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2. Using Java For-Loops: Tasks page 5 of 31

For this exercise you will use a loop to print out some strings and use a nested loop to simulate a multiplication (6*3).

[If you are using IBM's VisualAge for Java for this exercise, then use the scrapbook to type and test your code (without a main() method etc...), thus, avoiding the need to fill in the skeleton code, compile, and run from the command line.].

For more help with exercises, see About The Exercises

  • None.


  • Task 1

    Make a for-loop that prints "Hello" 5 times.

  • Task 2

    Define an integer sum, initializing it to 0.

  • Task 3

    Make a loop that counts from 1 to 6.

  • Task 4

    Make an inner loop, nested within the previous loop, that counts from 1 to 3. The statement of the inner loop should increment sum.

  • Task 5

    Print out the value of sum.

Help for each of these tasks can be found on the next page.

copyright 1996-2000 Magelang Institute dba jGuru

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