JBoss AOP - Aspect-Oriented Framework for Java

JBoss AOP Reference Documentation


Table of Contents

1. Terms
1.1. Overview
2. Implementing Aspects
2.1. Overview
2.2. Invocation Object
2.3. Aspect Class
2.4. Advice Methods
2.5. Resolving Annotations
2.6. Metadata
2.6.1. Resolving XML Metadata
2.6.2. Attaching Metadata
2.7. Mixin Definition
2.8. Dynamic CFlow
3. Pointcut and Type Expressions
3.1. Wildcards
3.2. Type Patterns
3.3. Method Patterns
3.4. Constructor Patterns
3.5. Field Patterns
3.6. Pointcuts
3.7. Pointcut Composition
3.8. Pointcut References
3.9. Typedef Expressions
4. XML Bindings
4.1. Intro
4.2. Resolving XML
4.2.1. Standalone XML Resolving
4.2.2. Application Server XML Resolving
4.3. XML DTD
4.4. aspect
4.4.1. Basic Definition
4.4.2. Scope
4.4.3. Configuration Names Example configuration
4.4.4. Aspect Factories
4.5. interceptor
4.6. bind
4.7. stack
4.8. pointcut
4.9. introduction
4.9.1. Interface introductions
4.9.2. Mixins
4.10. annotation-introduction
4.11. cflow-stack
4.12. typedef
4.13. dynamic-cflow
4.14. prepare
4.15. metadata
4.16. metadata-loader
4.17. precedence
4.18. declare
4.18.1. declare-warning
4.18.2. declare-error
5. Annotation Bindings
5.1. @Aspect
5.2. @InterceptorDef
5.2.1. Interceptor Example
5.2.2. AspectFactory Example
5.3. @PointcutDef
5.4. @Bind
5.5. @Introduction
5.6. @Mixin
5.7. @Prepare
5.7.1. @Prepare POJO
5.8. @TypeDef
5.9. @CFlowDef
5.10. @DynamicCFlowDef
5.11. @AnnotationIntroductionDef
5.12. @Precedence
5.13. @DeclareError and @DeclareWarning
6. Dynamic AOP
6.1. Hot Deploment
6.2. Per Instance AOP
6.3. Preparation
7. Annotation Compiler for JDK 1.4
7.1. Annotations with JDK 1.4.2
7.2. Enums in JDK 1.4.2
7.3. Using Annotations within Annotations
7.4. Using the Annotation Compiler
8. Installing
8.1. Installing Standalone
8.2. Installing with JBoss 4.x Application Server
8.3. Installing with JBoss 3.2.6 Application Server
9. Building and Compiling Aspectized Java
9.1. Instrumentation modes
9.2. Ant Integration
9.3. Command Line
10. Running Aspectized Applications
10.1. Loadtime vs. Compiletime
10.2. Regular Java Applications
10.2.1. Precompiled instrumentation
10.2.2. Loadtime Loadtime JDK 1.4 Loadtime with JDK 5
10.3. JBoss Application Server
10.3.1. Packaging AOP Applications
10.3.2. JBoss 4.x and JDK 1.4
10.3.3. JBoss 4.x and JDK 5
10.3.4. JBoss Application Server 3.2.x and JDK 1.4
11. Reflection and AOP
11.1. Force interception via reflection
11.2. Clean results from reflection info methods
12. JBoss AOP IDE
12.1. The AOP IDE
12.2. Installing
12.3. Tutorial
12.3.1. Create Project
12.3.2. Create Class
12.3.3. Create Interceptor
12.3.4. Applying the Interceptor
12.3.5. Running
12.3.6. Navigation Advised Markers The Advised Members View The Aspect Manager View