Uses of Interface

Packages that use RuntimeServices

Uses of RuntimeServices in org.apache.velocity.context

Constructors in org.apache.velocity.context with parameters of type RuntimeServices
VMContext(InternalContextAdapter inner, RuntimeServices rsvc)
          CTOR, wraps an ICA

Uses of RuntimeServices in org.apache.velocity.runtime

Classes in org.apache.velocity.runtime that implement RuntimeServices
 class RuntimeInstance
          This is the Runtime system for Velocity.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime that return RuntimeServices
static RuntimeServices RuntimeSingleton.getRuntimeServices()

Constructors in org.apache.velocity.runtime with parameters of type RuntimeServices
VelocimacroFactory(RuntimeServices rs)
          CTOR : requires a runtime services from now on

Uses of RuntimeServices in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive

Fields in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive declared as RuntimeServices
protected  RuntimeServices Directive.rsvc

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive with parameters of type RuntimeServices
 void Macro.init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
 void Literal.init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
          Store the literal rendition of a node using the Node.literal().
 void Include.init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
          simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from the AST
 void Foreach.init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
          simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from the AST
 void Directive.init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
          How this directive is to be initialized.
 void VelocimacroProxy.init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
          The major meat of VelocimacroProxy, init() checks the # of arguments, patches the macro body, renders the macro into an AST, and then inits the AST, so it is ready for quick rendering.
static void Macro.processAndRegister(RuntimeServices rs, Node node, String sourceTemplate)
          Used by to process VMs withing the parsing process processAndRegister() doesn't actually render the macro to the output Processes the macro body into the internal representation used by the VelocimacroProxy objects, and if not currently used, adds it to the macro Factory

Constructors in org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive with parameters of type RuntimeServices
VMProxyArg(RuntimeServices rs, String contextRef, String callerRef, int t)
          ctor for current impl takes the reference literal we are proxying for, the literal the VM we are for is called with...

Uses of RuntimeServices in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser

Constructors in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser with parameters of type RuntimeServices
Parser(RuntimeServices rs)
          This constructor was added to allow the re-use of parsers.

Uses of RuntimeServices in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node

Fields in org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node declared as RuntimeServices
protected  RuntimeServices SimpleNode.rsvc

Uses of RuntimeServices in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource

Fields in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource declared as RuntimeServices
protected  RuntimeServices ResourceManagerImpl.rsvc
protected  RuntimeServices Resource.rsvc
protected  RuntimeServices ResourceCacheImpl.rsvc
          Runtime services, generally initialized by the initialize() method.

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource with parameters of type RuntimeServices
 void ResourceManagerImpl.initialize(RuntimeServices rs)
          Initialize the ResourceManager.
 void ResourceManager.initialize(RuntimeServices rs)
          Initialize the ResourceManager.
 void ResourceCacheImpl.initialize(RuntimeServices rs)
 void ResourceCache.initialize(RuntimeServices rs)
          initializes the ResourceCache.
 void Resource.setRuntimeServices(RuntimeServices rs)

Uses of RuntimeServices in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader

Fields in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader declared as RuntimeServices
protected  RuntimeServices ResourceLoader.rsvc

Methods in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader with parameters of type RuntimeServices
 void ResourceLoader.commonInit(RuntimeServices rs, org.apache.commons.collections.ExtendedProperties configuration)
          This initialization is used by all resource loaders and must be called to set up common properties shared by all resource loaders
static ResourceLoader ResourceLoaderFactory.getLoader(RuntimeServices rs, String loaderClassName)
          Gets the loader specified in the configuration file.

Constructors in org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader with parameters of type RuntimeServices
JarHolder(RuntimeServices rs, String urlpath)

Uses of RuntimeServices in org.apache.velocity.test

Methods in org.apache.velocity.test with parameters of type RuntimeServices
 void EventHandlingTestCase.init(RuntimeServices rs)
 void TestNumberMethodCalls.init(RuntimeServices rs)
 void ClassloaderChangeTest.init(RuntimeServices rs)

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