Version 1.4.3

Class LogFactory

  extended by org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class LogFactory
extends Object

Factory for creating Log instances, which always delegates to an instance of SLF4JLogFactory.

Craig R. McClanahan, Costin Manolache, Richard A. Sitze, Ceki Gülcü

Field Summary
          The fully qualified class name of the fallback LogFactory implementation class to use, if no other can be found.
          The name of the properties file to search for.
          The name of the property used to identify the LogFactory implementation class name.
Constructor Summary
protected LogFactory()
          Protected constructor that is not available for public use.
Method Summary
abstract  Object getAttribute(String name)
          Return the configuration attribute with the specified name (if any), or null if there is no such attribute.
abstract  String[] getAttributeNames()
          Return an array containing the names of all currently defined configuration attributes.
static LogFactory getFactory()
           Construct (if necessary) and return a LogFactory instance, using the following ordered lookup procedure to determine the name of the implementation class to be loaded.
abstract  Log getInstance(Class clazz)
          Convenience method to derive a name from the specified class and call getInstance(String) with it.
abstract  Log getInstance(String name)
           Construct (if necessary) and return a Log instance, using the factory's current set of configuration attributes.
static Log getLog(Class clazz)
          Convenience method to return a named logger, without the application having to care about factories.
static Log getLog(String name)
          Convenience method to return a named logger, without the application having to care about factories.
abstract  void release()
          Release any internal references to previously created Loginstances returned by this factory.
static void release(ClassLoader classLoader)
          Release any internal references to previously created LogFactory instances that have been associated with the specified class loader (if any), after calling the instance method release() on each of them.
static void releaseAll()
          Release any internal references to previously created LogFactory instances, after calling the instance method release() on each of them.
abstract  void removeAttribute(String name)
          Remove any configuration attribute associated with the specified name.
abstract  void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
          Set the configuration attribute with the specified name.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String FACTORY_PROPERTY
The name of the property used to identify the LogFactory implementation class name.

This property is not used but preserved here for compatibility.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FACTORY_DEFAULT
The fully qualified class name of the fallback LogFactory implementation class to use, if no other can be found.

This property is not used but preserved here for compatibility.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FACTORY_PROPERTIES
The name of the properties file to search for.

This property is not used but preserved here for compatibility.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected LogFactory()
Protected constructor that is not available for public use.

Method Detail


public abstract Object getAttribute(String name)
Return the configuration attribute with the specified name (if any), or null if there is no such attribute.

name - Name of the attribute to return


public abstract String[] getAttributeNames()
Return an array containing the names of all currently defined configuration attributes. If there are no such attributes, a zero length array is returned.


public abstract Log getInstance(Class clazz)
                         throws LogConfigurationException
Convenience method to derive a name from the specified class and call getInstance(String) with it.

clazz - Class for which a suitable Log name will be derived
LogConfigurationException - if a suitable Log instance cannot be returned


public abstract Log getInstance(String name)
                         throws LogConfigurationException

Construct (if necessary) and return a Log instance, using the factory's current set of configuration attributes.

NOTE - Depending upon the implementation of the LogFactory you are using, the Log instance you are returned may or may not be local to the current application, and may or may not be returned again on a subsequent call with the same name argument.

name - Logical name of the Log instance to be returned (the meaning of this name is only known to the underlying logging implementation that is being wrapped)
LogConfigurationException - if a suitable Log instance cannot be returned


public abstract void release()
Release any internal references to previously created Loginstances returned by this factory. This is useful in environments like servlet containers, which implement application reloading by throwing away a ClassLoader. Dangling references to objects in that class loader would prevent garbage collection.


public abstract void removeAttribute(String name)
Remove any configuration attribute associated with the specified name. If there is no such attribute, no action is taken.

name - Name of the attribute to remove


public abstract void setAttribute(String name,
                                  Object value)
Set the configuration attribute with the specified name. Calling this with a null value is equivalent to calling removeAttribute(name).

name - Name of the attribute to set
value - Value of the attribute to set, or null to remove any setting for this attribute


public static LogFactory getFactory()
                             throws LogConfigurationException

Construct (if necessary) and return a LogFactory instance, using the following ordered lookup procedure to determine the name of the implementation class to be loaded.

NOTE- If the properties file method of identifying the LogFactory implementation class is utilized, all of the properties defined in this file will be set as configuration attributes on the corresponding LogFactory instance.

LogConfigurationException - if the implementation class is not available or cannot be instantiated.


public static Log getLog(Class clazz)
                  throws LogConfigurationException
Convenience method to return a named logger, without the application having to care about factories.

clazz - Class from which a log name will be derived
LogConfigurationException - if a suitable Log instance cannot be returned


public static Log getLog(String name)
                  throws LogConfigurationException
Convenience method to return a named logger, without the application having to care about factories.

name - Logical name of the Log instance to be returned (the meaning of this name is only known to the underlying logging implementation that is being wrapped)
LogConfigurationException - if a suitable Log instance cannot be returned


public static void release(ClassLoader classLoader)
Release any internal references to previously created LogFactory instances that have been associated with the specified class loader (if any), after calling the instance method release() on each of them.

classLoader - ClassLoader for which to release the LogFactory


public static void releaseAll()
Release any internal references to previously created LogFactory instances, after calling the instance method release() on each of them. This is useful in environments like servlet containers, which implement application reloading by throwing away a ClassLoader. Dangling references to objects in that class loader would prevent garbage collection.

Version 1.4.3

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