Class InternalContextAdapterImpl

  extended by org.apache.velocity.context.InternalContextAdapterImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Context, InternalContextAdapter, InternalEventContext, InternalWrapperContext

public final class InternalContextAdapterImpl
extends Object
implements InternalContextAdapter

This adapter class is the container for all context types for internal use. The AST now uses this class rather than the app-level Context interface to allow flexibility in the future. Currently, we have two context interfaces which must be supported :

This class implements the two interfaces to ensure that all methods are supported. When adding to the interfaces, or adding more context functionality, the interface is the primary definition, so alter that first and then all classes as necessary. As of this writing, this would be the only class affected by changes to InternalContext This class ensures that an InternalContextBase is available for internal use. If an application constructs their own Context-implementing object w/o subclassing AbstractContext, it may be that support for InternalContext is not available. Therefore, InternalContextAdapter will create an InternalContextBase if necessary for this support. Note that if this is necessary, internal information such as node-cache data will be lost from use to use of the context. This may or may not be important, depending upon application.

$Id: 151591 2005-02-06 15:42:19Z wglass $
Geir Magnusson Jr.

Constructor Summary
InternalContextAdapterImpl(Context c)
          CTOR takes a Context and wraps it, delegating all 'data' calls to it.
Method Summary
 EventCartridge attachEventCartridge(EventCartridge ec)
 boolean containsKey(Object key)
          Indicates whether the specified key is in the context.
 Object get(String key)
          Gets the value corresponding to the provided key from the context.
 boolean getAllowRendering()
          Checks to see if rendering should be allowed.
 InternalContextAdapter getBaseContext()
          Returns the base context that we are wrapping.
 Resource getCurrentResource()
          temporary fix to enable #include() to figure out current encoding.
 String getCurrentTemplateName()
          get the current template name
 EventCartridge getEventCartridge()
 Context getInternalUserContext()
          returns the user data context that we are wrapping
 Object[] getKeys()
          Get all the keys for the values in the context
 Object[] getTemplateNameStack()
          Returns the template name stack in form of an array.
 IntrospectionCacheData icacheGet(Object key)
          returns an IntrospectionCache Data (@see IntrospectionCacheData) object if exists for the key
 void icachePut(Object key, IntrospectionCacheData o)
          places an IntrospectionCache Data (@see IntrospectionCacheData) element in the cache for specified key
 void popCurrentTemplateName()
          remove the current template name from stack
 void pushCurrentTemplateName(String s)
          set the current template name on top of stack
 Object put(String key, Object value)
          Adds a name/value pair to the context.
 Object remove(Object key)
          Removes the value associated with the specified key from the context.
 void setAllowRendering(boolean v)
          Set whether rendering is allowed.
 void setCurrentResource(Resource r)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InternalContextAdapterImpl(Context c)
CTOR takes a Context and wraps it, delegating all 'data' calls to it. For support of internal contexts, it will create an InternalContextBase if need be.

Method Detail


public void pushCurrentTemplateName(String s)
set the current template name on top of stack

s - current template name


public void popCurrentTemplateName()
remove the current template name from stack


public String getCurrentTemplateName()
get the current template name

String current template name


public Object[] getTemplateNameStack()
Returns the template name stack in form of an array.

Object[] with the template name stack contents.


public IntrospectionCacheData icacheGet(Object key)
returns an IntrospectionCache Data (@see IntrospectionCacheData) object if exists for the key

key - key to find in cache
cache object


public void icachePut(Object key,
                      IntrospectionCacheData o)
places an IntrospectionCache Data (@see IntrospectionCacheData) element in the cache for specified key

key - key
o - IntrospectionCacheData object to place in cache


public void setCurrentResource(Resource r)


public Resource getCurrentResource()
temporary fix to enable #include() to figure out current encoding.


public boolean getAllowRendering()
Checks to see if rendering should be allowed. Defaults to true but will return false after a #stop directive.

true if rendering is allowed, false if no rendering should occur


public void setAllowRendering(boolean v)
Set whether rendering is allowed. Defaults to true but is set to false after a #stop directive.


public Object put(String key,
                  Object value)
Description copied from interface: Context
Adds a name/value pair to the context.

Specified by:
put in interface Context
key - The name to key the provided value with.
value - The corresponding value.


public Object get(String key)
Description copied from interface: Context
Gets the value corresponding to the provided key from the context.

Specified by:
get in interface Context
key - The name of the desired value.
The value corresponding to the provided key.


public boolean containsKey(Object key)
Description copied from interface: Context
Indicates whether the specified key is in the context.

Specified by:
containsKey in interface Context
key - The key to look for.
Whether the key is in the context.


public Object[] getKeys()
Description copied from interface: Context
Get all the keys for the values in the context

Specified by:
getKeys in interface Context


public Object remove(Object key)
Description copied from interface: Context
Removes the value associated with the specified key from the context.

Specified by:
remove in interface Context
key - The name of the value to remove.
The value that the key was mapped to, or null if unmapped.


public Context getInternalUserContext()
returns the user data context that we are wrapping

Specified by:
getInternalUserContext in interface InternalWrapperContext


public InternalContextAdapter getBaseContext()
Returns the base context that we are wrapping. Here, its this, but for other thing like VM related context contortions, it can be something else

Specified by:
getBaseContext in interface InternalWrapperContext


public EventCartridge attachEventCartridge(EventCartridge ec)
Specified by:
attachEventCartridge in interface InternalEventContext


public EventCartridge getEventCartridge()
Specified by:
getEventCartridge in interface InternalEventContext

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