- aborted clients, see the section called “Communication Errors and Aborted Connections”
- aborted connection, see the section called “Communication Errors and Aborted Connections”
- access control, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- access denied errors, see the section called “Access denied”
- access privileges, see the section called “The MySQL Access Privilege System”
- Access program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- account privileges, adding, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
- accounts, anonymous user, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
- accounts, root, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
- ACID, see the section called “InnoDB Overview”
- ACID, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- ACLs, see the section called “The MySQL Access Privilege System”
- ActiveState Perl, see the section called “Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows”
- adding, character sets, see the section called “Adding a New Character Set”
- adding, native functions, see the section called “Adding a New Native Function”
- adding, new account privileges, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
- adding, new functions, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
- adding, new user privileges, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
- adding, new users, see the section called “Source Installation Overview”
- adding, new users, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
- adding, procedures, see the section called “Adding New Procedures to MySQL”
- adding, user-defined functions, see the section called “Adding a New User-defined Function”
- administration, server, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- ADO program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- age, calculating, see the section called “Date Calculations”
- alias names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
- aliases, for expressions, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
- aliases, for tables, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- aliases, in GROUP BY clauses, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
- aliases, in ORDER BY clauses, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
- aliases, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- aliases, on expressions, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- ALLOW_INVALID_DATES SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- altering, database, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
- altering, schema, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
- anonymous user, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- anonymous user, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- anonymous user, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
- ANSI mode, running, see the section called “Running MySQL in ANSI Mode”
- ANSI SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- answering questions, etiquette, see the section called “Guidelines for Answering Questions on the Mailing List”
- Apache, see the section called “Using MySQL with Apache”
- API's, list of, see the section called “Packages that support MySQL”
- APIs, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
- APIs, Perl, see the section called “MySQL Perl API”
- argument processing, see the section called “Argument Processing”
- arithmetic expressions, see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- attackers, security against, see the section called “Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers”
- AUTO-INCREMENT, ODBC, see the section called “How to Get the Value of an AUTO_INCREMENT Column in ODBC”
- AUTO_INCREMENT, see the section called “Using AUTO_INCREMENT”
- AUTO_INCREMENT, and NULL values, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
- backing up, databases, see the section called “The mysqlhotcopy Database Backup Program”
- backing up, databases, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
- backslash, escape character, see the section called “Literal Values”
- backups, see the section called “Database Backups”
- backups, database, see the section called “BACKUP TABLE Syntax”
- batch mode, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
- batch, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- BDB storage engine, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
- BDB storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- BDB table type, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
- BDB table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- BDB tables, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- benchmark suite, see the section called “The MySQL Benchmark Suite”
- benchmarks, see the section called “Using Your Own Benchmarks”
- BerkeleyDB storage engine, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
- BerkeleyDB storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- BerkeleyDB table type, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
- BerkeleyDB table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- Big5 Chinese character encoding, see the section called “Case Sensitivity in Searches”
- binary distributions, see the section called “MySQL Binaries Compiled by MySQL AB”
- binary distributions, installing, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
- binary distributions, on Linux, see the section called “Linux Binary Distribution Notes”
- binary log, see the section called “The Binary Log”
- bit_functions, example, see the section called “Calculating Visits Per Day”
- BitKeeper tree, see the section called “Installing from the Development Source Tree”
- BLOB columns, default values, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
- BLOB columns, indexing, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- BLOB columns, indexing, see the section called “Column Indexes”
- BLOB, inserting binary data, see the section called “Strings”
- BLOB, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- blocking_queries, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- Borland Builder 4 program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- Borland C++ compiler, see the section called “Borland C++”
- brackets, square, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- buffer sizes, client, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
- buffer sizes, mysqld server, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
- bug reports, criteria for, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- bugs database, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- bugs, known, see the section called “Known Errors and Design Deficiencies in MySQL”
- bugs, reporting, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- bugs.mysql.com, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- building, client programs, see the section called “Building Client Programs”
- C API, data types, see the section called “MySQL C API”
- C API, functions, see the section called “C API Function Overview”
- C API, linking problems, see the section called “Problems Linking with the C API”
- C Prepared statement API, functions, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Function Overview”
- C++ APIs, see the section called “MySQL C++ API”
- C++ Builder, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- C++ compiler cannot create executables, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- C++ compiler, gcc, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- caches, clearing, see the section called “FLUSH Syntax”
- calculating, dates, see the section called “Date Calculations”
- calling sequences for aggregate functions, UDF, see the section called “UDF Calling Sequences for aggregate functions”
- calling sequences for simple functions, UDF, see the section called “UDF Calling Sequences for simple functions”
- can't create/write to file, see the section called “Can't create/write to file”
- case sensitivity, in identifiers, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
- case sensitivity, in names, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
- case sensitivity, in searches, see the section called “Case Sensitivity in Searches”
- case sensitivity, in string comparisons, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- case-sensitivity, in access checking, see the section called “How the Privilege System Works”
- case-sensitivity, of database names, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
- case-sensitivity, of table names, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
- cast functions, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
- cast operators, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
- casts, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- cc1plus problems, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- certification, see the section called “Training and Certification”
- ChangeLog, see Appendix C, MySQL Change History
- changes to privileges, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- changes, log, see Appendix C, MySQL Change History
- changes, version 3.19, see the section called “Changes in release 3.19.x”
- changes, version 3.20, see the section called “Changes in release 3.20.x”
- changes, version 3.21, see the section called “Changes in release 3.21.x”
- changes, version 3.22, see the section called “Changes in release 3.22.x (Old; discontinued)”
- changes, version 3.23, see the section called “Changes in release 3.23.x (Recent; still supported)”
- changes, version 4.0, see the section called “Changes in release 4.0.x (Production)”
- changes, version 4.1, see the section called “Changes in release 4.1.x (Gamma)”
- changes, version 5.0, see the section called “Changes in release 5.0.x (Development)”
- changing socket location, see the section called “How to Protect or Change the MySQL Socket File /tmp/mysql.sock”
- changing socket location, see the section called “Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically”
- changing socket location, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- changing, column, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- changing, column order, see the section called “How to Change the Order of Columns in a Table”
- changing, field, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- changing, table, see the section called “Problems with ALTER TABLE”
- changing, table, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- Character sets, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support
- character sets, see the section called “The Character Set Used for Data and Sorting”
- character sets, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- character sets, adding, see the section called “Adding a New Character Set”
- character-sets-dir, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- characters, multi-byte, see the section called “Multi-Byte Character Support”
- check options, myisamchk, see the section called “Check Options for myisamchk”
- checking, tables for errors, see the section called “How to Check MyISAM Tables for Errors”
- checksum errors, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
- Chinese, see the section called “Case Sensitivity in Searches”
- choosing types, see the section called “Choosing the Right Type for a Column”
- choosing, a MySQL version, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
- clearing, caches, see the section called “FLUSH Syntax”
- client programs, building, see the section called “Building Client Programs”
- client tools, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
- clients, debugging, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Client”
- clients, threaded, see the section called “How to Make a Threaded Client”
- closing, tables, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
- ColdFusion program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- collating, strings, see the section called “String Collating Support”
- column comments, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- column names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
- column, changing, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- columns, changing, see the section called “How to Change the Order of Columns in a Table”
- columns, displaying, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
- columns, indexes, see the section called “Column Indexes”
- columns, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- columns, other types, see the section called “Using Column Types from Other Database Engines”
- columns, selecting, see the section called “Selecting Particular Columns”
- columns, storage requirements, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- columns, types, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- command syntax, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”
- command-line history, mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- command-line options, mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- command-line options, mysqladmin, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- command-line options, mysqlcc, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- command-line tool, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- commands out of sync, see the section called “Commands out of sync”
- commands, for binary distribution, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
- commands, replication masters, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Master Servers”
- commands, replication slaves, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Slave Servers”
- comments, adding, see the section called “Comment Syntax”
- comments, starting, see the section called “‘--’ as the Start of a Comment”
- commercial support, types, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
- compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.21 to 3.22”
- compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.22 to 3.23”
- compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.23 to 4.0”
- compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 4.0 to 4.1”
- compatibility, between MySQL versions, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 4.1 to 5.0”
- compatibility, with mSQL, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “Changes in release 3.21.15”
- compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- compatibility, with ODBC, see the section called “Identifier Qualifiers”
- compatibility, with Oracle, see the section called “DESCRIBE Syntax (Get Information About Columns)”
- compatibility, with Oracle, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- compatibility, with Oracle, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
- compatibility, with PostgreSQL, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
- compatibility, with standard SQL, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance”
- compatibility, with Sybase, see the section called “USE Syntax”
- compiler, C++ gcc, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- compiling, on Windows, see the section called “Compiling MySQL Clients on Windows”
- compiling, optimizing, see the section called “System Factors and Startup Parameter Tuning”
- compiling, problems, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- compiling, speed, see the section called “How Compiling and Linking Affects the Speed of MySQL”
- compiling, statically, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- compiling, user-defined functions, see the section called “Compiling and Installing User-defined Functions”
- compliance, Y2K, see the section called “Year 2000 Compliance”
- compress, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- compress, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- compressed tables, see the section called “Compressed Table Characteristics”
- compressed tables, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
- concurrent inserts, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- Conditions, see the section called “DECLARE Conditions”
- config-file, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- config.cache, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- config.cache file, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- configuration files, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
- configuration options, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- configure option, –with-low-memory, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- configure script, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- configure, running after prior invocation, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- connecting, remotely with SSH, see the section called “Connecting to MySQL Remotely from Windows with SSH”
- connecting, to the server, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- connecting, to the server, see the section called “Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server”
- connecting, verification, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- connection, aborted, see the section called “Communication Errors and Aborted Connections”
- connection_name, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- Connector/J, see the section called “MySQL Java Connectivity (JDBC)”
- Connector/JDBC, see Chapter 22, MySQL Connectors
- Connector/ODBC, see the section called “MySQL ODBC Support”
- Connector/ODBC, see Chapter 22, MySQL Connectors
- Connector/ODBC, reporting problems, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
- Connectors, MySQL, see Chapter 22, MySQL Connectors
- constant table, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes WHERE Clauses”
- constant table, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
- consulting, see the section called “Consulting”
- contact information, see the section called “Contact Information”
- contributing companies, list of, see the section called “Supporters of MySQL”
- contributors, list of, see the section called “Contributors to MySQL”
- control access, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- conventions, typographical, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”
- copying databases, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
- copying tables, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- copyrights, see the section called “Copyrights and Licenses Used by MySQL”
- costs, support, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
- counting, table rows, see the section called “Counting Rows”
- crash, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Server”
- crash, recovery, see the section called “Using myisamchk for Crash Recovery”
- crash, repeated, see the section called “What to Do If MySQL Keeps Crashing”
- crash-me, see the section called “The MySQL Benchmark Suite”
- crash-me program, see the section called “The MySQL Benchmark Suite”
- crash-me program, see the section called “Designing Applications for Portability”
- creating, bug reports, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- creating, database, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
- creating, databases, see the section called “Creating and Using a Database”
- creating, default startup options, see the section called “Using Option Files”
- creating, schema, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
- creating, tables, see the section called “Creating a Table”
- Cursors, see the section called “Cursors”
- customer support, mailing address, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- customers, of MySQL, see the section called “What We Have Used MySQL For”
- data types, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- data types, C API, see the section called “MySQL C API”
- data, character sets, see the section called “The Character Set Used for Data and Sorting”
- data, importing, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
- data, loading into tables, see the section called “Loading Data into a Table”
- data, retrieving, see the section called “Retrieving Information from a Table”
- data, size, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
- database design, see the section called “Design Choices”
- database names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
- database names, case-sensitivity, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
- database, altering, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
- database, creating, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
- database, deleting, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
- database, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- database, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- databases, backups, see the section called “Database Backups”
- databases, copying, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
- databases, creating, see the section called “Creating and Using a Database”
- databases, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- databases, displaying, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
- databases, dumping, see the section called “The mysqlhotcopy Database Backup Program”
- databases, dumping, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
- databases, information about, see the section called “Getting Information About Databases and Tables”
- databases, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- databases, replicating, see Chapter 6, Replication in MySQL
- databases, selecting, see the section called “Creating and Selecting a Database”
- databases, symbolic links, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Unix”
- databases, using, see the section called “Creating and Using a Database”
- DataJunction, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- Date and Time types, see the section called “Date and Time Types”
- date calculations, see the section called “Date Calculations”
- DATE columns, problems, see the section called “Problems Using DATE Columns”
- date functions, Y2K compliance, see the section called “Year 2000 Compliance”
- date types, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- date types, Y2K issues, see the section called “Y2K Issues and Date Types”
- date values, problems, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
- db table, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- DB2 SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- DBI interface, see the section called “MySQL Perl API”
- DBI/DBD interface, see the section called “MySQL Perl API”
- DBUG package, see the section called “The DBUG Package”
- debug, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- debug-info, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- debugging, client, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Client”
- debugging, server, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Server”
- decimal point, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- decode_bits myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- default hostname, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- default installation location, see the section called “Installation Layouts”
- default options, see the section called “Using Option Files”
- default values, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- default values, see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
- default values, see the section called “MySQL Design Limitations and Tradeoffs”
- default values, BLOB and TEXT columns, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
- default values, suppression, see the section called “Constraint NOT NULL and DEFAULT Values”
- default, privileges, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
- default-character-set, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- defaults, embedded, see the section called “Using Option Files with the Embedded Server”
- delayed_insert_limit, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
- deleting, database, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
- deleting, foreign key, see the section called “FOREIGN KEY Constraints”
- deleting, foreign key, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- deleting, function, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
- deleting, index, see the section called “DROP INDEX Syntax”
- deleting, index, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- deleting, primary key, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- deleting, rows, see the section called “Deleting Rows from Related Tables”
- deleting, schema, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
- deleting, table, see the section called “DROP TABLE Syntax”
- deleting, user, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
- deleting, user, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
- deleting, users, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
- deleting, users, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
- deletion, mysql.sock, see the section called “How to Protect or Change the MySQL Socket File /tmp/mysql.sock”
- Delphi program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- derived tables, see the section called “Subqueries in the FROM clause”
- design, choices, see the section called “Design Choices”
- design, issues, see the section called “Known Errors and Design Deficiencies in MySQL”
- design, limitations, see the section called “MySQL Design Limitations and Tradeoffs”
- developers, list of, see Appendix B, Credits
- development source tree, see the section called “Installing from the Development Source Tree”
- digits, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- directory structure, default, see the section called “Installation Layouts”
- disconnecting, from the server, see the section called “Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server”
- disk full, see the section called “How MySQL Handles a Full Disk”
- disk issues, see the section called “Disk Issues”
- disks, splitting data across, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Windows”
- display size, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- display width, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- displaying, database information, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
- displaying, information, Cardinality, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
- displaying, information, Collation, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
- displaying, information, SHOW, see the section called “SHOW TABLES Syntax”
- displaying, information, SHOW, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
- displaying, information, SHOW, see the section called “SHOW COLUMNS Syntax”
- displaying, information, SHOW, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- displaying, table status, see the section called “SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax”
- DNS, see the section called “How MySQL Uses DNS”
- Documenters, list of, see the section called “Documenters and translators”
- downgrading, see the section called “Upgrading/Downgrading MySQL”
- downloading, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
- dropping, user, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
- dropping, user, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
- dumping, databases, see the section called “The mysqlhotcopy Database Backup Program”
- dumping, databases, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
- dynamic table characteristics, see the section called “Dynamic Table Characteristics”
- Eiffel Wrapper, see the section called “MySQL Eiffel Wrapper”
- email lists, see the section called “The MySQL Mailing Lists”
- embedded MySQL server library, see the section called “libmysqld, the Embedded MySQL Server Library”
- employment with MySQL, see the section called “Contact Information”
- employment, contact information, see the section called “Contact Information”
- entering, queries, see the section called “Entering Queries”
- ENUM, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- environment variables, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- environment variables, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
- environment variables, see the section called “Using Environment Variables to Specify Options”
- environment variables, list of, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment varible, PATH, see the section called “Invoking MySQL Programs”
- Errcode, see the section called “perror, Explaining Error Codes”
- errno, see the section called “perror, Explaining Error Codes”
- error messages, can't find file, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
- error messages, displaying, see the section called “perror, Explaining Error Codes”
- error messages, languages, see the section called “Setting the Error Message Language”
- ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- errors, access denied, see the section called “Access denied”
- errors, checking tables for, see the section called “How to Check MyISAM Tables for Errors”
- errors, common, see Appendix A, Problems and Common Errors
- errors, directory checksum, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
- errors, handling for UDFs, see the section called “Return Values and Error Handling”
- errors, known, see the section called “Known Errors and Design Deficiencies in MySQL”
- errors, linking, see the section called “Problems Linking to the MySQL Client Library”
- errors, list of, see the section called “Common Errors When Using MySQL Programs”
- errors, reporting, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- errors, reporting, see the section called “MySQL Mailing Lists”
- errors, reporting, see Chapter 1, General Information
- escape characters, see the section called “Literal Values”
- estimating, query performance, see the section called “Estimating Query Performance”
- example, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- examples, compressed tables, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
- examples, myisamchk output, see the section called “Getting Information About a Table”
- examples, queries, see the section called “Examples of Common Queries”
- Excel, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- execute, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- expression aliases, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- expression aliases, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
- expressions, extended, see the section called “Pattern Matching”
- extensions, to standard SQL, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance”
- extracting, dates, see the section called “Date Calculations”
- fatal signal 11, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- features of MySQL, see the section called “The Main Features of MySQL”
- field, changing, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- files, binary log, see the section called “The Binary Log”
- files, config.cache, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- files, error messages, see the section called “Setting the Error Message Language”
- files, log, see the section called “Log File Maintenance”
- files, log, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- files, my.cnf, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
- files, not found message, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
- files, permissions, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
- files, query log, see the section called “The General Query Log”
- files, repairing, see the section called “Repair Options for myisamchk”
- files, script, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
- files, size limits, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
- files, slow query log, see the section called “The Slow Query Log”
- files, text, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
- files, tmp, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
- files, update log, see the section called “The Update Log”
- filesort optimization, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes ORDER BY”
- floating-point number, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- floats, see the section called “Numbers”
- flush tables, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- force, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- foreign key, constraint, see the section called “Constraint PRIMARY KEY / UNIQUE”
- foreign key, deleting, see the section called “FOREIGN KEY Constraints”
- foreign key, deleting, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- foreign keys, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- foreign keys, see the section called “Using Foreign Keys”
- foreign keys, see the section called “Foreign Keys”
- free licensing, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
- FreeBSD troubleshooting, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- ft_max_word_len myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- ft_min_word_len myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- ft_stopword_file myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- full disk, see the section called “How MySQL Handles a Full Disk”
- full-text search, see the section called “Full-Text Search Functions”
- FULLTEXT, see the section called “Full-Text Search Functions”
- function, deleting, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
- functions, see Chapter 13, Functions and Operators
- functions for SELECT and WHERE clauses, see Chapter 13, Functions and Operators
- functions, C API, see the section called “C API Function Overview”
- functions, C Prepared statement API, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Function Overview”
- functions, cast, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
- functions, grouping, see the section called “Parentheses”
- functions, native, adding, see the section called “Adding a New Native Function”
- functions, new, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
- functions, user-defined, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
- functions, user-defined, adding, see the section called “Adding a New User-defined Function”
- gcc, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- gdb, using, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
- general information, see Chapter 1, General Information
- General Public License, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- General Public License, MySQL, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
- geographic feature, see the section called “Introduction”
- geometry, see the section called “Introduction”
- geospatial feature, see the section called “Introduction”
- getting MySQL, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
- GIS, see the section called “Introduction”
- GIS, see Chapter 19, Spatial Extensions in MySQL
- global privileges, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- goals of MySQL, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- GPL, General Public License, see Appendix G, GNU General Public License
- GPL, GNU General Public License, see Appendix G, GNU General Public License
- GPL, MySQL, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
- GPL, MySQL FLOSS License Exception, see Appendix H, MySQL FLOSS License Exception
- grant tables, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- grant tables, re-creating, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- grant tables, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- grant tables, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- grant tables, upgrading, see the section called “Upgrading the Grant Tables”
- granting, privileges, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- graphical tool, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- GROUP BY, aliases in, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
- GROUP BY, extensions to standard SQL, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- GROUP BY, extensions to standard SQL, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
- grouping, expressions, see the section called “Parentheses”
- GUI tool, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- Handlers, see the section called “DECLARE Handlers”
- handling, errors, see the section called “Return Values and Error Handling”
- HEAP storage engine, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
- HEAP storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- HEAP table type, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
- HEAP table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- help, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- help, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- help, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- hints, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- hints, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- hints, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
- history of MySQL, see the section called “History of MySQL”
- history_size, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- host table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- host table, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- host, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- host, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- hostname caching, see the section called “How MySQL Uses DNS”
- hostname, default, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- html, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- ID, unique, see the section called “How to Get the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row”
- identifiers, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- identifiers, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
- ignore-space, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- IGNORE_SPACE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- importing, data, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
- increasing with replication, speed, see Chapter 6, Replication in MySQL
- increasing, performance, see the section called “Replication FAQ”
- index, deleting, see the section called “DROP INDEX Syntax”
- index, deleting, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- indexes, see the section called “CREATE INDEX Syntax”
- indexes, and BLOB columns, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- indexes, and BLOB columns, see the section called “Column Indexes”
- indexes, and IS NULL, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
- indexes, and LIKE, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
- indexes, and NULL values, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- indexes, and TEXT columns, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- indexes, and TEXT columns, see the section called “Column Indexes”
- indexes, assigning to key cache, see the section called “CACHE INDEX Syntax”
- indexes, block size, see the section called “Server System Variables”
- indexes, columns, see the section called “Column Indexes”
- indexes, leftmost prefix of, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
- indexes, multi-column, see the section called “Multiple-Column Indexes”
- indexes, multiple-part, see the section called “CREATE INDEX Syntax”
- indexes, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- indexes, use of, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
- InnoDB, see the section called “InnoDB Overview”
- InnoDB storage engine, see Chapter 16, The InnoDB Storage Engine
- InnoDB storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- InnoDB table type, see Chapter 16, The InnoDB Storage Engine
- InnoDB table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- InnoDB tables, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- INSERT DELAYED, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
- inserting, speed of, see the section called “Speed of INSERT Statements”
- installation layouts, see the section called “Installation Layouts”
- installation overview, see the section called “MySQL Installation Using a Source Distribution”
- installing, binary distribution, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
- installing, Linux RPM packages, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Linux”
- installing, Mac OS X PKG packages, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Mac OS X”
- installing, overview, see Chapter 2, Installing MySQL
- installing, Perl, see the section called “Perl Installation Notes”
- installing, Perl on Windows, see the section called “Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows”
- installing, source distribution, see the section called “MySQL Installation Using a Source Distribution”
- installing, user-defined functions, see the section called “Compiling and Installing User-defined Functions”
- integers, see the section called “Numbers”
- internal compiler errors, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- internal locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- internals, see the section called “MySQL Internals”
- Internet Relay Chat, see the section called “MySQL Community Support on IRC (Internet Relay Chat)”
- Internet Service Providers, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
- introducer, string literal, see the section called “Character String Literal Character Set and Collation”
- introducer, string literal, see the section called “Strings”
- IRC, see the section called “MySQL Community Support on IRC (Internet Relay Chat)”
- ISAM storage engine, see the section called “The ISAM Storage Engine”
- ISAM storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- ISAM table type, see the section called “The ISAM Storage Engine”
- ISAM table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- ISP services, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
- key cache, assigning indexes to, see the section called “CACHE INDEX Syntax”
- Key cache, MyISAM, see the section called “The MyISAM Key Cache”
- key space, MyISAM, see the section called “Space Needed for Keys”
- key_buffer_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- keys, see the section called “Column Indexes”
- keys, foreign, see the section called “Using Foreign Keys”
- keys, foreign, see the section called “Foreign Keys”
- keys, multi-column, see the section called “Multiple-Column Indexes”
- keys, searching on two, see the section called “Searching on Two Keys”
- keywords, see the section called “Treatment of Reserved Words in MySQL”
- known errors, see the section called “Known Errors and Design Deficiencies in MySQL”
- language support, see the section called “Setting the Error Message Language”
- last row, unique ID, see the section called “How to Get the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row”
- layout of installation, see the section called “Installation Layouts”
- leftmost prefix of indexes, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
- legal names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- libmysqld, see the section called “libmysqld, the Embedded MySQL Server Library”
- libraries, list of, see the section called “Libraries used by and included with MySQL”
- library, mysqlclient, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
- License, see Appendix H, MySQL FLOSS License Exception
- licenses, see the section called “Copyrights and Licenses Used by MySQL”
- licensing costs, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
- licensing policy, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
- licensing terms, see the section called “MySQL Support and Licensing”
- licensing, contact information, see the section called “Contact Information”
- licensing, examples, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
- licensing, free, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
- limitations, design, see the section called “MySQL Design Limitations and Tradeoffs”
- limitations, replication, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
- limits, file-size, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
- linking, see the section called “Building Client Programs”
- linking, errors, see the section called “Problems Linking to the MySQL Client Library”
- linking, problems, see the section called “Problems Linking with the C API”
- linking, speed, see the section called “How Compiling and Linking Affects the Speed of MySQL”
- links, symbolic, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links”
- Linux, binary distribution, see the section called “Linux Binary Distribution Notes”
- Linux, source distribution, see the section called “Linux Source Distribution Notes”
- literals, see the section called “Literal Values”
- loading, tables, see the section called “Loading Data into a Table”
- local-infile, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- local-infile, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- locking, see the section called “System Factors and Startup Parameter Tuning”
- locking methods, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- locking, page-level, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- locking, row-level, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- locking, row-level, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- locking, table-level, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- Log files, see the section called “The MySQL Log Files”
- log files, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- log files, maintaining, see the section called “Log File Maintenance”
- log files, names, see the section called “Database Backups”
- log, changes, see Appendix C, MySQL Change History
- log, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- logos, see the section called “MySQL AB Logos and Trademarks”
- Mac OS X, installation, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Mac OS X”
- mailing address, for customer support, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- mailing list address, see Chapter 1, General Information
- mailing lists, see the section called “The MySQL Mailing Lists”
- mailing lists, archive location, see the section called “Asking Questions or Reporting Bugs”
- mailing lists, guidelines, see the section called “Guidelines for Answering Questions on the Mailing List”
- main features of MySQL, see the section called “The Main Features of MySQL”
- maintaining, log files, see the section called “Log File Maintenance”
- maintaining, tables, see the section called “Setting Up a Table Maintenance Schedule”
- make_binary_distribution, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- manual, available formats, see the section called “About This Manual”
- manual, online location, see the section called “About This Manual”
- manual, typographical conventions, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”
- master/slave setup, see the section called “Replication Implementation Overview”
- matching, patterns, see the section called “Pattern Matching”
- max_allowed_packet variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- max_allowed_packet variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- max_join_size variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- max_join_size variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- MAXDB SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- maximum memory used, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- MBR, see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
- MEMORY storage engine, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
- MEMORY storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- MEMORY table type, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
- MEMORY table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- memory usage, myisamchk, see the section called “myisamchk Memory Usage”
- memory use, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- memory use, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Memory”
- MERGE storage engine, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
- MERGE storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- MERGE table type, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
- MERGE table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- MERGE tables, defined, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
- messages, languages, see the section called “Setting the Error Message Language”
- methods, locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- Minimum Bounding Rectangle, see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
- mirror sites, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
- MIT-pthreads, see the section called “MIT-pthreads Notes”
- modes, batch, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
- modules, list of, see the section called “MySQL Stability”
- monitor, terminal, see Chapter 3, MySQL Tutorial
- mSQL compatibility, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- msql2mysql, see the section called “MySQL Program Development Utilities”
- MSSQL SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- multi mysqld, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- multi-byte character sets, see the section called “Can't initialize character set”
- multi-byte characters, see the section called “Multi-Byte Character Support”
- multi-column indexes, see the section called “Multiple-Column Indexes”
- multiple servers, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
- multiple-part index, see the section called “CREATE INDEX Syntax”
- My, derivation, see the section called “History of MySQL”
- my.cnf file, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
- MyISAM key cache, see the section called “The MyISAM Key Cache”
- MyISAM storage engine, see the section called “The MyISAM Storage Engine”
- MyISAM storage engine, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- MyISAM table type, see the section called “The MyISAM Storage Engine”
- MyISAM table type, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- MyISAM, compressed tables, see the section called “Compressed Table Characteristics”
- MyISAM, compressed tables, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
- MyISAM, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- myisam_block_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- myisamchk, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- myisamchk, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- myisamchk, example output, see the section called “Getting Information About a Table”
- myisamchk, options, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- myisampack, see the section called “Compressed Table Characteristics”
- myisampack, see the section called “Silent Column Specification Changes”
- myisampack, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
- myisampack, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- MyODBC, see the section called “MySQL ODBC Support”
- MyODBC, reporting problems, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
- mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- mysql, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- MySQL AB, defined, see the section called “Overview of MySQL AB”
- MySQL binary distribution, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
- MySQL certification, see the section called “Training and Certification”
- mysql command-line options, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- mysql commands, list of, see the section called “mysql Commands”
- MySQL consulting, see the section called “Consulting”
- MySQL Dolphin name, see the section called “History of MySQL”
- MySQL history, see the section called “History of MySQL”
- mysql history file, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- MySQL mailing lists, see the section called “MySQL Mailing Lists”
- MySQL name, see the section called “History of MySQL”
- mysql prompt command, see the section called “mysql Commands”
- MySQL source distribution, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
- mysql status command, see the section called “mysql Commands”
- MySQL storage engines, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- MySQL table types, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- MySQL training, see the section called “Training and Certification”
- MySQL version, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
- MySQL++, see the section called “MySQL C++ API”
- MySQL, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- MySQL, introduction, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- MySQL, pronunciation, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- mysql.server, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysql.sock, changing location of, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- mysql.sock, protection, see the section called “How to Protect or Change the MySQL Socket File /tmp/mysql.sock”
- MYSQL323 SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- MYSQL40 SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- mysql_config, see the section called “MySQL Program Development Utilities”
- mysql_fix_privilege_tables, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
- mysql_fix_privilege_tables, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysql_install_db, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysql_install_db script, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
- mysqlaccess, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqladmin, see the section called “KILL Syntax”
- mysqladmin, see the section called “FLUSH Syntax”
- mysqladmin, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
- mysqladmin, see the section called “SHOW STATUS Syntax”
- mysqladmin, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
- mysqladmin, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
- mysqladmin, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- mysqladmin, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqladmin command-line options, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- mysqladmin, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- mysqlbinlog, see the section called “The mysqlbinlog Binary Log Utility”
- mysqlbinlog, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqlbug, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqlbug script, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- mysqlbug script, location, see Chapter 1, General Information
- mysqlcc, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- mysqlcc, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqlcc command-line options, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- mysqlcheck, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqlclient library, see Chapter 21, MySQL APIs
- mysqld, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqld options, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
- mysqld options, see the section called “mysqld Command-Line Options”
- mysqld server, buffer sizes, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
- mysqld, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- mysqld, starting, see the section called “How to Run MySQL as a Normal User”
- mysqld-max, see the section called “The mysqld-max Extended MySQL Server”
- mysqld-max, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqld_multi, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- mysqld_multi, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqld_safe, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”
- mysqld_safe, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqldump, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
- mysqldump, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqldump, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
- mysqlhotcopy, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqlimport, see the section called “LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax”
- mysqlimport, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
- mysqlimport, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqlimport, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
- mysqlshow, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysqltest, MySQL Test Suite, see the section called “MySQL Test Suite”
- named pipes, see the section called “Running MySQL Client Programs on Windows”
- named pipes, see the section called “Selecting a Windows Server”
- named-commands, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
- names, variables, see the section called “User Variables”
- naming, releases of MySQL, see the section called “Choosing Which Version of MySQL to Install”
- native functions, adding, see the section called “Adding a New Native Function”
- native thread support, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
- negative values, see the section called “Numbers”
- nested queries, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
- nested query, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
- nesting queries, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
- net etiquette, see the section called “Guidelines for Answering Questions on the Mailing List”
- net etiquette, see the section called “Asking Questions or Reporting Bugs”
- net_buffer_length variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- net_buffer_length variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- netmask notation, in mysql.user table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- NetWare, see the section called “Installing MySQL on NetWare”
- new procedures, adding, see the section called “Adding New Procedures to MySQL”
- new users, adding, see the section called “Source Installation Overview”
- new users, adding, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
- no matching rows, see the section called “Solving Problems with No Matching Rows”
- no-auto-rehash, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- no-beep, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- no-log, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- no-named-commands, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- no-pager, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- no-tee, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- NO_DIR_IN_CREATE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- NO_FIELD_OPTIONS SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- NO_KEY_OPTIONS SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- NO_TABLE_OPTIONS SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- NO_ZERO_IN_DATE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- non-delimited strings, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
- Non-transactional tables, see the section called “Rollback Failure for Non-Transactional Tables”
- NOT NULL, constraint, see the section called “Constraint NOT NULL and DEFAULT Values”
- Novell NetWare, see the section called “Installing MySQL on NetWare”
- NULL value, see the section called “Working with NULL Values”
- NULL values, and AUTO_INCREMENT columns, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
- NULL values, and indexes, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- NULL values, and TIMESTAMP columns, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
- NULL values, vs. empty values, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
- NULL, testing for null, see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
- NULL, testing for null, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- numbers, see the section called “Numbers”
- numeric types, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- ODBC, see the section called “MySQL ODBC Support”
- ODBC compatibility, see the section called “Changes in release 3.21.15”
- ODBC compatibility, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- ODBC compatibility, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- ODBC compatibility, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- ODBC compatibility, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- ODBC compatibility, see the section called “Identifier Qualifiers”
- odbcadmin program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- one-database, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- online location of manual, see the section called “About This Manual”
- ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- Open Source, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- open tables, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- open tables, see the section called “How MySQL Counts Open Tables”
- open_files_limit variable, see the section called “The mysqlbinlog Binary Log Utility”
- OpenGIS, see the section called “Introduction”
- opening, tables, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
- opens, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- OpenSSL, see the section called “Using Secure Connections”
- operating systems, file-size limits, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
- operating systems, supported, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
- operating systems, Windows versus Unix, see the section called “MySQL on Windows Compared to MySQL on Unix”
- operations, arithmetic, see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- operators, see Chapter 13, Functions and Operators
- operators, cast, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
- operators, cast, see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- optimization, tips, see the section called “Other Optimization Tips”
- optimizations, see the section called “Index Merge Optimization”
- optimizations, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes WHERE Clauses”
- optimizer, controlling, see the section called “Controlling Query Optimizer Performance”
- optimizing, DISTINCT, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes DISTINCT”
- optimizing, filesort, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes ORDER BY”
- optimizing, GROUP BY, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes GROUP BY”
- optimizing, LEFT JOIN, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN”
- optimizing, LIMIT, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes LIMIT”
- optimizing, tables, see the section called “Table Optimization”
- option files, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
- option files, see the section called “Using Option Files”
- options, command-line, see the section called “mysqld Command-Line Options”
- options, command-line, mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- options, command-line, mysqladmin, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- options, command-line, mysqlcc, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- options, configure, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- options, myisamchk, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- options, provided by MySQL, see Chapter 3, MySQL Tutorial
- options, replication, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
- OR Index Merge optimization, see the section called “Index Merge Optimization”
- Oracle compatibility, see the section called “DESCRIBE Syntax (Get Information About Columns)”
- Oracle compatibility, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- Oracle compatibility, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
- ORACLE SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- ORDER BY, aliases in, see the section called “GROUP BY with Hidden Fields”
- overview, see Chapter 1, General Information
- pack_isam, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
- packages, list of, see the section called “Packages that support MySQL”
- page-level locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- pager, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- parameters, server, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
- partnering with MySQL AB, see the section called “Partnering”
- password encryption, reversibility of, see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- password, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- password, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- password, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- password, root user, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
- passwords, for users, see the section called “MySQL Usernames and Passwords”
- passwords, forgotten, see the section called “How to Reset the Root Password”
- passwords, lost, see the section called “How to Reset the Root Password”
- passwords, resetting, see the section called “How to Reset the Root Password”
- passwords, security, see the section called “What the Privilege System Does”
- passwords, setting, see the section called “SET PASSWORD Syntax”
- passwords, setting, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- passwords, setting, see the section called “Assigning Account Passwords”
- PATH environment variable, see the section called “Invoking MySQL Programs”
- pattern matching, see the section called “Pattern Matching”
- performance, benchmarks, see the section called “Using Your Own Benchmarks”
- performance, disk issues, see the section called “Disk Issues”
- performance, estimating, see the section called “Estimating Query Performance”
- performance, improving, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
- performance, improving, see the section called “Replication FAQ”
- Perl API, see the section called “MySQL Perl API”
- Perl DBI/DBD, installation problems, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
- Perl, installing, see the section called “Perl Installation Notes”
- Perl, installing on Windows, see the section called “Installing ActiveState Perl on Windows”
- permission checks, effect on speed, see the section called “Optimizing SELECT Statements and Other Queries”
- perror, see the section called “perror, Explaining Error Codes”
- perror, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- PHP API, see the section called “MySQL PHP API”
- PIPES_AS_CONCAT SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- plugins_path, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- port, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- port, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- portability, see the section called “Designing Applications for Portability”
- portability, types, see the section called “Using Column Types from Other Database Engines”
- porting, to other systems, see Appendix D, Porting to Other Systems
- post-install, multiple servers, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
- post-installation, setup and testing, see the section called “Post-Installation Setup and Testing”
- PostgreSQL compatibility, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
- POSTGRESQL SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- prices, support, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
- PRIMARY KEY, constraint, see the section called “Constraint PRIMARY KEY / UNIQUE”
- primary key, deleting, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- privilege information, location, see the section called “Privileges Provided by MySQL”
- privilege system, see the section called “What the Privilege System Does”
- privilege system, described, see the section called “How the Privilege System Works”
- privilege, changes, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- privileges, access, see the section called “The MySQL Access Privilege System”
- privileges, adding, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
- privileges, default, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
- privileges, deleting, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
- privileges, deleting, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
- privileges, display, see the section called “SHOW GRANTS Syntax”
- privileges, dropping, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
- privileges, dropping, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
- privileges, granting, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- privileges, revoking, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- problems, access denied errors, see the section called “Access denied”
- problems, common errors, see Appendix A, Problems and Common Errors
- problems, compiling, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- problems, DATE columns, see the section called “Problems Using DATE Columns”
- problems, date values, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
- problems, installing on IBM-AIX, see the section called “IBM-AIX notes”
- problems, installing on Solaris, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
- problems, installing Perl, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
- problems, linking, see the section called “Problems Linking to the MySQL Client Library”
- problems, ODBC, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
- problems, reporting, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- problems, starting the server, see the section called “Starting and Troubleshooting the MySQL Server”
- problems, table locking, see the section called “Table Locking Issues”
- problems, time zone, see the section called “Time Zone Problems”
- procedures, adding, see the section called “Adding New Procedures to MySQL”
- procedures, stored, see Chapter 20, Stored Procedures and Functions
- procedures, stored, see the section called “Stored Procedures and Triggers”
- process support, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
- processes, display, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
- processing, arguments, see the section called “Argument Processing”
- products, selling, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
- program variables, setting, see the section called “Using Options to Set Program Variables”
- programs, client, see the section called “Building Client Programs”
- programs, crash-me, see the section called “Designing Applications for Portability”
- programs, list of, see the section called “Overview of the Server-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- prompt, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- prompts, meanings, see the section called “Entering Queries”
- pronunciation, MySQL, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- Protocol mismatch, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.20 to 3.21”
- protocol, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- Python API, see the section called “MySQL Python API”
- queries, entering, see the section called “Entering Queries”
- queries, estimating performance, see the section called “Estimating Query Performance”
- queries, examples, see the section called “Examples of Common Queries”
- queries, speed of, see the section called “Optimizing SELECT Statements and Other Queries”
- queries, Twin Studies project, see the section called “Queries from the Twin Project”
- Query Cache, see the section called “The MySQL Query Cache”
- query log, see the section called “The General Query Log”
- query, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- questions, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- questions, answering, see the section called “Guidelines for Answering Questions on the Mailing List”
- quick, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- quotes, in strings, see the section called “Strings”
- quoting, see the section called “Strings”
- quoting binary data, see the section called “Strings”
- RAID, compile errors, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- RAID, table type, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- raw, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- re-creating, grant tables, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- read_buffer_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- REAL_AS_FLOAT SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- reconfiguring, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- reconnect, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- recovery, from crash, see the section called “Using myisamchk for Crash Recovery”
- reducing, data size, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
- references, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- regex, see Appendix F, MySQL Regular Expressions
- register, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- regular expression syntax, described, see Appendix F, MySQL Regular Expressions
- relational databases, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- release numbers, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
- releases, naming scheme, see the section called “Choosing Which Version of MySQL to Install”
- releases, testing, see the section called “Choosing Which Version of MySQL to Install”
- releases, updating, see the section called “How and When Updates Are Released”
- reordering, columns, see the section called “How to Change the Order of Columns in a Table”
- repair options, myisamchk, see the section called “Repair Options for myisamchk”
- repairing, tables, see the section called “How to Repair Tables”
- replace, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- replace utility, see the section called “The replace String-Replacement Utility”
- replication, see Chapter 6, Replication in MySQL
- replication limitations, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
- replication masters, commands, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Master Servers”
- replication options, see the section called “Replication Features and Known Problems”
- replication slaves, commands, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Slave Servers”
- reporting, bugs, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- reporting, Connector/ODBC problems, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
- reporting, errors, see the section called “MySQL Mailing Lists”
- reporting, errors, see Chapter 1, General Information
- reporting, MyODBC problems, see the section called “How to Report MyODBC Problems or Bugs”
- reserved words, exceptions, see the section called “Treatment of Reserved Words in MySQL”
- restarting, the server, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- retrieving, data from tables, see the section called “Retrieving Information from a Table”
- return values, UDFs, see the section called “Return Values and Error Handling”
- revoking, privileges, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- root password, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
- root user, password resetting, see the section called “How to Reset the Root Password”
- rounding errors, see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- rounding errors, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- row-level locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- rows, counting, see the section called “Counting Rows”
- rows, deleting, see the section called “Deleting Rows from Related Tables”
- rows, locking, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- rows, matching problems, see the section called “Solving Problems with No Matching Rows”
- rows, selecting, see the section called “Selecting Particular Rows”
- rows, sorting, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
- RPM file, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Linux”
- RPM Package Manager, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Linux”
- RTS-threads, see the section called “Comments about RTS Threads”
- running a Web server, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
- running configure after prior invocation, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- running, ANSI mode, see the section called “Running MySQL in ANSI Mode”
- running, batch mode, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
- running, multiple servers, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
- running, queries, see the section called “Entering Queries”
- safe-updates option, see the section called “Using the --safe-updates Option”
- safe-updates, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- safe_mysqld, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”
- Sakila, see the section called “History of MySQL”
- schema, altering, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
- schema, creating, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
- schema, deleting, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
- script files, see the section called “Using mysql in Batch Mode”
- scripts, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- scripts, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”
- scripts, mysql_install_db, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
- scripts, mysqlbug, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- scripts, SQL, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- searching, and case sensitivity, see the section called “Case Sensitivity in Searches”
- searching, full-text, see the section called “Full-Text Search Functions”
- searching, MySQL Web pages, see the section called “Asking Questions or Reporting Bugs”
- searching, two keys, see the section called “Searching on Two Keys”
- security system, see the section called “The MySQL Access Privilege System”
- security, against attackers, see the section called “Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers”
- SELECT, Query Cache, see the section called “The MySQL Query Cache”
- select_limit variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- select_limit variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- selecting, databases, see the section called “Creating and Selecting a Database”
- selling products, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
- SEQUENCE, see the section called “Using AUTO_INCREMENT”
- sequence emulation, see the section called “Information Functions”
- sequences, see the section called “Using AUTO_INCREMENT”
- server administration, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- server variables, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
- server variables, see the section called “System Variables”
- server variables, see the section called “Server System Variables”
- server, connecting, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- server, connecting, see the section called “Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server”
- server, debugging, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Server”
- server, disconnecting, see the section called “Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server”
- server, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- server, restart, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- server, shutdown, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- server, starting, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- server, starting and stopping, see the section called “Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically”
- server, starting problems, see the section called “Starting and Troubleshooting the MySQL Server”
- servers, multiple, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
- services, ISP, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
- services, Web, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
- SET, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- setting passwords, see the section called “SET PASSWORD Syntax”
- setting program variables, see the section called “Using Options to Set Program Variables”
- setting, passwords, see the section called “Assigning Account Passwords”
- setup, post-installation, see the section called “Post-Installation Setup and Testing”
- shell syntax, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”
- showing, database information, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
- shutdown_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- shutting down, the server, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- silent column changes, see the section called “Silent Column Specification Changes”
- silent, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- size of tables, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
- sizes, display, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- skip-column-names, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- skip-line-numbers, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- slow queries, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- slow query log, see the section called “The Slow Query Log”
- socket location, changing, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- socket, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- socket, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- Solaris installation problems, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
- Solaris troubleshooting, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- sort_buffer_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- sort_key_blocks myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- sorting, character sets, see the section called “The Character Set Used for Data and Sorting”
- sorting, data, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
- sorting, grant tables, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- sorting, grant tables, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- sorting, table rows, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
- source distribution, installing, see the section called “MySQL Installation Using a Source Distribution”
- source distributions, on Linux, see the section called “Linux Source Distribution Notes”
- Spatial Extensions in MySQL, see the section called “Introduction”
- speed, compiling, see the section called “How Compiling and Linking Affects the Speed of MySQL”
- speed, increasing with replication, see Chapter 6, Replication in MySQL
- speed, inserting, see the section called “Speed of INSERT Statements”
- speed, linking, see the section called “How Compiling and Linking Affects the Speed of MySQL”
- speed, of queries, see the section called “Speed of SELECT Queries”
- speed, of queries, see the section called “Optimizing SELECT Statements and Other Queries”
- SQL commands, replication masters, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Master Servers”
- SQL commands, replication slaves, see the section called “SQL Statements for Controlling Slave Servers”
- SQL scripts, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- SQL, defined, see the section called “Overview of the MySQL Database Management System”
- SQL-92, extensions to, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance”
- sql_yacc.cc problems, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- square brackets, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- SSH, see the section called “Connecting to MySQL Remotely from Windows with SSH”
- SSL and X509 Basics, see the section called “Using Secure Connections”
- SSL command-line options, see the section called “SSL Command-Line Options”
- SSL related options, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- SSL related options, see the section called “SSL GRANT Options”
- stability, see the section called “MySQL Stability”
- Standard SQL, differences from, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- standard SQL, extensions to, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance”
- standards compatibility, see the section called “MySQL Standards Compliance”
- Starting many servers, see the section called “Running Multiple MySQL Servers on the Same Machine”
- starting, comments, see the section called “‘--’ as the Start of a Comment”
- starting, mysqld, see the section called “How to Run MySQL as a Normal User”
- starting, the server, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- starting, the server automatically, see the section called “Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically”
- startup options, default, see the section called “Using Option Files”
- startup parameters, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
- startup parameters, mysql, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- startup parameters, mysqladmin, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- startup parameters, mysqlcc, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- startup parameters, tuning, see the section called “System Factors and Startup Parameter Tuning”
- statically, compiling, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- status command, results, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- status variables, see the section called “SHOW STATUS Syntax”
- status variables, see the section called “Server Status Variables”
- status, tables, see the section called “SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax”
- stopping, the server, see the section called “Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically”
- storage engines, choosing, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- storage of data, see the section called “Design Choices”
- storage requirements, column type, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- storage space, minimising, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
- stored procedures, see Chapter 20, Stored Procedures and Functions
- stored procedures and triggers, defined, see the section called “Stored Procedures and Triggers”
- STRICT SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- STRICT_ALL_TABLES SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- STRICT_TRANS_TABLES SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- string collating, see the section called “String Collating Support”
- string comparisons, case sensitivity, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- string literal introducer, see the section called “Character String Literal Character Set and Collation”
- string literal introducer, see the section called “Strings”
- string replacement, replace utility, see the section called “The replace String-Replacement Utility”
- string types, see the section called “String Types”
- strings, defined, see the section called “Literal Values”
- strings, escaping characters, see the section called “Literal Values”
- strings, non-delimited, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
- striping, defined, see the section called “Disk Issues”
- subqueries, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
- subquery, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
- subselects, see the section called “Subquery Syntax”
- superuser, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
- support costs, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
- support terms, see the section called “MySQL Support and Licensing”
- support, for operating systems, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
- support, licensing, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
- support, mailing address, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- support, types, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
- suppression, default values, see the section called “Constraint NOT NULL and DEFAULT Values”
- Sybase compatibility, see the section called “USE Syntax”
- symbolic links, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Windows”
- symbolic links, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links”
- syntax, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- syntax, regular expression, see Appendix F, MySQL Regular Expressions
- syntax_file, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- system optimization, see the section called “System Factors and Startup Parameter Tuning”
- system table, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
- system variables, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
- system variables, see the section called “System Variables”
- system variables, see the section called “Server System Variables”
- system, privilege, see the section called “What the Privilege System Does”
- system, security, see the section called “General Security Issues”
- table aliases, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- table cache, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
- table is full, see the section called “The table is full”
- table is full, see the section called “SET Syntax”
- table names, case sensitivity, see the section called “Identifier Case Sensitivity”
- table names, case-sensitivity, see the section called “MySQL Extensions to Standard SQL”
- Table scans, avoiding, see the section called “How to Avoid Table Scans”
- table types, choosing, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- table, changing, see the section called “Problems with ALTER TABLE”
- table, changing, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- table, deleting, see the section called “DROP TABLE Syntax”
- table, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- table-level locking, see the section called “Locking Methods”
- tables, BDB, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
- tables, Berkeley DB, see the section called “The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine”
- tables, changing column order, see the section called “How to Change the Order of Columns in a Table”
- tables, checking, see the section called “Check Options for myisamchk”
- tables, closing, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
- tables, compressed, see the section called “myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-only Table Generator”
- tables, compressed format, see the section called “Compressed Table Characteristics”
- tables, constant, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes WHERE Clauses”
- tables, constant, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
- tables, copying, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- tables, counting rows, see the section called “Counting Rows”
- tables, creating, see the section called “Creating a Table”
- tables, defragment, see the section called “Dynamic Table Characteristics”
- tables, defragment, see the section called “Setting Up a Table Maintenance Schedule”
- tables, defragmenting, see the section called “OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax”
- tables, deleting rows, see the section called “Deleting Rows from Related Tables”
- tables, displaying, see the section called “mysqlshow, Showing Databases, Tables, and Columns”
- tables, displaying status, see the section called “SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax”
- tables, dumping, see the section called “The mysqlhotcopy Database Backup Program”
- tables, dumping, see the section called “The mysqldump Database Backup Program”
- tables, dynamic, see the section called “Dynamic Table Characteristics”
- tables, error checking, see the section called “How to Check MyISAM Tables for Errors”
- tables, flush, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- tables, fragmentation, see the section called “OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax”
- tables, grant, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- tables, HEAP, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
- tables, host, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- tables, improving performance, see the section called “Make Your Data as Small as Possible”
- tables, information, see the section called “Getting Information About a Table”
- tables, information about, see the section called “Getting Information About Databases and Tables”
- tables, InnoDB, see Chapter 16, The InnoDB Storage Engine
- tables, ISAM, see the section called “The ISAM Storage Engine”
- tables, loading data, see the section called “Loading Data into a Table”
- tables, maintenance regimen, see the section called “Setting Up a Table Maintenance Schedule”
- tables, maximum size, see the section called “How Big MySQL Tables Can Be”
- tables, MEMORY, see the section called “The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine”
- tables, MERGE, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
- tables, merging, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
- tables, multiple, see the section called “Using More Than one Table”
- tables, MyISAM, see the section called “The MyISAM Storage Engine”
- tables, names, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- tables, open, see the section called “How MySQL Counts Open Tables”
- tables, opening, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
- tables, optimizing, see the section called “Table Optimization”
- tables, partitioning, see the section called “The MERGE Storage Engine”
- tables, RAID, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- tables, repairing, see the section called “How to Repair Tables”
- tables, retrieving data, see the section called “Retrieving Information from a Table”
- tables, selecting columns, see the section called “Selecting Particular Columns”
- tables, selecting rows, see the section called “Selecting Particular Rows”
- tables, sorting rows, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
- tables, symbolic links, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Tables on Unix”
- tables, system, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
- tables, too many, see the section called “Drawbacks to Creating Many Tables in the Same Database”
- tables, unique ID for last row, see the section called “How to Get the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row”
- tables, updating, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- tar, problems on Solaris, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
- Tcl API, see the section called “MySQL Tcl API”
- tcp-ip, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- TCP/IP, see the section called “Running MySQL Client Programs on Windows”
- TCP/IP, see the section called “Selecting a Windows Server”
- technical support, licensing, see the section called “MySQL Licenses”
- technical support, mailing address, see the section called “How to Report Bugs or Problems”
- tee, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- temporary file, write access, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
- temporary tables, problems, see the section called “TEMPORARY TABLE Problems”
- terminal monitor, defined, see Chapter 3, MySQL Tutorial
- testing mysqld, mysqltest, see the section called “MySQL Test Suite”
- testing, connection to the server, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- testing, installation, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- testing, of MySQL releases, see the section called “Choosing Which Version of MySQL to Install”
- testing, post-installation, see the section called “Post-Installation Setup and Testing”
- Texinfo, see the section called “About This Manual”
- TEXT columns, default values, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
- TEXT columns, indexing, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- TEXT columns, indexing, see the section called “Column Indexes”
- text files, importing, see the section called “The mysqlimport Data Import Program”
- TEXT, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- thread packages, differences between, see the section called “Differences Between Thread Packages”
- thread support, see the section called “Operating Systems Supported by MySQL”
- thread support, non-native, see the section called “MIT-pthreads Notes”
- threaded clients, see the section called “How to Make a Threaded Client”
- threads, see the section called “MySQL Internals”
- threads, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- threads, display, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
- threads, RTS, see the section called “Comments about RTS Threads”
- time types, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- time zone problems, see the section called “Time Zone Problems”
- timeout, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
- timeout, see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- timeout, see the section called “Server System Variables”
- timeout, connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- timeout, connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- timeout, connect_timeout variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- timeout, shutdown_timeout variable, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- TIMESTAMP, and NULL values, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
- tips, optimization, see the section called “Other Optimization Tips”
- ToDo list for MySQL, see the section called “MySQL and the Future (the TODO)”
- TODO, embedded server, see the section called “Things left to do in Embedded Server (TODO)”
- TODO, symlinks, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Tables on Unix”
- tools, command-line, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- tools, graphical, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- tools, GUI, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- tools, list of, see the section called “Tools that were used to create MySQL”
- tools, mysqld_multi, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- tools, mysqld_safe, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”
- tools, safe_mysqld, see the section called “The mysqld_safe Server Startup Script”
- trademarks, see the section called “MySQL AB Logos and Trademarks”
- TRADITIONAL SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- TRADITONAL SQL mode, see the section called “The Server SQL Mode”
- training, see the section called “Training and Certification”
- transaction-safe tables, see the section called “InnoDB Overview”
- transaction-safe tables, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- transactions, support, see the section called “InnoDB Overview”
- transactions, support, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- translations_path, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- Translators, list of, see the section called “Documenters and translators”
- triggers, see the section called “Stored Procedures and Triggers”
- troubleshooting, FreeBSD, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- troubleshooting, Solaris, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- tutorial, see Chapter 3, MySQL Tutorial
- Twin Studies, queries, see the section called “Queries from the Twin Project”
- type conversions, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- types of support, see the section called “Support Offered by MySQL AB”
- types, columns, see the section called “Choosing the Right Type for a Column”
- types, columns, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- types, data, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- types, date, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- types, Date and Time, see the section called “Date and Time Types”
- types, numeric, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- types, of tables, see Chapter 15, MySQL Storage Engines and Table Types
- types, portability, see the section called “Using Column Types from Other Database Engines”
- types, strings, see the section called “String Types”
- types, time, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- typographical conventions, see the section called “Conventions Used in This Manual”
- UCS-2, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support
- UDFs, compiling, see the section called “Compiling and Installing User-defined Functions”
- UDFs, defined, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
- UDFs, return values, see the section called “Return Values and Error Handling”
- unbuffered, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- Unicode, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support
- unique ID, see the section called “How to Get the Unique ID for the Last Inserted Row”
- UNIQUE, constraint, see the section called “Constraint PRIMARY KEY / UNIQUE”
- unloading, tables, see the section called “Retrieving Information from a Table”
- unnamed views, see the section called “Subqueries in the FROM clause”
- update log, see the section called “The Update Log”
- updating, releases of MySQL, see the section called “How and When Updates Are Released”
- updating, tables, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- upgrading, see the section called “Upgrading/Downgrading MySQL”
- upgrading, 3.20 to 3.21, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.20 to 3.21”
- upgrading, 3.21 to 3.22, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.21 to 3.22”
- upgrading, 3.22 to 3.23, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.22 to 3.23”
- upgrading, 3.23 to 4.0, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 3.23 to 4.0”
- upgrading, 4.0 to 4.1, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 4.0 to 4.1”
- upgrading, different architecture, see the section called “Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine”
- upgrading, grant tables, see the section called “Upgrading the Grant Tables”
- upgrading, to 5.0, see the section called “Upgrading from Version 4.1 to 5.0”
- uptime, see the section called “mysqladmin, Administering a MySQL Server”
- URLs for downloading MySQL, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
- user privileges, adding, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
- user privileges, deleting, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
- user privileges, deleting, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
- user privileges, dropping, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
- user privileges, dropping, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
- user table, sorting, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- user variables, see the section called “User Variables”
- user, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- user, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- user, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- user-defined functions, adding, see the section called “Adding a New User-defined Function”
- user-defined functions, adding, see the section called “Adding New Functions to MySQL”
- usernames, and passwords, see the section called “MySQL Usernames and Passwords”
- users, adding, see the section called “Source Installation Overview”
- users, adding, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
- users, deleting, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
- users, deleting, see the section called “Removing User Accounts from MySQL”
- users, root, see the section called “Securing the Initial MySQL Accounts”
- uses, of MySQL, see the section called “What We Have Used MySQL For”
- using multiple disks to start data, see the section called “Using Symbolic Links for Databases on Windows”
- UTF-8, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support
- UTF8, see Chapter 11, Character Set Support
- valid numbers, examples, see the section called “Numbers”
- VARCHAR, size, see the section called “Column Type Storage Requirements”
- variables, mysqld, see the section called “Tuning Server Parameters”
- variables, server, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
- variables, server, see the section called “Server System Variables”
- variables, status, see the section called “SHOW STATUS Syntax”
- variables, status, see the section called “Server Status Variables”
- variables, system, see the section called “SHOW VARIABLES Syntax”
- variables, System, see the section called “System Variables”
- variables, system, see the section called “Server System Variables”
- variables, user, see the section called “User Variables”
- variables, values, see the section called “Server System Variables”
- verbose, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- version, choosing, see the section called “Choosing Which MySQL Distribution to Install”
- version, latest, see the section called “How to Get MySQL”
- version, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- version, mysqlcc option, see the section called “mysqlcc, the MySQL Control Center”
- version, mysqld_multi option, see the section called “The mysqld_multi Program for Managing Multiple MySQL Servers”
- vertical, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- views, see the section called “CREATE VIEW Syntax”
- views, see the section called “Views”
- views, updatable, see the section called “CREATE VIEW Syntax”
- views, updatable, see the section called “Views”
- virtual memory, problems while compiling, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- Visual Basic, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- wait, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- Web server, running, see the section called “Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL”
- Well-Known Binary format, see the section called “Well-Known Binary (WKB) Format”
- Well-Known Text format, see the section called “Well-Known Text (WKT) Format”
- What is an X509/Certificate?, see the section called “Basic SSL Concepts”
- What is encryption, see the section called “Basic SSL Concepts”
- widths, display, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- wildcards, and LIKE, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
- wildcards, in mysql.columns_priv table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- wildcards, in mysql.db table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- wildcards, in mysql.host table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- wildcards, in mysql.tables_priv table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification”
- wildcards, in mysql.user table, see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- Windows, see the section called “MySQL ODBC Support”
- Windows, compiling on, see the section called “Compiling MySQL Clients on Windows”
- Windows, open issues, see the section called “MySQL on Windows Compared to MySQL on Unix”
- Windows, upgrading, see the section called “Upgrading MySQL Under Windows”
- Windows, versus Unix, see the section called “MySQL on Windows Compared to MySQL on Unix”
- WKB format, see the section called “Well-Known Binary (WKB) Format”
- WKT format, see the section called “Well-Known Text (WKT) Format”
- Word program, see the section called “Programs Known to Work With MyODBC”
- wrappers, Eiffel, see the section called “MySQL Eiffel Wrapper”
- write access, tmp, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
- write_buffer_size myisamchk variable, see the section called “General Options for myisamchk”
- xml, mysql option, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”