Uses of Class

Packages that use BooleanType

Uses of BooleanType in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util

Methods in org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util with parameters of type BooleanType
 FlowList Type.translateToDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates an object of this type to an non-synthesized boolean.
 void RealType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Expects a real on the stack and pushes a 0 if that number is 0.0 and a 1 otherwise.
 FlowList RealType.translateToDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates a real into a non-synthesized boolean.
 void ReferenceType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates a reference to an object of internal type type.
 FlowList ReferenceType.translateToDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Expects a reference on the stack and translates it to a non-synthesized boolean.
 void NodeType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates a node into a synthesized boolean.
 FlowList NodeType.translateToDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates a node into a non-synthesized boolean.
 void IntType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Expects an integer on the stack and pushes a 0 if its value is 0 and a 1 otherwise.
 FlowList IntType.translateToDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Expects an integer on the stack and translates it to a non-synthesized boolean.
 void NodeSetType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates a node-set into a synthesized boolean.
 FlowList NodeSetType.translateToDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates a node-set into a non-synthesized boolean.
 void ResultTreeType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Expects an result tree on the stack and pushes a boolean.
 FlowList ResultTreeType.translateToDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates a result tree into a non-synthesized boolean.
 void StringType.translateTo(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates a string into a synthesized boolean.
 FlowList StringType.translateToDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen, BooleanType type)
          Translates a string into a non-synthesized boolean.

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