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2. Using Java For-Loops: Help page 6 of 31

  • Task 1

    Make a for-loop that prints "Hello" 5 times.

    The basic syntax for a for loop is:

    for(<initializer>;<loop test>; <increment>) {
       <loop body>
  • Task 2

    Define an integer sum, initializing it to 0.

    Define an "int" not an "Integer".

  • Task 3

    Make a loop that counts from 1 to 6.

    See help for task 1. In the next task you will add a loop within the body of this loop.

  • Task 4

    Make an inner loop, nested within the previous loop, that counts from 1 to 3. The statement of the inner loop should increment sum.

    To increment the variable sum, use the expression sum++

  • Task 5

    Print out the value of sum.

    The basic code to print out a string is:

    System.out.println("Hello World");

copyright 1996-2000 Magelang Institute dba jGuru

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