Uses of Interface

Packages that use Filter
javax.servlet The javax.servlet package contains a number of classes and interfaces that describe and define the contracts between a servlet class and the runtime environment provided for an instance of such a class by a conforming servlet container. 

Uses of Filter in javax.servlet

Methods in javax.servlet with type parameters of type Filter
<T extends Filter>
ServletContext.createFilter(java.lang.Class<T> clazz)
          Instantiates the given Filter class.

Methods in javax.servlet with parameters of type Filter
 FilterRegistration.Dynamic ServletContext.addFilter(java.lang.String filterName, Filter filter)
          Registers the given filter instance with this ServletContext under the given filterName.

Method parameters in javax.servlet with type arguments of type Filter
 FilterRegistration.Dynamic ServletContext.addFilter(java.lang.String filterName, java.lang.Class<? extends Filter> filterClass)
          Adds the filter with the given name and class type to this servlet context.

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