Uses of Interface

Packages that use AsyncContext
javax.servlet The javax.servlet package contains a number of classes and interfaces that describe and define the contracts between a servlet class and the runtime environment provided for an instance of such a class by a conforming servlet container. 

Uses of AsyncContext in javax.servlet

Methods in javax.servlet that return AsyncContext
 AsyncContext ServletRequestWrapper.getAsyncContext()
          Gets the AsyncContext that was created or reinitialized by the most recent invocation of ServletRequestWrapper.startAsync() or ServletRequestWrapper.startAsync(ServletRequest,ServletResponse) on the wrapped request.
 AsyncContext AsyncEvent.getAsyncContext()
          Gets the AsyncContext from this AsyncEvent.
 AsyncContext ServletRequest.getAsyncContext()
          Gets the AsyncContext that was created or reinitialized by the most recent invocation of ServletRequest.startAsync() or ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest,ServletResponse) on this request.
 AsyncContext ServletRequestWrapper.startAsync()
          The default behavior of this method is to invoke ServletRequest.startAsync() on the wrapped request object.
 AsyncContext ServletRequest.startAsync()
          Puts this request into asynchronous mode, and initializes its AsyncContext with the original (unwrapped) ServletRequest and ServletResponse objects.
 AsyncContext ServletRequestWrapper.startAsync(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse)
          The default behavior of this method is to invoke ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) on the wrapped request object.
 AsyncContext ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse)
          Puts this request into asynchronous mode, and initializes its AsyncContext with the given request and response objects.

Constructors in javax.servlet with parameters of type AsyncContext
AsyncEvent(AsyncContext context)
          Constructs an AsyncEvent from the given AsyncContext.
AsyncEvent(AsyncContext context, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
          Constructs an AsyncEvent from the given AsyncContext, ServletRequest, and ServletResponse.
AsyncEvent(AsyncContext context, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Constructs an AsyncEvent from the given AsyncContext, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, and Throwable.
AsyncEvent(AsyncContext context, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Constructs an AsyncEvent from the given AsyncContext and Throwable.

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