Concept Index

--with-raid link errors, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”


aborted clients, see the section called “Communication Errors and Aborted Connections”
aborted connection, see the section called “Communication Errors and Aborted Connections”
access control, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
access denied errors, see the section called “Access denied”
access privileges, see the section called “The MySQL Access Privilege System”
Access program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
account privileges, adding, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
accounts, anonymous user, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
accounts, root, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
ACID, see the section called “InnoDB Overview”
ACID, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
ACLs, see the section called “The MySQL Access Privilege System”
ActiveState Perl, see the section called “Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows”
adding, character sets, see the section called “Adding a New Character Set”
adding, native functions, see the section called “Adding a New Native Function”
adding, new account privileges, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
adding, new functions, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
adding, new user privileges, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
adding, new users, see the section called “Source Installation Overview”
adding, new users, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
adding, procedures, see the section called “Adding New Procedures to MySQL”
adding, user-defined functions, see the section called “Adding a New User-defined Function”
administration, server, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
ADO program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
age, calculating, see the section called “Date Calculations”
alias names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
aliases, for expressions, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
aliases, for tables, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
aliases, in GROUP BY clauses, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
aliases, in ORDER BY clauses, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
aliases, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
aliases, on expressions, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
ALLOW_INVALID_DATES SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
altering, database, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
altering, schema, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
anonymous user, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
anonymous user, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
anonymous user, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
ANSI mode, running, see the section called “Running MySQL in ANSI Mode”
ANSI SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
answering questions, etiquette, see the section called “Guidelines for Answering Questions on the Mailing List”
Apache, see the section called “Using MySQL with Apache”
API's, list of, see the section called “Packages that support MySQL”
APIs, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
APIs, Perl, see the section called “MySQL Perl API”
argument processing, see the section called “Argument Processing”
arithmetic expressions, see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
attackers, security against, see the section called “Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers”
AUTO-INCREMENT, ODBC, see the section called “How to Get the Value of an AUTO_INCREMENT Column in ODBC”
AUTO_INCREMENT, see the section called “Using AUTO_INCREMENT”
AUTO_INCREMENT, and NULL values, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”


backing up, databases, see the section called “The mysqlhotcopy Database Backup Program”
backing up, databases, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
backslash, escape character, see the section called “Literal Values”
backups, see the section called “Database Backups”
backups, database, see the section called “BACKUP TABLE Syntax”
batch mode, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
batch, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
BDB storage engine, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
BDB storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
BDB table type, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
BDB table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
BDB tables, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
benchmark suite, see the section called “The MySQL Benchmark Suite”
benchmarks, see the section called “Using Your Own Benchmarks”
BerkeleyDB storage engine, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
BerkeleyDB storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
BerkeleyDB table type, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
BerkeleyDB table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
Big5 Chinese character encoding, see the section called “Case Sensitivity in Searches”
binary distributions, see the section called “MySQL Binaries Compiled by MySQL AB”
binary distributions, installing, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
binary distributions, on Linux, see the section called “Linux Binary Distribution Notes”
binary log, see the section called “The Binary Log”
bit_functions, example, see the section called “Calculating Visits Per Day”
BitKeeper tree, see the section called “Installing from the Development Source Tree”
BLOB columns, default values, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
BLOB columns, indexing, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
BLOB columns, indexing, see the section called “Column Indexes”
BLOB, inserting binary data, see the section called “Strings”
BLOB, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
blocking_queries, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
Borland Builder 4 program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
Borland C++ compiler, see the section called “Borland C++”
brackets, square, see Chapter 12, Column Types
buffer sizes, client, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
buffer sizes, mysqld server, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
bug reports, criteria for, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
bugs database, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
bugs, known, see the section called “Known Errors and Design Deficiencies in MySQL”
bugs, reporting, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
building, client programs, see the section called “Building Client Programs”


C API, data types, see the section called “MySQL C API”
C API, functions, see the section called “C API Function Overview”
C API, linking problems, see the section called “Problems Linking with the C API”
C Prepared statement API, functions, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Function Overview”
C++ APIs, see the section called “MySQL C++ API”
C++ Builder, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
C++ compiler cannot create executables, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
C++ compiler, gcc, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
caches, clearing, see the section called “FLUSH Syntax”
calculating, dates, see the section called “Date Calculations”
calling sequences for aggregate functions, UDF, see the section called “UDF Calling Sequences for aggregate functions”
calling sequences for simple functions, UDF, see the section called “UDF Calling Sequences for simple functions”
can't create/write to file, see the section called “Can't create/write to file”
case sensitivity, in identifiers, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
case sensitivity, in names, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
case sensitivity, in searches, see the section called “Case Sensitivity in Searches”
case sensitivity, in string comparisons, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
case-sensitivity, in access checking, see the section called “How the Privilege System Works”
case-sensitivity, of database names, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
case-sensitivity, of table names, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
cast functions, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
cast operators, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
casts, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
cc1plus problems, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
certification, see the section called “Training and Certification”
ChangeLog, see Appendix C, MySQL Change History
changes to privileges, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
changes, log, see Appendix C, MySQL Change History
changes, version 3.19, see the section called “Changes in release 3.19.x”
changes, version 3.20, see the section called “Changes in release 3.20.x”
changes, version 3.21, see the section called “Changes in release 3.21.x”
changes, version 3.22, see the section called “Changes in release 3.22.x (Old; discontinued)”
changes, version 3.23, see the section called “Changes in release 3.23.x (Recent; still supported)”
changes, version 4.0, see the section called “Changes in release 4.0.x (Production)”
changes, version 4.1, see the section called “Changes in release 4.1.x (Gamma)”
changes, version 5.0, see the section called “Changes in release 5.0.x (Development)”
changing socket location, see the section called “How to Protect or Change the MySQL Socket File /tmp/mysql.sock”
changing socket location, see the section called “Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically”
changing socket location, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
changing, column, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
changing, column order, see the section called “How to Change the Order of Columns in a Table”
changing, field, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
changing, table, see the section called “Problems with ALTER TABLE”
changing, table, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
Character sets, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support
character sets, see the section called “The Character Set Used for Data and Sorting”
character sets, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
character sets, adding, see the section called “Adding a New Character Set”
character-sets-dir, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
characters, multi-byte, see the section called “Multi-Byte Character Support”
check options, myisamchk, see the section called “Check Options for myisamchk”
checking, tables for errors, see the section called “How to Check MyISAM Tables for Errors”
checksum errors, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
Chinese, see the section called “Case Sensitivity in Searches”
choosing types, see the section called “Choosing the Right Type for a Column”
choosing, a MySQL version, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
clearing, caches, see the section called “FLUSH Syntax”
client programs, building, see the section called “Building Client Programs”
client tools, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
clients, debugging, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Client”
clients, threaded, see the section called “How to Make a Threaded Client”
closing, tables, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
ColdFusion program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
collating, strings, see the section called “String Collating Support”
column comments, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
column names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
column, changing, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
columns, changing, see the section called “How to Change the Order of Columns in a Table”
columns, displaying, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
columns, indexes, see the section called “Column Indexes”
columns, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
columns, other types, see the section called “Using Column Types from Other Database Engines”
columns, selecting, see the section called “Selecting Particular Columns”
columns, storage requirements, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
columns, types, see Chapter 12, Column Types
command syntax, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”
command-line history, mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
command-line options, mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
command-line options, mysqladmin, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
command-line options, mysqlcc, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
command-line tool, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
commands out of sync, see the section called “Commands out of sync”
commands, for binary distribution, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
commands, replication masters, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Master Servers”
commands, replication slaves, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Slave Servers”
comments, adding, see the section called “Comment Syntax”
comments, starting, see the section called “‘--’ as the Start of a Comment”
commercial support, types, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.21 to 3.22”
compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.22 to 3.23”
compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.23 to 4.0”
compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 4.0 to 4.1”
compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 4.1 to 5.0”
compatibility, with mSQL, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “Changes in release 3.21.15”
compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “Identifier Qualifiers”
compatibility, with Oracle, see the section called “DESCRIBE Syntax (Get Information About Columns)”
compatibility, with Oracle, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
compatibility, with Oracle, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
compatibility, with PostgreSQL, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
compatibility, with standard SQL, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance”
compatibility, with Sybase, see the section called “USE Syntax”
compiler, C++ gcc, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
compiling, on Windows, see the section called “Compiling MySQL Clients on Windows”
compiling, optimizing, see the section called “System Factors and Startup Parameter Tuning”
compiling, problems, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
compiling, speed, see the section called “How Compiling and Linking Affects the Speed of MySQL”
compiling, statically, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
compiling, user-defined functions, see the section called “Compiling and Installing User-defined Functions”
compliance, Y2K, see the section called “Year 2000 Compliance”
compress, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
compress, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
compressed tables, see the section called “Compressed Table Characteristics”
compressed tables, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
concurrent inserts, see the section called “Locking Methods”
Conditions, see the section called “DECLARE Conditions”
config-file, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
config.cache, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
config.cache file, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
configuration files, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
configuration options, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
configure option, –with-low-memory, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
configure script, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
configure, running after prior invocation, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
connecting, remotely with SSH, see the section called “Connecting to MySQL Remotely from Windows with SSH”
connecting, to the server, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
connecting, to the server, see the section called “Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server”
connecting, verification, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
connection, aborted, see the section called “Communication Errors and Aborted Connections”
connection_name, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
Connector/J, see the section called “MySQL Java Connectivity (JDBC)”
Connector/JDBC, see Chapter 22, MySQL Connectors
Connector/ODBC, see the section called “MySQL ODBC Support”
Connector/ODBC, see Chapter 22, MySQL Connectors
Connector/ODBC, reporting problems, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
Connectors, MySQL, see Chapter 22, MySQL Connectors
constant table, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes WHERE Clauses”
constant table, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
consulting, see the section called “Consulting”
contact information, see the section called “Contact Information”
contributing companies, list of, see the section called “Supporters of MySQL”
contributors, list of, see the section called “Contributors to MySQL”
control access, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
conventions, typographical, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”
copying databases, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
copying tables, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
copyrights, see the section called “Copyrights and Licenses Used by MySQL”
costs, support, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
counting, table rows, see the section called “Counting Rows”
crash, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Server”
crash, recovery, see the section called “Using myisamchk for Crash Recovery”
crash, repeated, see the section called “What to Do If MySQL Keeps Crashing”
crash-me, see the section called “The MySQL Benchmark Suite”
crash-me program, see the section called “The MySQL Benchmark Suite”
crash-me program, see the section called “Designing Applications for Portability”
creating, bug reports, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
creating, database, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
creating, databases, see the section called “Creating and Using a Database”
creating, default startup options, see the section called “Using Option Files”
creating, schema, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
creating, tables, see the section called “Creating a Table”
Cursors, see the section called “Cursors”
customer support, mailing address, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
customers, of MySQL, see the section called “What We Have Used MySQL For”


data types, see Chapter 12, Column Types
data types, C API, see the section called “MySQL C API”
data, character sets, see the section called “The Character Set Used for Data and Sorting”
data, importing, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
data, loading into tables, see the section called “Loading Data into a Table”
data, retrieving, see the section called “Retrieving Information from a Table”
data, size, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
database design, see the section called “Design Choices”
database names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
database names, case-sensitivity, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
database, altering, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
database, creating, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
database, deleting, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
database, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
database, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
databases, backups, see the section called “Database Backups”
databases, copying, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
databases, creating, see the section called “Creating and Using a Database”
databases, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
databases, displaying, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
databases, dumping, see the section called “The mysqlhotcopy Database Backup Program”
databases, dumping, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
databases, information about, see the section called “Getting Information About Databases and Tables”
databases, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
databases, replicating, see Chapter 6, Replication in MySQL
databases, selecting, see the section called “Creating and Selecting a Database”
databases, symbolic links, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Unix”
databases, using, see the section called “Creating and Using a Database”
DataJunction, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
Date and Time types, see the section called “Date and Time Types”
date calculations, see the section called “Date Calculations”
DATE columns, problems, see the section called “Problems Using DATE Columns”
date functions, Y2K compliance, see the section called “Year 2000 Compliance”
date types, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
date types, Y2K issues, see the section called “Y2K Issues and Date Types”
date values, problems, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
db table, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
DB2 SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
DBI interface, see the section called “MySQL Perl API”
DBI/DBD interface, see the section called “MySQL Perl API”
DBUG package, see the section called “The DBUG Package”
debug, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
debug-info, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
debugging, client, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Client”
debugging, server, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Server”
decimal point, see Chapter 12, Column Types
decode_bits myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
default hostname, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
default installation location, see the section called “Installation Layouts”
default options, see the section called “Using Option Files”
default values, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
default values, see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
default values, see the section called “MySQL Design Limitations and Tradeoffs”
default values, BLOB and TEXT columns, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
default values, suppression, see the section called “Constraint NOT NULL and DEFAULT Values”
default, privileges, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
default-character-set, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
defaults, embedded, see the section called “Using Option Files with the Embedded Server”
delayed_insert_limit, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
deleting, database, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
deleting, foreign key, see the section called “FOREIGN KEY Constraints”
deleting, foreign key, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
deleting, function, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
deleting, index, see the section called “DROP INDEX Syntax”
deleting, index, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
deleting, primary key, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
deleting, rows, see the section called “Deleting Rows from Related Tables”
deleting, schema, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
deleting, table, see the section called “DROP TABLE Syntax”
deleting, user, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
deleting, user, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
deleting, users, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
deleting, users, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
deletion, mysql.sock, see the section called “How to Protect or Change the MySQL Socket File /tmp/mysql.sock”
Delphi program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
derived tables, see the section called “Subqueries in the FROM clause”
design, choices, see the section called “Design Choices”
design, issues, see the section called “Known Errors and Design Deficiencies in MySQL”
design, limitations, see the section called “MySQL Design Limitations and Tradeoffs”
developers, list of, see Appendix B, Credits
development source tree, see the section called “Installing from the Development Source Tree”
digits, see Chapter 12, Column Types
directory structure, default, see the section called “Installation Layouts”
disconnecting, from the server, see the section called “Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server”
disk full, see the section called “How MySQL Handles a Full Disk”
disk issues, see the section called “Disk Issues”
disks, splitting data across, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Windows”
display size, see Chapter 12, Column Types
display width, see Chapter 12, Column Types
displaying, database information, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
displaying, information, Cardinality, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
displaying, information, Collation, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
displaying, information, SHOW, see the section called “SHOW TABLES Syntax”
displaying, information, SHOW, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
displaying, information, SHOW, see the section called “SHOW COLUMNS Syntax”
displaying, information, SHOW, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
displaying, table status, see the section called “SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax”
DNS, see the section called “How MySQL Uses DNS”
Documenters, list of, see the section called “Documenters and translators”
downgrading, see the section called “Upgrading/Downgrading MySQL”
downloading, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
dropping, user, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
dropping, user, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
dumping, databases, see the section called “The mysqlhotcopy Database Backup Program”
dumping, databases, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
dynamic table characteristics, see the section called “Dynamic Table Characteristics”


Eiffel Wrapper, see the section called “MySQL Eiffel Wrapper”
email lists, see the section called “The MySQL Mailing Lists”
embedded MySQL server library, see the section called “libmysqld, the Embedded MySQL Server Library”
employment with MySQL, see the section called “Contact Information”
employment, contact information, see the section called “Contact Information”
entering, queries, see the section called “Entering Queries”
ENUM, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
environment variables, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
environment variables, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
environment variables, see the section called “Using Environment Variables to Specify Options”
environment variables, list of, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment varible, PATH, see the section called “Invoking MySQL Programs”
Errcode, see the section called “perror, Explaining Error Codes”
errno, see the section called “perror, Explaining Error Codes”
error messages, can't find file, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
error messages, displaying, see the section called “perror, Explaining Error Codes”
error messages, languages, see the section called “Setting the Error Message Language”
ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
errors, access denied, see the section called “Access denied”
errors, checking tables for, see the section called “How to Check MyISAM Tables for Errors”
errors, common, see Appendix A, Problems and Common Errors
errors, directory checksum, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
errors, handling for UDFs, see the section called “Return Values and Error Handling”
errors, known, see the section called “Known Errors and Design Deficiencies in MySQL”
errors, linking, see the section called “Problems Linking to the MySQL Client Library”
errors, list of, see the section called “Common Errors When Using MySQL Programs”
errors, reporting, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
errors, reporting, see the section called “MySQL Mailing Lists”
errors, reporting, see Chapter 1, General Information
escape characters, see the section called “Literal Values”
estimating, query performance, see the section called “Estimating Query Performance”
example, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
examples, compressed tables, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
examples, myisamchk output, see the section called “Getting Information About a Table”
examples, queries, see the section called “Examples of Common Queries”
Excel, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
execute, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
expression aliases, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
expression aliases, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
expressions, extended, see the section called “Pattern Matching”
extensions, to standard SQL, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance”
extracting, dates, see the section called “Date Calculations”
fatal signal 11, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”


features of MySQL, see the section called “The Main Features of MySQL”
field, changing, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
files, binary log, see the section called “The Binary Log”
files, config.cache, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
files, error messages, see the section called “Setting the Error Message Language”
files, log, see the section called “Log File Maintenance”
files, log, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
files, my.cnf, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
files, not found message, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
files, permissions, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
files, query log, see the section called “The General Query Log”
files, repairing, see the section called “Repair Options for myisamchk”
files, script, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
files, size limits, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
files, slow query log, see the section called “The Slow Query Log”
files, text, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
files, tmp, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
files, update log, see the section called “The Update Log”
filesort optimization, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes ORDER BY”
floating-point number, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
floats, see the section called “Numbers”
flush tables, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
force, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
foreign key, constraint, see the section called “Constraint PRIMARY KEY / UNIQUE”
foreign key, deleting, see the section called “FOREIGN KEY Constraints”
foreign key, deleting, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
foreign keys, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
foreign keys, see the section called “Using Foreign Keys”
foreign keys, see the section called “Foreign Keys”
free licensing, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
FreeBSD troubleshooting, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
ft_max_word_len myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
ft_min_word_len myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
ft_stopword_file myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
full disk, see the section called “How MySQL Handles a Full Disk”
full-text search, see the section called “Full-Text Search Functions”
FULLTEXT, see the section called “Full-Text Search Functions”
function, deleting, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
functions, see Chapter 13, Functions and Operators
functions for SELECT and WHERE clauses, see Chapter 13, Functions and Operators
functions, C API, see the section called “C API Function Overview”
functions, C Prepared statement API, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Function Overview”
functions, cast, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
functions, grouping, see the section called “Parentheses”
functions, native, adding, see the section called “Adding a New Native Function”
functions, new, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
functions, user-defined, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
functions, user-defined, adding, see the section called “Adding a New User-defined Function”
gcc, see the section called “Typical configure Options”


gdb, using, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
general information, see Chapter 1, General Information
General Public License, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
General Public License, MySQL, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
geographic feature, see the section called “Introduction”
geometry, see the section called “Introduction”
geospatial feature, see the section called “Introduction”
getting MySQL, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
GIS, see the section called “Introduction”
GIS, see Chapter 19, Spatial Extensions in MySQL
global privileges, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
goals of MySQL, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
GPL, General Public License, see Appendix G, GNU General Public License
GPL, GNU General Public License, see Appendix G, GNU General Public License
GPL, MySQL, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
GPL, MySQL FLOSS License Exception, see Appendix H, MySQL FLOSS License Exception
grant tables, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
grant tables, re-creating, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
grant tables, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
grant tables, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
grant tables, upgrading, see the section called “Upgrading the Grant Tables”
granting, privileges, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
graphical tool, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
GROUP BY, aliases in, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
GROUP BY, extensions to standard SQL, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
GROUP BY, extensions to standard SQL, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
grouping, expressions, see the section called “Parentheses”
GUI tool, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”


Handlers, see the section called “DECLARE Handlers”
handling, errors, see the section called “Return Values and Error Handling”
HEAP storage engine, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
HEAP storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
HEAP table type, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
HEAP table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
help, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
help, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
help, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
hints, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
hints, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
hints, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
history of MySQL, see the section called “History of MySQL”
history_size, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
host table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
host table, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
host, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
host, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
hostname caching, see the section called “How MySQL Uses DNS”
hostname, default, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
html, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”


ID, unique, see the section called “How to Get the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row”
identifiers, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
identifiers, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
ignore-space, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
IGNORE_SPACE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
importing, data, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
increasing with replication, speed, see Chapter 6, Replication in MySQL
increasing, performance, see the section called “Replication FAQ”
index, deleting, see the section called “DROP INDEX Syntax”
index, deleting, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
indexes, see the section called “CREATE INDEX Syntax”
indexes, and BLOB columns, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
indexes, and BLOB columns, see the section called “Column Indexes”
indexes, and IS NULL, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
indexes, and LIKE, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
indexes, and NULL values, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
indexes, and TEXT columns, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
indexes, and TEXT columns, see the section called “Column Indexes”
indexes, assigning to key cache, see the section called “CACHE INDEX Syntax”
indexes, block size, see the section called “Server System Variables”
indexes, columns, see the section called “Column Indexes”
indexes, leftmost prefix of, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
indexes, multi-column, see the section called “Multiple-Column Indexes”
indexes, multiple-part, see the section called “CREATE INDEX Syntax”
indexes, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
indexes, use of, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
InnoDB, see the section called “InnoDB Overview”
InnoDB storage engine, see Chapter 16, The InnoDB Storage Engine
InnoDB storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
InnoDB table type, see Chapter 16, The InnoDB Storage Engine
InnoDB table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
InnoDB tables, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
INSERT DELAYED, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
inserting, speed of, see the section called “Speed of INSERT Statements”
installation layouts, see the section called “Installation Layouts”
installation overview, see the section called “MySQL Installation Using a Source Distribution”
installing, binary distribution, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
installing, Linux RPM packages, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Linux”
installing, Mac OS X PKG packages, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Mac OS X”
installing, overview, see Chapter 2, Installing MySQL
installing, Perl, see the section called “Perl Installation Notes”
installing, Perl on Windows, see the section called “Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows”
installing, source distribution, see the section called “MySQL Installation Using a Source Distribution”
installing, user-defined functions, see the section called “Compiling and Installing User-defined Functions”
integers, see the section called “Numbers”
internal compiler errors, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
internal locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
internals, see the section called “MySQL Internals”
Internet Relay Chat, see the section called “MySQL Community Support on IRC (Internet Relay Chat)”
Internet Service Providers, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
introducer, string literal, see the section called “Character String Literal Character Set and Collation”
introducer, string literal, see the section called “Strings”
IRC, see the section called “MySQL Community Support on IRC (Internet Relay Chat)”
ISAM storage engine, see the section called “The ISAM Storage Engine”
ISAM storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
ISAM table type, see the section called “The ISAM Storage Engine”
ISAM table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
ISP services, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”


Java connectivity, see the section called “MySQL Java Connectivity (JDBC)”
JDBC, see the section called “MySQL Java Connectivity (JDBC)”
jobs at MySQL, see the section called “Contact Information”


key cache, assigning indexes to, see the section called “CACHE INDEX Syntax”
Key cache, MyISAM, see the section called “The MyISAM Key Cache”
key space, MyISAM, see the section called “Space Needed for Keys”
key_buffer_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
keys, see the section called “Column Indexes”
keys, foreign, see the section called “Using Foreign Keys”
keys, foreign, see the section called “Foreign Keys”
keys, multi-column, see the section called “Multiple-Column Indexes”
keys, searching on two, see the section called “Searching on Two Keys”
keywords, see the section called “Treatment of Reserved Words in MySQL”
known errors, see the section called “Known Errors and Design Deficiencies in MySQL”


language support, see the section called “Setting the Error Message Language”
last row, unique ID, see the section called “How to Get the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row”
layout of installation, see the section called “Installation Layouts”
leftmost prefix of indexes, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
legal names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
libmysqld, see the section called “libmysqld, the Embedded MySQL Server Library”
libraries, list of, see the section called “Libraries used by and included with MySQL”
library, mysqlclient, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
License, see Appendix H, MySQL FLOSS License Exception
licenses, see the section called “Copyrights and Licenses Used by MySQL”
licensing costs, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
licensing policy, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
licensing terms, see the section called “MySQL Support and Licensing”
licensing, contact information, see the section called “Contact Information”
licensing, examples, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
licensing, free, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
limitations, design, see the section called “MySQL Design Limitations and Tradeoffs”
limitations, replication, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
limits, file-size, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
linking, see the section called “Building Client Programs”
linking, errors, see the section called “Problems Linking to the MySQL Client Library”
linking, problems, see the section called “Problems Linking with the C API”
linking, speed, see the section called “How Compiling and Linking Affects the Speed of MySQL”
links, symbolic, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links”
Linux, binary distribution, see the section called “Linux Binary Distribution Notes”
Linux, source distribution, see the section called “Linux Source Distribution Notes”
literals, see the section called “Literal Values”
loading, tables, see the section called “Loading Data into a Table”
local-infile, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
local-infile, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
locking, see the section called “System Factors and Startup Parameter Tuning”
locking methods, see the section called “Locking Methods”
locking, page-level, see the section called “Locking Methods”
locking, row-level, see the section called “Locking Methods”
locking, row-level, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
locking, table-level, see the section called “Locking Methods”
Log files, see the section called “The MySQL Log Files”
log files, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
log files, maintaining, see the section called “Log File Maintenance”
log files, names, see the section called “Database Backups”
log, changes, see Appendix C, MySQL Change History
log, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
logos, see the section called “MySQL AB Logos and Trademarks”


Mac OS X, installation, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Mac OS X”
mailing address, for customer support, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
mailing list address, see Chapter 1, General Information
mailing lists, see the section called “The MySQL Mailing Lists”
mailing lists, archive location, see the section called “Asking Questions or Reporting Bugs”
mailing lists, guidelines, see the section called “Guidelines for Answering Questions on the Mailing List”
main features of MySQL, see the section called “The Main Features of MySQL”
maintaining, log files, see the section called “Log File Maintenance”
maintaining, tables, see the section called “Setting Up a Table Maintenance Schedule”
make_binary_distribution, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
manual, available formats, see the section called “About This Manual”
manual, online location, see the section called “About This Manual”
manual, typographical conventions, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”
master/slave setup, see the section called “Replication Implementation Overview”
matching, patterns, see the section called “Pattern Matching”
max_allowed_packet variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
max_allowed_packet variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
max_join_size variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
max_join_size variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
MAXDB SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
maximum memory used, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
MBR, see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
MEMORY storage engine, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
MEMORY storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
MEMORY table type, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
MEMORY table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
memory usage, myisamchk, see the section called “myisamchk Memory Usage”
memory use, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
memory use, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Memory”
MERGE storage engine, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
MERGE storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
MERGE table type, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
MERGE table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
MERGE tables, defined, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
messages, languages, see the section called “Setting the Error Message Language”
methods, locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
Minimum Bounding Rectangle, see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
mirror sites, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
MIT-pthreads, see the section called “MIT-pthreads Notes”
modes, batch, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
modules, list of, see the section called “MySQL Stability”
monitor, terminal, see Chapter 3, MySQL Tutorial
mSQL compatibility, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
msql2mysql, see the section called “MySQL Program Development Utilities”
MSSQL SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
multi mysqld, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
multi-byte character sets, see the section called “Can't initialize character set”
multi-byte characters, see the section called “Multi-Byte Character Support”
multi-column indexes, see the section called “Multiple-Column Indexes”
multiple servers, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
multiple-part index, see the section called “CREATE INDEX Syntax”
My, derivation, see the section called “History of MySQL”
my.cnf file, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
MyISAM key cache, see the section called “The MyISAM Key Cache”
MyISAM storage engine, see the section called “The MyISAM Storage Engine”
MyISAM storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
MyISAM table type, see the section called “The MyISAM Storage Engine”
MyISAM table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
MyISAM, compressed tables, see the section called “Compressed Table Characteristics”
MyISAM, compressed tables, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
MyISAM, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
myisam_block_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
myisamchk, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
myisamchk, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
myisamchk, example output, see the section called “Getting Information About a Table”
myisamchk, options, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
myisampack, see the section called “Compressed Table Characteristics”
myisampack, see the section called “Silent Column Specification Changes”
myisampack, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
myisampack, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
MyODBC, see the section called “MySQL ODBC Support”
MyODBC, reporting problems, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
mysql, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
MySQL AB, defined, see the section called “Overview of MySQL AB”
MySQL binary distribution, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
MySQL certification, see the section called “Training and Certification”
mysql command-line options, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
mysql commands, list of, see the section called “mysql Commands”
MySQL consulting, see the section called “Consulting”
MySQL Dolphin name, see the section called “History of MySQL”
MySQL history, see the section called “History of MySQL”
mysql history file, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
MySQL mailing lists, see the section called “MySQL Mailing Lists”
MySQL name, see the section called “History of MySQL”
mysql prompt command, see the section called “mysql Commands”
MySQL source distribution, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
mysql status command, see the section called “mysql Commands”
MySQL storage engines, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
MySQL table types, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
MySQL training, see the section called “Training and Certification”
MySQL version, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
MySQL++, see the section called “MySQL C++ API”
MySQL, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
MySQL, introduction, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
MySQL, pronunciation, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
mysql.server, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysql.sock, changing location of, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
mysql.sock, protection, see the section called “How to Protect or Change the MySQL Socket File /tmp/mysql.sock”
MYSQL323 SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
MYSQL40 SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
mysql_config, see the section called “MySQL Program Development Utilities”
mysql_fix_privilege_tables, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
mysql_fix_privilege_tables, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysql_install_db, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysql_install_db script, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
mysqlaccess, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqladmin, see the section called “KILL Syntax”
mysqladmin, see the section called “FLUSH Syntax”
mysqladmin, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
mysqladmin, see the section called “SHOW STATUS Syntax”
mysqladmin, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
mysqladmin, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
mysqladmin, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
mysqladmin, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqladmin command-line options, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
mysqladmin, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
mysqlbinlog, see the section called “The mysqlbinlog Binary Log Utility”
mysqlbinlog, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqlbug, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqlbug script, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
mysqlbug script, location, see Chapter 1, General Information
mysqlcc, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
mysqlcc, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqlcc command-line options, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
mysqlcheck, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqlclient library, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
mysqld, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqld options, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
mysqld options, see the section called “mysqld Command-Line Options”
mysqld server, buffer sizes, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
mysqld, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
mysqld, starting, see the section called “How to Run MySQL as a Normal User”
mysqld-max, see the section called “The mysqld-max Extended MySQL Server”
mysqld-max, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqld_multi, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
mysqld_multi, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqld_safe, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”
mysqld_safe, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqldump, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
mysqldump, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqldump, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
mysqlhotcopy, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqlimport, see the section called “LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax”
mysqlimport, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
mysqlimport, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqlimport, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
mysqlshow, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysqltest, MySQL Test Suite, see the section called “MySQL Test Suite”


named pipes, see the section called “Running MySQL Client Programs on Windows”
named pipes, see the section called “Selecting a Windows Server”
named-commands, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
names, variables, see the section called “User Variables”
naming, releases of MySQL, see the section called “Choosing Which Version of MySQL to Install”
native functions, adding, see the section called “Adding a New Native Function”
native thread support, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
negative values, see the section called “Numbers”
nested queries, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
nested query, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
nesting queries, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
net etiquette, see the section called “Guidelines for Answering Questions on the Mailing List”
net etiquette, see the section called “Asking Questions or Reporting Bugs”
net_buffer_length variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
net_buffer_length variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
netmask notation, in mysql.user table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
NetWare, see the section called “Installing MySQL on NetWare”
new procedures, adding, see the section called “Adding New Procedures to MySQL”
new users, adding, see the section called “Source Installation Overview”
new users, adding, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
no matching rows, see the section called “Solving Problems with No Matching Rows”
no-auto-rehash, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
no-beep, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
no-log, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
no-named-commands, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
no-pager, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
no-tee, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
NO_DIR_IN_CREATE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
NO_FIELD_OPTIONS SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
NO_KEY_OPTIONS SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
NO_TABLE_OPTIONS SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
NO_ZERO_IN_DATE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
non-delimited strings, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
Non-transactional tables, see the section called “Rollback Failure for Non-Transactional Tables”
NOT NULL, constraint, see the section called “Constraint NOT NULL and DEFAULT Values”
Novell NetWare, see the section called “Installing MySQL on NetWare”
NULL value, see the section called “Working with NULL Values”
NULL values, and AUTO_INCREMENT columns, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
NULL values, and indexes, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
NULL values, and TIMESTAMP columns, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
NULL values, vs. empty values, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
NULL, testing for null, see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
NULL, testing for null, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
numbers, see the section called “Numbers”
numeric types, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”


ODBC, see the section called “MySQL ODBC Support”
ODBC compatibility, see the section called “Changes in release 3.21.15”
ODBC compatibility, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
ODBC compatibility, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
ODBC compatibility, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
ODBC compatibility, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
ODBC compatibility, see the section called “Identifier Qualifiers”
odbcadmin program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
one-database, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
online location of manual, see the section called “About This Manual”
ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
Open Source, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
open tables, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
open tables, see the section called “How MySQL Counts Open Tables”
open_files_limit variable, see the section called “The mysqlbinlog Binary Log Utility”
OpenGIS, see the section called “Introduction”
opening, tables, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
opens, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
OpenSSL, see the section called “Using Secure Connections”
operating systems, file-size limits, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
operating systems, supported, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
operating systems, Windows versus Unix, see the section called “MySQL on Windows Compared to MySQL on Unix”
operations, arithmetic, see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
operators, see Chapter 13, Functions and Operators
operators, cast, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
operators, cast, see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
optimization, tips, see the section called “Other Optimization Tips”
optimizations, see the section called “Index Merge Optimization”
optimizations, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes WHERE Clauses”
optimizer, controlling, see the section called “Controlling Query Optimizer Performance”
optimizing, DISTINCT, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes DISTINCT”
optimizing, filesort, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes ORDER BY”
optimizing, GROUP BY, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes GROUP BY”
optimizing, LEFT JOIN, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN”
optimizing, LIMIT, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes LIMIT”
optimizing, tables, see the section called “Table Optimization”
option files, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
option files, see the section called “Using Option Files”
options, command-line, see the section called “mysqld Command-Line Options”
options, command-line, mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
options, command-line, mysqladmin, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
options, command-line, mysqlcc, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
options, configure, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
options, myisamchk, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
options, provided by MySQL, see Chapter 3, MySQL Tutorial
options, replication, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
OR Index Merge optimization, see the section called “Index Merge Optimization”
Oracle compatibility, see the section called “DESCRIBE Syntax (Get Information About Columns)”
Oracle compatibility, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
Oracle compatibility, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
ORACLE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
ORDER BY, aliases in, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
overview, see Chapter 1, General Information
pack_isam, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”


packages, list of, see the section called “Packages that support MySQL”
page-level locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
pager, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
parameters, server, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
partnering with MySQL AB, see the section called “Partnering”
password encryption, reversibility of, see the section called “Encryption Functions”
password, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
password, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
password, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
password, root user, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
passwords, for users, see the section called “MySQL Usernames and Passwords”
passwords, forgotten, see the section called “How to Reset the Root Password”
passwords, lost, see the section called “How to Reset the Root Password”
passwords, resetting, see the section called “How to Reset the Root Password”
passwords, security, see the section called “What the Privilege System Does”
passwords, setting, see the section called “SET PASSWORD Syntax”
passwords, setting, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
passwords, setting, see the section called “Assigning Account Passwords”
PATH environment variable, see the section called “Invoking MySQL Programs”
pattern matching, see the section called “Pattern Matching”
performance, benchmarks, see the section called “Using Your Own Benchmarks”
performance, disk issues, see the section called “Disk Issues”
performance, estimating, see the section called “Estimating Query Performance”
performance, improving, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
performance, improving, see the section called “Replication FAQ”
Perl API, see the section called “MySQL Perl API”
Perl DBI/DBD, installation problems, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
Perl, installing, see the section called “Perl Installation Notes”
Perl, installing on Windows, see the section called “Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows”
permission checks, effect on speed, see the section called “Optimizing SELECT Statements and Other Queries”
perror, see the section called “perror, Explaining Error Codes”
perror, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
PHP API, see the section called “MySQL PHP API”
PIPES_AS_CONCAT SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
plugins_path, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
port, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
port, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
portability, see the section called “Designing Applications for Portability”
portability, types, see the section called “Using Column Types from Other Database Engines”
porting, to other systems, see Appendix D, Porting to Other Systems
post-install, multiple servers, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
post-installation, setup and testing, see the section called “Post-Installation Setup and Testing”
PostgreSQL compatibility, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
POSTGRESQL SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
prices, support, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
PRIMARY KEY, constraint, see the section called “Constraint PRIMARY KEY / UNIQUE”
primary key, deleting, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
privilege information, location, see the section called “Privileges Provided by MySQL”
privilege system, see the section called “What the Privilege System Does”
privilege system, described, see the section called “How the Privilege System Works”
privilege, changes, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
privileges, access, see the section called “The MySQL Access Privilege System”
privileges, adding, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
privileges, default, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
privileges, deleting, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
privileges, deleting, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
privileges, display, see the section called “SHOW GRANTS Syntax”
privileges, dropping, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
privileges, dropping, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
privileges, granting, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
privileges, revoking, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
problems, access denied errors, see the section called “Access denied”
problems, common errors, see Appendix A, Problems and Common Errors
problems, compiling, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
problems, DATE columns, see the section called “Problems Using DATE Columns”
problems, date values, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
problems, installing on IBM-AIX, see the section called “IBM-AIX notes”
problems, installing on Solaris, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
problems, installing Perl, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
problems, linking, see the section called “Problems Linking to the MySQL Client Library”
problems, ODBC, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
problems, reporting, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
problems, starting the server, see the section called “Starting and Troubleshooting the MySQL Server”
problems, table locking, see the section called “Table Locking Issues”
problems, time zone, see the section called “Time Zone Problems”
procedures, adding, see the section called “Adding New Procedures to MySQL”
procedures, stored, see Chapter 20, Stored Procedures and Functions
procedures, stored, see the section called “Stored Procedures and Triggers”
process support, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
processes, display, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
processing, arguments, see the section called “Argument Processing”
products, selling, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
program variables, setting, see the section called “Using Options to Set Program Variables”
programs, client, see the section called “Building Client Programs”
programs, crash-me, see the section called “Designing Applications for Portability”
programs, list of, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
prompt, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
prompts, meanings, see the section called “Entering Queries”
pronunciation, MySQL, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
Protocol mismatch, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.20 to 3.21”
protocol, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
Python API, see the section called “MySQL Python API”


queries, entering, see the section called “Entering Queries”
queries, estimating performance, see the section called “Estimating Query Performance”
queries, examples, see the section called “Examples of Common Queries”
queries, speed of, see the section called “Optimizing SELECT Statements and Other Queries”
queries, Twin Studies project, see the section called “Queries from the Twin Project”
Query Cache, see the section called “The MySQL Query Cache”
query log, see the section called “The General Query Log”
query, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
questions, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
questions, answering, see the section called “Guidelines for Answering Questions on the Mailing List”
quick, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
quotes, in strings, see the section called “Strings”
quoting, see the section called “Strings”
quoting binary data, see the section called “Strings”


RAID, compile errors, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
RAID, table type, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
raw, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
re-creating, grant tables, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
read_buffer_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
REAL_AS_FLOAT SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
reconfiguring, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
reconnect, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
recovery, from crash, see the section called “Using myisamchk for Crash Recovery”
reducing, data size, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
references, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
regex, see Appendix F, MySQL Regular Expressions
register, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
regular expression syntax, described, see Appendix F, MySQL Regular Expressions
relational databases, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
release numbers, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
releases, naming scheme, see the section called “Choosing Which Version of MySQL to Install”
releases, testing, see the section called “Choosing Which Version of MySQL to Install”
releases, updating, see the section called “How and When Updates Are Released”
reordering, columns, see the section called “How to Change the Order of Columns in a Table”
repair options, myisamchk, see the section called “Repair Options for myisamchk”
repairing, tables, see the section called “How to Repair Tables”
replace, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
replace utility, see the section called “The replace String-Replacement Utility”
replication, see Chapter 6, Replication in MySQL
replication limitations, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
replication masters, commands, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Master Servers”
replication options, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
replication slaves, commands, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Slave Servers”
reporting, bugs, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
reporting, Connector/ODBC problems, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
reporting, errors, see the section called “MySQL Mailing Lists”
reporting, errors, see Chapter 1, General Information
reporting, MyODBC problems, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
reserved words, exceptions, see the section called “Treatment of Reserved Words in MySQL”
restarting, the server, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
retrieving, data from tables, see the section called “Retrieving Information from a Table”
return values, UDFs, see the section called “Return Values and Error Handling”
revoking, privileges, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
root password, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
root user, password resetting, see the section called “How to Reset the Root Password”
rounding errors, see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
rounding errors, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
row-level locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
rows, counting, see the section called “Counting Rows”
rows, deleting, see the section called “Deleting Rows from Related Tables”
rows, locking, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
rows, matching problems, see the section called “Solving Problems with No Matching Rows”
rows, selecting, see the section called “Selecting Particular Rows”
rows, sorting, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
RPM file, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Linux”
RPM Package Manager, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Linux”
RTS-threads, see the section called “Comments about RTS Threads”
running a Web server, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
running configure after prior invocation, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
running, ANSI mode, see the section called “Running MySQL in ANSI Mode”
running, batch mode, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
running, multiple servers, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
running, queries, see the section called “Entering Queries”
safe-updates option, see the section called “Using the --safe-updates Option”
safe-updates, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
safe_mysqld, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”


Sakila, see the section called “History of MySQL”
schema, altering, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
schema, creating, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
schema, deleting, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
script files, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
scripts, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
scripts, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”
scripts, mysql_install_db, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
scripts, mysqlbug, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
scripts, SQL, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
searching, and case sensitivity, see the section called “Case Sensitivity in Searches”
searching, full-text, see the section called “Full-Text Search Functions”
searching, MySQL Web pages, see the section called “Asking Questions or Reporting Bugs”
searching, two keys, see the section called “Searching on Two Keys”
security system, see the section called “The MySQL Access Privilege System”
security, against attackers, see the section called “Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers”
SELECT, Query Cache, see the section called “The MySQL Query Cache”
select_limit variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
select_limit variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
selecting, databases, see the section called “Creating and Selecting a Database”
selling products, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
SEQUENCE, see the section called “Using AUTO_INCREMENT”
sequence emulation, see the section called “Information Functions”
sequences, see the section called “Using AUTO_INCREMENT”
server administration, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
server variables, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
server variables, see the section called “System Variables”
server variables, see the section called “Server System Variables”
server, connecting, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
server, connecting, see the section called “Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server”
server, debugging, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Server”
server, disconnecting, see the section called “Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server”
server, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
server, restart, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
server, shutdown, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
server, starting, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
server, starting and stopping, see the section called “Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically”
server, starting problems, see the section called “Starting and Troubleshooting the MySQL Server”
servers, multiple, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
services, ISP, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
services, Web, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
SET, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
setting passwords, see the section called “SET PASSWORD Syntax”
setting program variables, see the section called “Using Options to Set Program Variables”
setting, passwords, see the section called “Assigning Account Passwords”
setup, post-installation, see the section called “Post-Installation Setup and Testing”
shell syntax, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”
showing, database information, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
shutdown_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
shutting down, the server, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
silent column changes, see the section called “Silent Column Specification Changes”
silent, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
size of tables, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
sizes, display, see Chapter 12, Column Types
skip-column-names, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
skip-line-numbers, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
slow queries, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
slow query log, see the section called “The Slow Query Log”
socket location, changing, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
socket, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
socket, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
Solaris installation problems, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
Solaris troubleshooting, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
sort_buffer_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
sort_key_blocks myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
sorting, character sets, see the section called “The Character Set Used for Data and Sorting”
sorting, data, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
sorting, grant tables, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
sorting, grant tables, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
sorting, table rows, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
source distribution, installing, see the section called “MySQL Installation Using a Source Distribution”
source distributions, on Linux, see the section called “Linux Source Distribution Notes”
Spatial Extensions in MySQL, see the section called “Introduction”
speed, compiling, see the section called “How Compiling and Linking Affects the Speed of MySQL”
speed, increasing with replication, see Chapter 6, Replication in MySQL
speed, inserting, see the section called “Speed of INSERT Statements”
speed, linking, see the section called “How Compiling and Linking Affects the Speed of MySQL”
speed, of queries, see the section called “Speed of SELECT Queries”
speed, of queries, see the section called “Optimizing SELECT Statements and Other Queries”
SQL commands, replication masters, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Master Servers”
SQL commands, replication slaves, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Slave Servers”
SQL scripts, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
SQL, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
SQL-92, extensions to, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance” problems, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
square brackets, see Chapter 12, Column Types
SSH, see the section called “Connecting to MySQL Remotely from Windows with SSH”
SSL and X509 Basics, see the section called “Using Secure Connections”
SSL command-line options, see the section called “SSL Command-Line Options”
SSL related options, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
SSL related options, see the section called “SSL GRANT Options”
stability, see the section called “MySQL Stability”
Standard SQL, differences from, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
standard SQL, extensions to, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance”
standards compatibility, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance”
Starting many servers, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
starting, comments, see the section called “‘--’ as the Start of a Comment”
starting, mysqld, see the section called “How to Run MySQL as a Normal User”
starting, the server, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
starting, the server automatically, see the section called “Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically”
startup options, default, see the section called “Using Option Files”
startup parameters, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
startup parameters, mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
startup parameters, mysqladmin, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
startup parameters, mysqlcc, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
startup parameters, tuning, see the section called “System Factors and Startup Parameter Tuning”
statically, compiling, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
status command, results, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
status variables, see the section called “SHOW STATUS Syntax”
status variables, see the section called “Server Status Variables”
status, tables, see the section called “SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax”
stopping, the server, see the section called “Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically”
storage engines, choosing, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
storage of data, see the section called “Design Choices”
storage requirements, column type, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
storage space, minimising, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
stored procedures, see Chapter 20, Stored Procedures and Functions
stored procedures and triggers, defined, see the section called “Stored Procedures and Triggers”
STRICT SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
STRICT_ALL_TABLES SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
STRICT_TRANS_TABLES SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
string collating, see the section called “String Collating Support”
string comparisons, case sensitivity, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
string literal introducer, see the section called “Character String Literal Character Set and Collation”
string literal introducer, see the section called “Strings”
string replacement, replace utility, see the section called “The replace String-Replacement Utility”
string types, see the section called “String Types”
strings, defined, see the section called “Literal Values”
strings, escaping characters, see the section called “Literal Values”
strings, non-delimited, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
striping, defined, see the section called “Disk Issues”
subqueries, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
subquery, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
subselects, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
superuser, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
support costs, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
support terms, see the section called “MySQL Support and Licensing”
support, for operating systems, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
support, licensing, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
support, mailing address, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
support, types, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
suppression, default values, see the section called “Constraint NOT NULL and DEFAULT Values”
Sybase compatibility, see the section called “USE Syntax”
symbolic links, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Windows”
symbolic links, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links”
syntax, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
syntax, regular expression, see Appendix F, MySQL Regular Expressions
syntax_file, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
system optimization, see the section called “System Factors and Startup Parameter Tuning”
system table, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
system variables, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
system variables, see the section called “System Variables”
system variables, see the section called “Server System Variables”
system, privilege, see the section called “What the Privilege System Does”
system, security, see the section called “General Security Issues”


table aliases, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
table cache, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
table is full, see the section called “The table is full”
table is full, see the section called “SET Syntax”
table names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
table names, case-sensitivity, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
Table scans, avoiding, see the section called “How to Avoid Table Scans”
table types, choosing, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
table, changing, see the section called “Problems with ALTER TABLE”
table, changing, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
table, deleting, see the section called “DROP TABLE Syntax”
table, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
table-level locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
tables, BDB, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
tables, Berkeley DB, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
tables, changing column order, see the section called “How to Change the Order of Columns in a Table”
tables, checking, see the section called “Check Options for myisamchk”
tables, closing, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
tables, compressed, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
tables, compressed format, see the section called “Compressed Table Characteristics”
tables, constant, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes WHERE Clauses”
tables, constant, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
tables, copying, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
tables, counting rows, see the section called “Counting Rows”
tables, creating, see the section called “Creating a Table”
tables, defragment, see the section called “Dynamic Table Characteristics”
tables, defragment, see the section called “Setting Up a Table Maintenance Schedule”
tables, defragmenting, see the section called “OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax”
tables, deleting rows, see the section called “Deleting Rows from Related Tables”
tables, displaying, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
tables, displaying status, see the section called “SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax”
tables, dumping, see the section called “The mysqlhotcopy Database Backup Program”
tables, dumping, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
tables, dynamic, see the section called “Dynamic Table Characteristics”
tables, error checking, see the section called “How to Check MyISAM Tables for Errors”
tables, flush, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
tables, fragmentation, see the section called “OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax”
tables, grant, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
tables, HEAP, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
tables, host, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
tables, improving performance, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
tables, information, see the section called “Getting Information About a Table”
tables, information about, see the section called “Getting Information About Databases and Tables”
tables, InnoDB, see Chapter 16, The InnoDB Storage Engine
tables, ISAM, see the section called “The ISAM Storage Engine”
tables, loading data, see the section called “Loading Data into a Table”
tables, maintenance regimen, see the section called “Setting Up a Table Maintenance Schedule”
tables, maximum size, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
tables, MEMORY, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
tables, MERGE, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
tables, merging, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
tables, multiple, see the section called “Using More Than one Table”
tables, MyISAM, see the section called “The MyISAM Storage Engine”
tables, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
tables, open, see the section called “How MySQL Counts Open Tables”
tables, opening, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
tables, optimizing, see the section called “Table Optimization”
tables, partitioning, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
tables, RAID, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
tables, repairing, see the section called “How to Repair Tables”
tables, retrieving data, see the section called “Retrieving Information from a Table”
tables, selecting columns, see the section called “Selecting Particular Columns”
tables, selecting rows, see the section called “Selecting Particular Rows”
tables, sorting rows, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
tables, symbolic links, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Tables on Unix”
tables, system, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
tables, too many, see the section called “Drawbacks to Creating Many Tables in the Same Database”
tables, unique ID for last row, see the section called “How to Get the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row”
tables, updating, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
tar, problems on Solaris, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
Tcl API, see the section called “MySQL Tcl API”
tcp-ip, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
TCP/IP, see the section called “Running MySQL Client Programs on Windows”
TCP/IP, see the section called “Selecting a Windows Server”
technical support, licensing, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
technical support, mailing address, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
tee, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
temporary file, write access, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
temporary tables, problems, see the section called “TEMPORARY TABLE Problems”
terminal monitor, defined, see Chapter 3, MySQL Tutorial
testing mysqld, mysqltest, see the section called “MySQL Test Suite”
testing, connection to the server, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
testing, installation, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
testing, of MySQL releases, see the section called “Choosing Which Version of MySQL to Install”
testing, post-installation, see the section called “Post-Installation Setup and Testing”
Texinfo, see the section called “About This Manual”
TEXT columns, default values, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
TEXT columns, indexing, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
TEXT columns, indexing, see the section called “Column Indexes”
text files, importing, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
TEXT, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
thread packages, differences between, see the section called “Differences Between Thread Packages”
thread support, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
thread support, non-native, see the section called “MIT-pthreads Notes”
threaded clients, see the section called “How to Make a Threaded Client”
threads, see the section called “MySQL Internals”
threads, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
threads, display, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
threads, RTS, see the section called “Comments about RTS Threads”
time types, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
time zone problems, see the section called “Time Zone Problems”
timeout, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
timeout, see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
timeout, see the section called “Server System Variables”
timeout, connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
timeout, connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
timeout, connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
timeout, shutdown_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
TIMESTAMP, and NULL values, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
tips, optimization, see the section called “Other Optimization Tips”
ToDo list for MySQL, see the section called “MySQL and the Future (the TODO)”
TODO, embedded server, see the section called “Things left to do in Embedded Server (TODO)”
TODO, symlinks, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Tables on Unix”
tools, command-line, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
tools, graphical, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
tools, GUI, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
tools, list of, see the section called “Tools that were used to create MySQL”
tools, mysqld_multi, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
tools, mysqld_safe, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”
tools, safe_mysqld, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”
trademarks, see the section called “MySQL AB Logos and Trademarks”
TRADITIONAL SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
TRADITONAL SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
training, see the section called “Training and Certification”
transaction-safe tables, see the section called “InnoDB Overview”
transaction-safe tables, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
transactions, support, see the section called “InnoDB Overview”
transactions, support, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
translations_path, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
Translators, list of, see the section called “Documenters and translators”
triggers, see the section called “Stored Procedures and Triggers”
troubleshooting, FreeBSD, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
troubleshooting, Solaris, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
tutorial, see Chapter 3, MySQL Tutorial
Twin Studies, queries, see the section called “Queries from the Twin Project”
type conversions, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
types of support, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
types, columns, see the section called “Choosing the Right Type for a Column”
types, columns, see Chapter 12, Column Types
types, data, see Chapter 12, Column Types
types, date, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
types, Date and Time, see the section called “Date and Time Types”
types, numeric, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
types, of tables, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
types, portability, see the section called “Using Column Types from Other Database Engines”
types, strings, see the section called “String Types”
types, time, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
typographical conventions, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”


UCS-2, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support
UDFs, compiling, see the section called “Compiling and Installing User-defined Functions”
UDFs, defined, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
UDFs, return values, see the section called “Return Values and Error Handling”
unbuffered, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
Unicode, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support
unique ID, see the section called “How to Get the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row”
UNIQUE, constraint, see the section called “Constraint PRIMARY KEY / UNIQUE”
unloading, tables, see the section called “Retrieving Information from a Table”
unnamed views, see the section called “Subqueries in the FROM clause”
update log, see the section called “The Update Log”
updating, releases of MySQL, see the section called “How and When Updates Are Released”
updating, tables, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
upgrading, see the section called “Upgrading/Downgrading MySQL”
upgrading, 3.20 to 3.21, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.20 to 3.21”
upgrading, 3.21 to 3.22, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.21 to 3.22”
upgrading, 3.22 to 3.23, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.22 to 3.23”
upgrading, 3.23 to 4.0, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.23 to 4.0”
upgrading, 4.0 to 4.1, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 4.0 to 4.1”
upgrading, different architecture, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
upgrading, grant tables, see the section called “Upgrading the Grant Tables”
upgrading, to 5.0, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 4.1 to 5.0”
uptime, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
URLs for downloading MySQL, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
user privileges, adding, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
user privileges, deleting, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
user privileges, deleting, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
user privileges, dropping, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
user privileges, dropping, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
user table, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
user variables, see the section called “User Variables”
user, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
user, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
user, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
user-defined functions, adding, see the section called “Adding a New User-defined Function”
user-defined functions, adding, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
usernames, and passwords, see the section called “MySQL Usernames and Passwords”
users, adding, see the section called “Source Installation Overview”
users, adding, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
users, deleting, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
users, deleting, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
users, root, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
uses, of MySQL, see the section called “What We Have Used MySQL For”
using multiple disks to start data, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Windows”
UTF-8, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support
UTF8, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support


valid numbers, examples, see the section called “Numbers”
VARCHAR, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
variables, mysqld, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
variables, server, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
variables, server, see the section called “Server System Variables”
variables, status, see the section called “SHOW STATUS Syntax”
variables, status, see the section called “Server Status Variables”
variables, system, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
variables, System, see the section called “System Variables”
variables, system, see the section called “Server System Variables”
variables, user, see the section called “User Variables”
variables, values, see the section called “Server System Variables”
verbose, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
version, choosing, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
version, latest, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
version, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
version, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
version, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
vertical, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
views, see the section called “CREATE VIEW Syntax”
views, see the section called “Views”
views, updatable, see the section called “CREATE VIEW Syntax”
views, updatable, see the section called “Views”
virtual memory, problems while compiling, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
Visual Basic, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
wait, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”


Web server, running, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
Well-Known Binary format, see the section called “Well-Known Binary (WKB) Format”
Well-Known Text format, see the section called “Well-Known Text (WKT) Format”
What is an X509/Certificate?, see the section called “Basic SSL Concepts”
What is encryption, see the section called “Basic SSL Concepts”
widths, display, see Chapter 12, Column Types
wildcards, and LIKE, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
wildcards, in mysql.columns_priv table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
wildcards, in mysql.db table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
wildcards, in table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
wildcards, in mysql.tables_priv table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
wildcards, in mysql.user table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
Windows, see the section called “MySQL ODBC Support”
Windows, compiling on, see the section called “Compiling MySQL Clients on Windows”
Windows, open issues, see the section called “MySQL on Windows Compared to MySQL on Unix”
Windows, upgrading, see the section called “Upgrading MySQL Under Windows”
Windows, versus Unix, see the section called “MySQL on Windows Compared to MySQL on Unix”
WKB format, see the section called “Well-Known Binary (WKB) Format”
WKT format, see the section called “Well-Known Text (WKT) Format”
Word program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
wrappers, Eiffel, see the section called “MySQL Eiffel Wrapper”
write access, tmp, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
write_buffer_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
xml, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”


Year 2000 compliance, see the section called “Year 2000 Compliance”
Year 2000 issues, see the section called “Y2K Issues and Date Types”