Package org.apache.velocity.util.introspection

Interface Summary
Uberspect 'Federated' introspection/reflection interface to allow the introspection behavior in Velocity to be customized.
VelMethod Method used for regular method invocation $
VelPropertyGet Interface defining a 'getter'.
VelPropertySet Interface used for setting values that appear to be properties in Velocity.

Class Summary
ClassMap A cache of introspection information for a specific class instance.
Info Little class to carry in info such as template name, line and column for information error reporting from the uberspector implementations
IntrospectionCacheData Holds information for node-local context data introspection information.
Introspector This basic function of this class is to return a Method object for a particular class given the name of a method and the parameters to the method in the form of an Object[] The first time the Introspector sees a class it creates a class method map for the class in question.
IntrospectorBase This basic function of this class is to return a Method object for a particular class given the name of a method and the parameters to the method in the form of an Object[] The first time the Introspector sees a class it creates a class method map for the class in question.
UberspectImpl Implementation of Uberspect to provide the default introspective functionality of Velocity

Exception Summary
MethodMap.AmbiguousException simple distinguishable exception, used when we run across ambiguous overloading

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