Packages that use org.apache.xml.serializer | |
org.apache.xalan.lib | Extension elements and functions shipped with Xalan-Java, including EXSLT functions. |
org.apache.xalan.serialize | |
org.apache.xalan.transformer | In charge of run-time transformations and the production of result trees. |
org.apache.xalan.xsltc | |
org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom | |
org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime | |
org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.output | |
org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax | |
org.apache.xml.serializer | Processes SAX events into streams. |
Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer used by org.apache.xalan.libSerializationHandler
This interface is the one that a serializer implements. |
Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer used by org.apache.xalan.serializeDOMSerializer
Interface for a DOM serializer implementation. SerializationHandler
This interface is the one that a serializer implements. |
Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer used by org.apache.xalan.transformerSerializationHandler
This interface is the one that a serializer implements. Serializer
The Serializer interface is implemented by a serializer to enable users to: get and set streams or writers configure the serializer with key/value properties get an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler or a DOMSerializer to provide input to SerializerTrace
This interface defines a set of integer constants that identify trace event types. ToXMLSAXHandler
This class receives notification of SAX-like events, and with gathered information over these calls it will invoke the equivalent SAX methods on a handler, the ultimate xsl:output method is known to be "xml". TransformStateSetter
This interface is meant to be used by a base interface to TransformState, but which as only the setters which have non Xalan specific types in their signature, so that there are no dependancies of the serializer on Xalan. |
Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer used by org.apache.xalan.xsltcSerializationHandler
This interface is the one that a serializer implements. |
Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer used by org.apache.xalan.xsltc.domDOMSerializer
Interface for a DOM serializer implementation. EmptySerializer
This class is an adapter class. SerializationHandler
This interface is the one that a serializer implements. Serializer
The Serializer interface is implemented by a serializer to enable users to: get and set streams or writers configure the serializer with key/value properties get an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler or a DOMSerializer to provide input to |
Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer used by org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtimeDOMSerializer
Interface for a DOM serializer implementation. EmptySerializer
This class is an adapter class. SerializationHandler
This interface is the one that a serializer implements. Serializer
The Serializer interface is implemented by a serializer to enable users to: get and set streams or writers configure the serializer with key/value properties get an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler or a DOMSerializer to provide input to |
Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer used by org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.outputSerializationHandler
This interface is the one that a serializer implements. |
Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer used by org.apache.xalan.xsltc.traxSerializationHandler
This interface is the one that a serializer implements. |
Classes in org.apache.xml.serializer used by org.apache.xml.serializerDOMSerializer
Interface for a DOM serializer implementation. ElemDesc
This class has a series of flags (bit values) that describe an HTML element This class is public because XSLTC uses it, it is not a public API. NamespaceMappings
This class keeps track of the currently defined namespaces. SerializationHandler
This interface is the one that a serializer implements. Serializer
The Serializer interface is implemented by a serializer to enable users to: get and set streams or writers configure the serializer with key/value properties get an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler or a DOMSerializer to provide input to SerializerBase
This class acts as a base class for the XML "serializers" and the stream serializers. ToSAXHandler
This class is used to provide a base behavior to be inherited by other To...SAXHandler serializers. ToStream
This abstract class is a base class for other stream serializers (xml, html, text ...) that write output to a stream. ToXMLStream
This class converts SAX or SAX-like calls to a serialized xml document. TransformStateSetter
This interface is meant to be used by a base interface to TransformState, but which as only the setters which have non Xalan specific types in their signature, so that there are no dependancies of the serializer on Xalan. |