl.jar, jaxb-libs.jar, saaj-api.jar, saaj-impl.jar, jaxp-api.jar, dom.jar, sax.jar, xercesImpl.jar, activation.jar, jaas.jar, mail.jar, namespace.jar, relaxngDatatype.jar, xsdlib.jar
Sun Java Streaming XML Parser sjsxp.jar, jsr173_api.jar
XML Digital Signature[2] xmldsig.jar, xmlsec.jar
Fast Infoset FastInfoset.jar, dom.jar, sax.jar, jsr173_api.jar
[1]  If the application will not be doing any compilation at runtime, the jaxb-xjc.jar file does not need to be redistributed with the application.
[2]  If the application is to be used with J2SE 1.4.2, the dom.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xalan.jar, sax.jar, and jaxp-api.jar files need to be redistributed with the application.

Click here to check for any changes.

Nonredistributable Components

The following Java WSDP components are not redistributable. These components can be used for designing, developing, and testing purposes only.

Nonredistributable Component Files
Service Registry all
Java XML & Web Services Security all
JSTL all
WS-I Sample Application all

Click here to check for any changes.

Using JAXP 1.3.1 in Java WSDP 1.6 with J2SE SDK 1.4

In J2SE SDK 1.4, JAXP 1.2 is included in the rt.jar file. Unless the "java.endorsed.dirs" mechanism is used to override the JAXP APIs in the rt.jar file with the jaxp-api.jar file from Java WSDP 1.6, the JAXP 1.2 APIs from J2SE SDK 1.4 will be used. These APIs are incompatible with the JAXP 1.3 implementation classes and, if they are used in this situation, an exception will be thrown.

The "java.endorsed.dirs" property must be set to include both the JAXP_HOME/lib directory, which contains the jaxp-api.jar file and the JAXP_HOME/lib/endorsed directory, which contains the implementation JAR files. Although only the JAXP API JAR file is really needed with J2SE SDK 1.4, the same "java.endorsed.dirs" property setting can be used for both J2SE 5.0, where you do need to override the JAXP 1.3 implementation classes, and J2SE SDK 1.4.

Using JAXP 1.3.1 in Java WSDP 1.6 with J2SE 5.0

If you are using Java WSDP 1.6 with J2SE 5.0, you should be using the JAXP 1.3.1 JAR files from JWSDP 1.6, not the JAXP 1.3 JAR files from J2SE 5.0. Since the JAXP classes have been renamed to "com.sun..." in both JDK 5 and Java WSDP 1.6, we need to override the built-in classes. The APIs are the same (both are version 1.3) but version 1.3.1 implementation classes that ship with Java WSDP 1.6 include some bug fixes that are not included in the version 1.3 implementation classes that ship with J2SE 5.0.

Using Ant That Comes with Java WSDP on Linux

On Linux systems, even if you set your ANT_HOME and PATH environment variables to point to the version of Ant that is installed with the Java WSDP 1.6, when you run the Java WSDP's Ant scripts, your system will look in the /etc/ant.conf configuration file and execute the version of Ant that is configured there. In this case, the default entry is /usr/share/ant. If you want to use the version of ANT that is shipped with Java WSDP, comment out the line that configures Ant in the /etc/ant.conf configuration file and your ANT_HOME and PATH environment variable settings will be used.

Service Registry is Unavailable on Sun Java System Web Server 6.1

The Service Registry software is not supported on Sun Java System Web Server 6.1. If you want to try out the Service Registry software, please use one of the other containers (Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 or Tomcat for Java WSDP).

Fast Infoset Is Turned Off By Default

Fast Infoset is turned off (content negotiation is set to none) by default in Java WSDP 1.6. See the Fast Infoset User's Manual for information about turning on content negotiation.

Environment Variables

The JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to point to the version of the J2SE SDK you specify during installation. If you change your J2SE SDK installation, you will need to edit your <JWSDP_HOME>\jwsdp-shared\bin\setenv.bat batch file or <JWSDP_HOME>/jwsdp-shared/bin/ and reset the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

All other custom system properties can be set in the file <JWSDP_HOME>/conf/ as follows:


You can override any of the properties in your file <JWSDP_HOME>/conf/ by using the -D... argument to any of the start scripts. For example,

Unix: -Dhttp.proxyHost=webcache -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080

Microsoft Windows: catalina -Dhttp.proxyHost=webcache -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080

Console Installation on J2SE 5.0.

If you are running a console installation with J2SE 5.0, the installation will exit if the DISPLAY variable hasn't been set. Make sure that you set the DISPLAY variable before you start the console installation.

Uninstalling Java WSDP 1.6

At some point, you may need to uninstall Java WSDP 1.6:

If you ran one of the integration scripts after you installed the Java WSDP, you must rerun the script using the revert.<container>.changes target before you uninstall the Java WSDP.

Known Issues

Click here to display an up-to-date list of known problems with this release of the Java Web Services Developer Pack.


Please send feedback on the Java Web Services Developer Pack to

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