Uses of Class

Packages that use SnmpUsmException Provides the classes for implementing the SNMP User-based Security Model for SNMPv3. 

Uses of SnmpUsmException in

Subclasses of SnmpUsmException in
 class SnmpUsmAuthAlgorithmException
          Thrown when an error occurs concerning the authentication algorithms.
 class SnmpUsmAuthException
          Thrown when an authentication error occurs.
 class SnmpUsmEngineIdException
          Thrown when an error occurs concerning the user name.
 class SnmpUsmPrivAlgorithmException
          Thrown when an error occurs concerning the privacy algorithms.
 class SnmpUsmPrivException
          Thrown when an error occurs concerning privacy.
 class SnmpUsmUserNameException
          Thrown when an error occurs concerning the user name.

Methods in that throw SnmpUsmException
 void SnmpUsmPasswordLcd.addUser(SnmpEngineId engineId, String userName, String securityName, String authProtocol, String authPassword, String privProtocol, String privPassword, int storage, boolean template)
          See SnmpUsmLcd interface doc for details.
 void SnmpUsmLcd.addUser(SnmpEngineId engineId, String userName, String securityName, String authProtocol, String authPassword, String privProtocol, String privKey, int storage, boolean template)
          Adds a user to the Usm Lcd.
 void SnmpUsmLcd.addUser(SnmpUsmSecureUser user, boolean notifyMIB)
          Adds a user to the Usm Lcd.
 byte[] SnmpUsmDesAlgorithm.decrypt(byte[] key, pair)
          Decrypts the passed encrypted data using the provided IV parameter.
 byte[] SnmpUsmPrivAlgorithm.decrypt(byte[] key, pair)
          Decrypt some data using a key. SnmpUsmDesAlgorithm.encrypt(byte[] key, byte[] data, int dataLength)
          Encrypts the passed data with the provided key. SnmpUsmPrivAlgorithm.encrypt(byte[] key, byte[] data, int length)
          Encrypt some data using a key.

Constructors in that throw SnmpUsmException
SnmpUsmDesAlgorithm(SnmpEngine engine)
SnmpUsmDesAlgorithm(SnmpEngine engine, String properties_encrypt, String properties_decrypt)

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