Annotation Type HandlesTypes

public @interface HandlesTypes

This annotation is used to declare the class types that a ServletContainerInitializer can handle.

Servlet 3.0
See Also:

Required Element Summary
 java.lang.Class[] value
          The classes in which a ServletContainerInitializer has expressed interest.

Element Detail


public abstract java.lang.Class[] value
The classes in which a ServletContainerInitializer has expressed interest.

If an implementation of ServletContainerInitializer specifies this annotation, the Servlet container must pass the Set of application classes that extend, implement, or have been annotated with the class types listed by this annotation to the ServletContainerInitializer.onStartup(java.util.Set>, javax.servlet.ServletContext) method of the ServletContainerInitializer (if no matching classes are found, null must be passed instead)

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