Class JNDIConnectionPool


public class JNDIConnectionPool
extends java.lang.Object
implements ConnectionPool

A Connection Pool that wraps a JDBC datasource to provide connections. An instance of this class is created by XConnection when it attempts to resolves a ConnectionPool name as a JNDI data source. Most methods in this implementation do nothing since configuration is handled by the underlying JDBC datasource. Users should always call XConnection.close() from their stylsheet to explicitely close their connection. However, since there is no way to enforce this (Yikes!), it is recommended that a relatively short datasource timeout be used to prevent dangling connections.

Constructor Summary
          Use of the default constructor requires the jndi path to be set via setJndiPath().
JNDIConnectionPool(java.lang.String jndiDatasourcePath)
          Creates a connection pool with a specified JNDI path.
Method Summary
 void freeUnused()
          Intended to release unused connections from the pool.
 java.sql.Connection getConnection()
          Returns a connection from the JDNI DataSource found at the JNDI Datasource path.
 java.lang.String getJndiPath()
          Returns the path for the jndi datasource
 boolean hasActiveConnections()
          Always returns false, indicating that this wrapper has no idea of what connections the underlying JNDI source is maintaining.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Always returns true.
 void releaseConnection(java.sql.Connection con)
 void releaseConnectionOnError(java.sql.Connection con)
 void setDriver(java.lang.String d)
          Not implemented and will throw an Error if called.
 void setJndiPath(java.lang.String jndiPath)
          Sets the path for the jndi datasource
 void setMinConnections(int n)
          Ignored in this implementation b/c the pooling is determined by the jndi dataosource.
 void setPassword(java.lang.String p)
          Sets the password for the connection.
 void setPoolEnabled(boolean flag)
          Releases the reference to the jndi datasource.
 void setProtocol(java.util.Properties p)
          Ignored in this implementation b/c the pooling is determined by the jndi dataosource.
 void setURL(java.lang.String url)
          Not implemented and will throw an Error if called.
 void setUser(java.lang.String u)
          Sets the user name for the connection.
 boolean testConnection()
          A simple test to see if the jndi datasource exists.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JNDIConnectionPool()
Use of the default constructor requires the jndi path to be set via setJndiPath().


public JNDIConnectionPool(java.lang.String jndiDatasourcePath)
Creates a connection pool with a specified JNDI path.
jndiDatasourcePath - Complete path to the JNDI datasource
Method Detail


public void setJndiPath(java.lang.String jndiPath)
Sets the path for the jndi datasource
jndiPath -  


public java.lang.String getJndiPath()
Returns the path for the jndi datasource
jndiPath -  


public boolean isEnabled()
Always returns true. This method was intended to indicate if the pool was enabled, however, in this implementation that is not relavant.
Specified by:
isEnabled in interface ConnectionPool


public void setDriver(java.lang.String d)
Not implemented and will throw an Error if called. Connection configuration is handled by the underlying JNDI DataSource.
Specified by:
setDriver in interface ConnectionPool
d -  


public void setURL(java.lang.String url)
Not implemented and will throw an Error if called. Connection configuration is handled by the underlying JNDI DataSource.
Specified by:
setURL in interface ConnectionPool
d -  


public void freeUnused()
Intended to release unused connections from the pool. Does nothing in this implementation.
Specified by:
freeUnused in interface ConnectionPool


public boolean hasActiveConnections()
Always returns false, indicating that this wrapper has no idea of what connections the underlying JNDI source is maintaining.
Specified by:
hasActiveConnections in interface ConnectionPool


public void setPassword(java.lang.String p)
Sets the password for the connection. If the jndi datasource does not require a password (which is typical), this can be left null.
Specified by:
setPassword in interface ConnectionPool
p - the password


public void setUser(java.lang.String u)
Sets the user name for the connection. If the jndi datasource does not require a user name (which is typical), this can be left null.
Specified by:
setUser in interface ConnectionPool
u - the user name


public java.sql.Connection getConnection()
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Returns a connection from the JDNI DataSource found at the JNDI Datasource path.
Specified by:
getConnection in interface ConnectionPool
java.sql.SQLException -  


public void releaseConnection(java.sql.Connection con)
                       throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
releaseConnection in interface ConnectionPool


public void releaseConnectionOnError(java.sql.Connection con)
                              throws java.sql.SQLException
Specified by:
releaseConnectionOnError in interface ConnectionPool


public void setPoolEnabled(boolean flag)
Releases the reference to the jndi datasource. The original intention of this method was to actually turn the pool *off*. Since we are not managing the pool, we simply release our reference to the datasource. Future calls to the getConnection will simply recreate the datasource.
Specified by:
setPoolEnabled in interface ConnectionPool
flag - If false, the reference to the datasource is released.


public void setProtocol(java.util.Properties p)
Ignored in this implementation b/c the pooling is determined by the jndi dataosource.
Specified by:
setProtocol in interface ConnectionPool
p -  


public void setMinConnections(int n)
Ignored in this implementation b/c the pooling is determined by the jndi dataosource.
Specified by:
setMinConnections in interface ConnectionPool
n -  


public boolean testConnection()
A simple test to see if the jndi datasource exists. Note that this test does not ensure that the datasource will return valid connections.
Specified by:
testConnection in interface ConnectionPool

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