Version 1.4.3

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILoggerFactory
org.slf4j Core logging interfaces. 
org.slf4j.impl Implementations of core logging interfaces defined in the org.slf4j package. 
org.slf4j.spi Classes and interfaces which are internal to SLF4J. 

Uses of ILoggerFactory in org.slf4j

Methods in org.slf4j that return ILoggerFactory
static ILoggerFactory LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory()
          Return the ILoggerFactory instance in use.

Uses of ILoggerFactory in org.slf4j.impl

Classes in org.slf4j.impl that implement ILoggerFactory
 class JCLLoggerFactory
          JCLLoggerFactory is an implementation of ILoggerFactory returning the appropriately named JCLLoggerAdapter instance.
 class JDK14LoggerFactory
          JDK14LoggerFactory is an implementation of ILoggerFactory returning the appropriately named JDK14LoggerAdapter instance.
 class Log4jLoggerFactory
          Log4jLoggerFactory is an implementation of ILoggerFactory returning the appropriate named Log4jLoggerAdapter instance.
 class NOPLoggerFactory
          NOPLoggerFactory is an trivial implementation of ILoggerFactory which always returns the unique instance of NOPLogger.
 class SimpleLoggerFactory
          An implementation of ILoggerFactory which always returns SimpleLogger instances.

Methods in org.slf4j.impl that return ILoggerFactory
 ILoggerFactory StaticLoggerBinder.getLoggerFactory()

Uses of ILoggerFactory in org.slf4j.spi

Methods in org.slf4j.spi that return ILoggerFactory
 ILoggerFactory LoggerFactoryBinder.getLoggerFactory()
          Return the instance of ILoggerFactory that LoggerFactory class should bind to.

Version 1.4.3

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