Class IntrospectorTestCase

  extended by junit.framework.Assert
      extended by junit.framework.TestCase
          extended by org.apache.velocity.test.BaseTestCase
              extended by org.apache.velocity.test.IntrospectorTestCase
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IntrospectorTestCase
extends BaseTestCase

Test case for the Velocity Introspector which uses the Java Reflection API to determine the correct signature of the methods used in VTL templates. This should be split into separate tests for each of the methods searched for but this is a start for now.

$Id: 191743 2005-06-21 23:22:20Z dlr $
Jason van Zyl

Nested Class Summary
static class IntrospectorTestCase.MethodProvider
Constructor Summary
IntrospectorTestCase(String name)
          Creates a new instance.
Method Summary
 void runTest()
static junit.framework.Test suite()
          Get the containing TestSuite.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.velocity.test.BaseTestCase
assureResultsDirectoryExists, getFileName, getTestCaseName, isMatch, normalizeNewlines
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase
countTestCases, createResult, getName, run, run, runBare, setName, setUp, tearDown, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IntrospectorTestCase(String name)
Creates a new instance.

Method Detail


public static junit.framework.Test suite()
Get the containing TestSuite. This is always VelocityTestSuite.

The TestSuite to run.


public void runTest()
runTest in class junit.framework.TestCase

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