Uses of Class

Packages that use QName
org.apache.xalan.extensions Implementation of Xalan Extension Mechanism. 

Uses of QName in javax.xml.datatype

Fields in javax.xml.datatype declared as QName
static QName DatatypeConstants.DATETIME
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype dateTime.
static QName DatatypeConstants.TIME
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype time.
static QName DatatypeConstants.DATE
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype date.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GYEARMONTH
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gYearMonth.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GMONTHDAY
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gMonthDay.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GYEAR
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gYear.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GMONTH
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gMonth.
static QName DatatypeConstants.GDAY
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema 1.0 datatype gDay.
static QName DatatypeConstants.DURATION
          Fully qualified name for W3C XML Schema datatype duration.
static QName DatatypeConstants.DURATION_DAYTIME
          Fully qualified name for XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 datatype dayTimeDuration.
static QName DatatypeConstants.DURATION_YEARMONTH
          Fully qualified name for XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 datatype yearMonthDuration.

Methods in javax.xml.datatype that return QName
abstract  QName XMLGregorianCalendar.getXMLSchemaType()
          Return the name of the XML Schema date/time type that this instance maps to.
 QName Duration.getXMLSchemaType()
          Return the name of the XML Schema date/time type that this instance maps to.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.namespace

Methods in javax.xml.namespace that return QName
static QName QName.valueOf(java.lang.String qNameAsString)
          QName derived from parsing the formatted String.

Uses of QName in javax.xml.xpath

Fields in javax.xml.xpath declared as QName
static QName XPathConstants.NUMBER
          The XPath 1.0 number data type.
static QName XPathConstants.STRING
          The XPath 1.0 string data type.
static QName XPathConstants.BOOLEAN
          The XPath 1.0 boolean data type.
static QName XPathConstants.NODESET
          The XPath 1.0 NodeSet data type.
static QName XPathConstants.NODE
          The XPath 1.0 NodeSet data type.

Methods in javax.xml.xpath with parameters of type QName
 java.lang.Object XPathVariableResolver.resolveVariable(QName variableName)
          Find a variable in the set of available variables.
 java.lang.Object XPath.evaluate(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Object item, QName returnType)
          Evaluate an XPath expression in the specified context and return the result as the specified type.
 java.lang.Object XPath.evaluate(java.lang.String expression, InputSource source, QName returnType)
          Evaluate an XPath expression in the context of the specified InputSource and return the result as the specified type.
 java.lang.Object XPathExpression.evaluate(java.lang.Object item, QName returnType)
          Evaluate the compiled XPath expression in the specified context and return the result as the specified type.
 java.lang.Object XPathExpression.evaluate(InputSource source, QName returnType)
          Evaluate the compiled XPath expression in the context of the specified InputSource and return the result as the specified type.
 XPathFunction XPathFunctionResolver.resolveFunction(QName functionName, int arity)
          Find a function in the set of available functions.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xalan.extensions

Methods in org.apache.xalan.extensions with parameters of type QName
 XPathFunction XPathFunctionResolverImpl.resolveFunction(QName qname, int arity)
          Resolve an extension function from the qualified name and arity.

Uses of QName in org.apache.xpath.jaxp

Methods in org.apache.xpath.jaxp with parameters of type QName
 java.lang.Object XPathExpressionImpl.eval(java.lang.Object item, QName returnType)
 java.lang.Object XPathExpressionImpl.evaluate(java.lang.Object item, QName returnType)
          Evaluate the compiled XPath expression in the specified context and return the result as the specified type.
 java.lang.Object XPathExpressionImpl.evaluate(InputSource source, QName returnType)
          Evaluate the compiled XPath expression in the context of the specified InputSource and return the result as the specified type.
 java.lang.Object XPathImpl.evaluate(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Object item, QName returnType)
          Evaluate an XPath expression in the specified context and return the result as the specified type.
 java.lang.Object XPathImpl.evaluate(java.lang.String expression, InputSource source, QName returnType)
          Evaluate an XPath expression in the context of the specified InputSource and return the result as the specified type.

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