Interface TaglibDescriptor

public interface TaglibDescriptor

This interface provides access to the <taglib> related configuration of a web application.

The configuration is aggregated from the web.xml and web-fragment.xml descriptor files of the web application.

Servlet 3.0

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getTaglibLocation()
          Gets the location of the tag library represented by this TaglibDescriptor.
 java.lang.String getTaglibURI()
          Gets the unique identifier of the tag library represented by this TaglibDescriptor.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getTaglibURI()
Gets the unique identifier of the tag library represented by this TaglibDescriptor.

the unique identifier of the tag library represented by this TaglibDescriptor


java.lang.String getTaglibLocation()
Gets the location of the tag library represented by this TaglibDescriptor.

the location of the tag library represented by this TaglibDescriptor

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