Uses of Package

Packages that use javax.servlet.annotation
javax.servlet The javax.servlet package contains a number of classes and interfaces that describe and define the contracts between a servlet class and the runtime environment provided for an instance of such a class by a conforming servlet container. 
javax.servlet.annotation The javax.servlet.annotation package contains a number of annotations that allow users to use annotations to declare servlets, filters, listeners and specify the metadata for the declared component. 

Classes in javax.servlet.annotation used by javax.servlet
          Annotation that may be specified on a Servlet class, indicating that instances of the Servlet expect requests that conform to the multipart/form-data MIME type.
          This annotation is used on a Servlet implementation class to specify security constraints to be enforced by a Servlet container on HTTP protocol messages.
          Defines the access semantic to be applied to an empty rolesAllowed array.
          Defines the data protection requirements that must be satisfied by the transport

Classes in javax.servlet.annotation used by javax.servlet.annotation
          Defines the access semantic to be applied to an empty rolesAllowed array.
          Defines the data protection requirements that must be satisfied by the transport

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