Uses of Interface

Packages that use SnmpUsmSecureUser Provides the classes for implementing the SNMP User-based Security Model for SNMPv3. Provides the classes which implement the SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB

Uses of SnmpUsmSecureUser in

Methods in that return SnmpUsmSecureUser
 SnmpUsmSecureUser SnmpUsmPasswordLcd.createNewUser(byte[] engineId, String name)
          See SnmpUsmLcd interface doc for details.
 SnmpUsmSecureUser SnmpUsmLcd.createNewUser(byte[] engineId, String userName)
          Asks the Usm Lcd to create a new user in the storage space.
 SnmpUsmSecureUser SnmpUsmPasswordLcd.getUser(SnmpEngineId engineId, String userName)
          Gets the SnmpUsmSecureUser for the passed user name and authoritative engine Id.
 SnmpUsmSecureUser SnmpUsmLcd.getUser(SnmpEngineId engineId, String userName)
          Gets the SnmpUsmSecureUser for the passed user name and authoritative engine Id.

Methods in with parameters of type SnmpUsmSecureUser
 void SnmpUsmPasswordLcd.addUser(SnmpUsmSecureUser user, boolean notifyMIB)
          See SnmpUsmLcd interface doc for details.
 void SnmpUsmLcd.addUser(SnmpUsmSecureUser user, boolean notifyMIB)
          Adds a user to the Usm Lcd.
 void SnmpUsmPasswordLcd.setUserAuthKeyChange(SnmpUsmSecureUser u, byte[] keyChange)
          See SnmpUsmLcd interface doc for details.
 void SnmpUsmLcd.setUserAuthKeyChange(SnmpUsmSecureUser user, byte[] keyChange)
          Asks the Lcd to set the key change parameters to the passed user.
 void SnmpUsmPasswordLcd.setUserPrivKeyChange(SnmpUsmSecureUser u, byte[] keyChange)
          See SnmpUsmLcd interface doc for details.
 void SnmpUsmLcd.setUserPrivKeyChange(SnmpUsmSecureUser user, byte[] keyChange)
          Asks the Lcd to set the key change parameters to the passed user.
 void SnmpUsmMibTable.userAdded(SnmpUsmSecureUser user)
          Called when a user is added to the Usm Lcd.
 void SnmpUsmMibTable.userRemoved(SnmpUsmSecureUser user)
          Called when a user is removed from the Usm Lcd.
 void SnmpUsmMibTable.userUpdated(SnmpUsmSecureUser user)
          Called when a user is updated in the Usm Lcd.

Uses of SnmpUsmSecureUser in

Methods in with parameters of type SnmpUsmSecureUser
protected  UsmUserEntryImpl TableUsmUserTableImpl.createUsmUserEntry(SnmpEngine engine, SnmpMib mib, SnmpUsmLcd lcd, SnmpUsmSecureUser user, SnmpMibTable tableMeta)
          Overload this method in order to instantiate your own UsmUserEntry.
 void TableUsmUserTableImpl.userAdded(SnmpUsmSecureUser user)
          See SnmpUsmMibTable interface for documentation.
 void TableUsmUserTableImpl.userRemoved(SnmpUsmSecureUser user)
          See SnmpUsmMibTable interface for documentation.
 void TableUsmUserTableImpl.userUpdated(SnmpUsmSecureUser user)
          See SnmpUsmMibTable interface for documentation.

Constructors in with parameters of type SnmpUsmSecureUser
UsmUserEntryImpl(SnmpEngine engine, SnmpMib mib, SnmpUsmLcd lcd, SnmpUsmSecureUser user, TableUsmUserTableImpl table)

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