Class MathUtils

  extended by org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.MathUtils

public abstract class MathUtils
extends Object

Utility-class for all arithmetic-operations.

All operations (+ - / *) return a Number which type is the type of the bigger argument.
add ( new Integer(10), new Integer(1)) will return an Integer-Object with the value 11
add ( new Long(10), new Integer(1)) will return an Long-Object with the value 11
add ( new Integer(10), new Float(1)) will return an Float-Object with the value 11

Overflow checking:
For integral values (byte, short, int) there is an implicit overflow correction (the next "bigger" type will be returned). For example, if you call add (new Integer (Integer.MAX_VALUE), 1) a Long-object will be returned with the correct value of Integer.MAX_VALUE+1.
In addition to that the methods multiply,add and substract implement overflow checks for long-values. That means that if an overflow occurs while working with long values a BigInteger will be returned.
For all other operations and types (such as Float and Double) there is no overflow checking.

Peter Romianowski

Field Summary
protected static int BASE_BIGDECIMAL
protected static int BASE_BIGINTEGER
protected static int BASE_DOUBLE
protected static int BASE_FLOAT
protected static int BASE_LONG
          The constants are used to determine in which context we have to calculate.
protected static BigDecimal DECIMAL_ZERO
          A BigDecimal representing the number 0
protected static BigInteger INT_ZERO
protected static Map ints
          The Class-object is key, the maximum-value is the value
protected static List typesBySize
          The "size" of the number-types - ascending.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Number add(Number op1, Number op2)
          Add two numbers and return the correct value / type.
static int compare(Number op1, Number op2)
          Compare two numbers.
static Number divide(Number op1, Number op2)
          Divide two numbers.
static boolean isInteger(Number n)
          Test, whether the given object is an integer value (Byte, Short, Integer, Long, BigInteger)
static boolean isZero(Number n)
          Compare the given Number to 0.
static Number modulo(Number op1, Number op2)
          Modulo two numbers.
static Number multiply(Number op1, Number op2)
          Multiply two numbers and return the correct value / type.
static Number subtract(Number op1, Number op2)
          Subtract two numbers and return the correct value / type.
static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(Number n)
          Convert the given Number to a BigDecimal
static BigInteger toBigInteger(Number n)
          Convert the given Number to a BigInteger
static Number wrapPrimitive(long value, Class type)
          Wrap the given primitive into the given class if the value is in the range of the destination type.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static BigDecimal DECIMAL_ZERO
A BigDecimal representing the number 0


protected static BigInteger INT_ZERO


protected static final int BASE_LONG
The constants are used to determine in which context we have to calculate.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int BASE_FLOAT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int BASE_DOUBLE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int BASE_BIGINTEGER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int BASE_BIGDECIMAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static Map ints
The Class-object is key, the maximum-value is the value


protected static List typesBySize
The "size" of the number-types - ascending.

Constructor Detail


public MathUtils()
Method Detail


public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(Number n)
Convert the given Number to a BigDecimal


public static BigInteger toBigInteger(Number n)
Convert the given Number to a BigInteger


public static boolean isZero(Number n)
Compare the given Number to 0.


public static boolean isInteger(Number n)
Test, whether the given object is an integer value (Byte, Short, Integer, Long, BigInteger)


public static Number wrapPrimitive(long value,
                                   Class type)
Wrap the given primitive into the given class if the value is in the range of the destination type. If not the next bigger type will be chosen.


public static Number add(Number op1,
                         Number op2)
Add two numbers and return the correct value / type. Overflow detection is done for integer values (byte, short, int, long) only!


public static Number subtract(Number op1,
                              Number op2)
Subtract two numbers and return the correct value / type. Overflow detection is done for integer values (byte, short, int, long) only!


public static Number multiply(Number op1,
                              Number op2)
Multiply two numbers and return the correct value / type. Overflow detection is done for integer values (byte, short, int, long) only!


public static Number divide(Number op1,
                            Number op2)
Divide two numbers. The result will be returned as Integer-type if and only if both sides of the division operator are Integer-types. Otherwise a Float, Double, or BigDecimal will be returned.


public static Number modulo(Number op1,
                            Number op2)
                     throws ArithmeticException
Modulo two numbers.

ArithmeticException - If at least one parameter is a BigDecimal


public static int compare(Number op1,
                          Number op2)
Compare two numbers.

1 if n1 > n2, -1 if n1 < n2 and 0 if equal.

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