Uses of Interface

Packages that use NamespaceContext
org.apache.xalan.extensions Implementation of Xalan Extension Mechanism. 

Uses of NamespaceContext in javax.xml.xpath

Methods in javax.xml.xpath that return NamespaceContext
 NamespaceContext XPath.getNamespaceContext()
          Return the current namespace context.

Methods in javax.xml.xpath with parameters of type NamespaceContext
 void XPath.setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext nsContext)
          Establish a namespace context.

Uses of NamespaceContext in org.apache.xalan.extensions

Classes in org.apache.xalan.extensions that implement NamespaceContext
 class ExtensionNamespaceContext
          A sample implementation of NamespaceContext, with support for EXSLT extension functions and Java extension functions.

Uses of NamespaceContext in org.apache.xpath.jaxp

Methods in org.apache.xpath.jaxp that return NamespaceContext
 NamespaceContext XPathImpl.getNamespaceContext()
          Returns the current namespace context.

Methods in org.apache.xpath.jaxp with parameters of type NamespaceContext
 void XPathImpl.setNamespaceContext(NamespaceContext nsContext)
          Establishes a namespace context.

Constructors in org.apache.xpath.jaxp with parameters of type NamespaceContext
JAXPPrefixResolver.JAXPPrefixResolver(NamespaceContext nsContext)

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