SQL Command, Type, and Function Index
- ! (logical NOT), see the section called “Logical Operators”
- != (not equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- ", see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- % (modulo), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- % (wildcard character), see the section called “Strings”
- & (bitwise AND), see the section called “Bit Functions”
- && (logical AND), see the section called “Logical Operators”
- () (parentheses), see the section called “Parentheses”
- (Control-Z) \Z, see the section called “Strings”
- * (multiplication), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- + (addition), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- - (subtraction), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- - (unary minus), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- –password option, see the section called “Keeping Your Password Secure”
- -p option, see the section called “Keeping Your Password Secure”
- .my.cnf file, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
- .my.cnf file, see the section called “Keeping Your Password Secure”
- .my.cnf file, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
- .my.cnf file, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- .my.cnf file, see the section called “Using Option Files”
- .my.cnf file, see the section called “MySQL on Windows Compared to MySQL on Unix”
- .mysql_history file, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- .pid (process ID) file, see the section called “Setting Up a Table Maintenance Schedule”
- / (division), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- /etc/passwd, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- /etc/passwd, see the section called “Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers”
- < (less than), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- <<, see the section called “Calculating Visits Per Day”
- << (left shift), see the section called “Bit Functions”
- <= (less than or equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- <=> (equal to), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- <> (not equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- = (equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- > (greater than), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- >= (greater than or equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- >> (right shift), see the section called “Bit Functions”
- \" (double quote), see the section called “Strings”
- \' (single quote), see the section called “Strings”
- \0 (ASCII 0), see the section called “Strings”
- \\ (escape), see the section called “Strings”
- \b (backspace), see the section called “Strings”
- \n (linefeed), see the section called “Strings”
- \n (newline), see the section called “Strings”
- \r (carriage return), see the section called “Strings”
- \t (tab), see the section called “Strings”
- \Z (Control-Z) ASCII 26, see the section called “Strings”
- ^ (bitwise XOR), see the section called “Bit Functions”
- _ (wildcard character), see the section called “Strings”
- `, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- ABS(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- ACOS(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- ADDDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- addition (+), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- ADDTIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- AES_DECRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- AES_ENCRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- alias, see the section called “Problems with Column Aliases”
- ALTER COLUMN, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- ALTER DATABASE, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
- ALTER SCHEMA, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
- ALTER TABLE, see the section called “Problems with ALTER TABLE”
- ALTER TABLE, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- ALTER VIEW, see the section called “ALTER VIEW Syntax”
- ANALYZE TABLE, see the section called “ANALYZE TABLE Syntax”
- AND, bitwise, see the section called “Bit Functions”
- AND, logical, see the section called “Logical Operators”
- Area(), see the section called “MultiPolygon Functions”
- Area(), see the section called “Polygon Functions”
- arithmetic functions, see the section called “Bit Functions”
- AS, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- AS, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- AsBinary(), see the section called “Geometry Format Conversion Functions”
- ASCII(), see the section called “String Functions”
- ASIN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- AsText(), see the section called “Geometry Format Conversion Functions”
- ATAN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- ATAN2(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- AVG(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- backspace (\b), see the section called “Strings”
- BACKUP TABLE, see the section called “BACKUP TABLE Syntax”
- BdMPolyFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- BdMPolyFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- BdPolyFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- BdPolyFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- BEGIN, see the section called “BEGIN ... END Compound Statement”
- BEGIN, see the section called “START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK Syntax”
- BENCHMARK(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- BETWEEN ... AND, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- BIGINT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- BIN(), see the section called “String Functions”
- BINARY, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
- BIT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- BIT_AND(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- BIT_COUNT, see the section called “Calculating Visits Per Day”
- BIT_COUNT(), see the section called “Bit Functions”
- BIT_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
- BIT_OR, see the section called “Calculating Visits Per Day”
- BIT_OR(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- BIT_XOR(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- BLOB, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
- BLOB, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- BOOL, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- BOOLEAN, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- Boundary(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
- Buffer(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
- C:\my.cnf file, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
- CACHE INDEX, see the section called “CACHE INDEX Syntax”
- CALL, see the section called “CALL Statement”
- carriage return (\r), see the section called “Strings”
- CASE, see the section called “CASE Statement”
- CASE, see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
- CAST, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
- casts, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
- CC environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- CC environment variable, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- CC environment variable, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- CEILING(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- Centroid(), see the section called “MultiPolygon Functions”
- CFLAGS environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- CFLAGS environment variable, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- CFLAGS environment variable, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- CHANGE MASTER TO, see the section called “CHANGE MASTER TO Syntax”
- CHAR, see the section called “String Types”
- CHAR, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- CHAR VARYING, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- CHAR(), see the section called “String Functions”
- CHAR_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
- CHARACTER, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- CHARACTER VARYING, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- CHARACTER_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
- CHARSET(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- CHECK TABLE, see the section called “CHECK TABLE Syntax”
- CHECKSUM TABLE, see the section called “CHECKSUM TABLE Syntax”
- CLOSE, see the section called “Cursor CLOSE Statement”
- COALESCE(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- COERCIBILITY(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- COLLATION(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- command-line options, see the section called “mysqld Command-Line Options”
- Comment syntax, see the section called “Comment Syntax”
- COMMIT, see the section called “START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK Syntax”
- COMMIT, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- comparison operators, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- COMPRESS(), see the section called “String Functions”
- CONCAT(), see the section called “String Functions”
- CONCAT_WS(), see the section called “String Functions”
- configure option, –with-charset, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- configure option, –with-collation, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- configure option, –with-extra-charsets, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- CONNECTION_ID(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- constraints, see the section called “How MySQL Deals with Constraints”
- Contains(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
- control flow functions, see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
- CONV(), see the section called “String Functions”
- CONVERT, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
- CONVERT TO, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- CONVERT_TZ(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- ConvexHull(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
- COS(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- COT(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- COUNT(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- COUNT(DISTINCT), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- CRC32(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- CREATE DATABASE, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
- CREATE INDEX, see the section called “CREATE INDEX Syntax”
- CREATE SCHEMA, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
- CREATE TABLE, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- CREATE VIEW, see the section called “CREATE VIEW Syntax”
- CROSS JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- Crosses(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
- CURDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- CURRENT_DATE, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- CURRENT_TIME, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- CURRENT_USER(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- CURTIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- CXX environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- CXX environment variable, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- CXX environment variable, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- CXXFLAGS environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- CXXFLAGS environment variable, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- CXXFLAGS environment variable, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- Database information, obtaining, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- DATABASE(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- DATE, see the section called “Problems Using DATE Columns”
- DATE, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
- DATE, see the section called “Overview of Date and Time Types”
- date and time functions, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DATE_ADD(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DATE_FORMAT(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DATE_SUB(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DATEDIFF(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DATETIME, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
- DATETIME, see the section called “Overview of Date and Time Types”
- DAY(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DAYNAME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DAYOFMONTH(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DAYOFWEEK(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DAYOFYEAR(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- DBI->quote, see the section called “Strings”
- DBI->trace, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
- DBI_TRACE environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- DBI_TRACE environment variable, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
- DBI_USER environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- DEALLOCATE PREPARE, see the section called “SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements”
- DEC, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- DECIMAL, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- DECLARE, see the section called “DECLARE Statement”
- DECODE(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- DEFAULT(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- DEGREES(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- DELAYED, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
- DELETE, see the section called “DELETE Syntax”
- DES_DECRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- DES_ENCRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- DESC, see the section called “DESCRIBE Syntax (Get Information About Columns)”
- DESCRIBE, see the section called “DESCRIBE Syntax (Get Information About Columns)”
- DESCRIBE, see the section called “Getting Information About Databases and Tables”
- Difference(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
- Dimension(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
- DISCARD TABLESPACE, see the section called “Using Per-Table Tablespaces”
- DISCARD TABLESPACE, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- Disjoint(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
- Distance(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
- DISTINCT, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- DISTINCT, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes DISTINCT”
- DISTINCT, see the section called “Selecting Particular Columns”
- DIV, see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- division (/), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- DO, see the section called “DO Syntax”
- DOUBLE, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- DOUBLE PRECISION, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- double quote (\"), see the section called “Strings”
- DOUBLE(M,D), see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- DROP DATABASE, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
- DROP FOREIGN KEY, see the section called “FOREIGN KEY Constraints”
- DROP FOREIGN KEY, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- DROP FUNCTION, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
- DROP FUNCTION, see the section called “DROP PROCEDURE and DROP FUNCTION”
- DROP INDEX, see the section called “DROP INDEX Syntax”
- DROP INDEX, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- DROP PRIMARY KEY, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- DROP SCHEMA, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
- DROP TABLE, see the section called “DROP TABLE Syntax”
- DROP USER, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
- DROP VIEW, see the section called “DROP VIEW Syntax”
- DUMPFILE, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- ELT(), see the section called “String Functions”
- ENCODE(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- ENCRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- encryption functions, see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- END, see the section called “BEGIN ... END Compound Statement”
- EndPoint(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
- ENUM, see the section called “The ENUM Type”
- ENUM, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- Envelope(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
- Environment variable, CC, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, CC, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- environment variable, CC, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- Environment variable, CFLAGS, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, CFLAGS, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- environment variable, CFLAGS, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- Environment variable, CXX, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, CXX, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- Environment variable, CXX, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- environment variable, CXX, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- Environment variable, CXXFLAGS, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, CXXFLAGS, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- environment variable, CXXFLAGS, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
- Environment variable, DBI_TRACE, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- Environment variable, DBI_TRACE, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
- Environment variable, DBI_USER, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- Environment variable, HOME, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, HOME, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- Environment variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
- Environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- Environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
- environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
- environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH, see the section called “Linux Source Distribution Notes”
- Environment variable, MYSQL_DEBUG, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- Environment variable, MYSQL_DEBUG, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Client”
- environment variable, MYSQL_DEBUG, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- Environment variable, MYSQL_HISTFILE, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, MYSQL_HISTFILE, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- Environment variable, MYSQL_HOST, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, MYSQL_HOST, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- Environment variable, MYSQL_PS1, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- Environment variable, MYSQL_PWD, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, MYSQL_PWD, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- environment variable, MYSQL_PWD, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- Environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
- environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT, see the section called “Running Multiple Servers on Unix”
- Environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
- environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see the section called “Running Multiple Servers on Unix”
- Environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
- Environment variable, PATH, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, PATH, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
- Environment variable, TMPDIR, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- Environment variable, TMPDIR, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
- Environment variable, TZ, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- Environment variable, TZ, see the section called “Time Zone Problems”
- Environment variable, UMASK, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- Environment variable, UMASK, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
- Environment variable, UMASK_DIR, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- Environment variable, UMASK_DIR, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
- Environment variable, USER, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- environment variable, USER, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- Environment variables, CXX, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
- equal (=), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- Equals(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
- escape (\\), see the section called “Strings”
- EXECUTE, see the section called “SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements”
- EXP(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- EXPLAIN, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
- EXPORT_SET(), see the section called “String Functions”
- ExteriorRing(), see the section called “Polygon Functions”
- EXTRACT(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- FALSE, see the section called “Numbers”
- FETCH, see the section called “Cursor FETCH Statement”
- FIELD(), see the section called “String Functions”
- FILE, see the section called “String Functions”
- FIND_IN_SET(), see the section called “String Functions”
- FIXED, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- FLOAT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- FLOAT(M,D), see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- FLOAT(p), see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- FLOOR(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- FLUSH, see the section called “FLUSH Syntax”
- FORCE INDEX, see the section called “Optimizer-Related Issues”
- FORCE INDEX, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- FORCE INDEX, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- FORCE KEY, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- FORCE KEY, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- FORMAT(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- FOUND_ROWS(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- FROM, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- FROM_DAYS(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- FROM_UNIXTIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- functions, arithmetic, see the section called “Bit Functions”
- functions, bit, see the section called “Bit Functions”
- functions, control flow, see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
- functions, date and time, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- functions, encryption, see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- functions, GROUP BY, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- functions, information, see the section called “Information Functions”
- functions, mathematical, see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- functions, miscellaneous, see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- functions, string, see the section called “String Functions”
- functions, string comparison, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- Functions, user-defined, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
- GeomCollFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- GeomCollFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- GEOMETRY, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
- GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
- GeometryCollection(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
- GeometryCollectionFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- GeometryCollectionFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- GeometryFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- GeometryFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- GeometryN(), see the section called “GeometryCollection Functions”
- GeometryType(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
- GeomFromText(), see the section called “Geometry Format Conversion Functions”
- GeomFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- GeomFromWKB(), see the section called “Geometry Format Conversion Functions”
- GeomFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- GET_FORMAT(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- GET_LOCK(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- GLength(), see the section called “MultiLineString Functions”
- GLength(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
- GRANT, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- GRANT statement, see the section called “SSL GRANT Options”
- GRANT statement, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
- GRANTS, see the section called “SHOW GRANTS Syntax”
- greater than (>), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- greater than or equal (>=), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- GREATEST(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- GROUP BY, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes GROUP BY”
- GROUP BY functions, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- GROUP_CONCAT(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- HANDLER, see the section called “HANDLER Syntax”
- HEX(), see the section called “String Functions”
- hexadecimal values, see the section called “Hexadecimal Values”
- HOME environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- HOME environment variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- host.frm, problems finding, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
- HOUR(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- identifiers, quoting, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
- IF, see the section called “IF Statement”
- IF(), see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
- IFNULL(), see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
- IGNORE INDEX, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- IGNORE INDEX, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- IGNORE KEY, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- IGNORE KEY, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- IMPORT TABLESPACE, see the section called “Using Per-Table Tablespaces”
- IMPORT TABLESPACE, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- IN, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- INET_ATON(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- INET_NTOA(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- information functions, see the section called “Information Functions”
- INNER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- INSERT, see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
- INSERT, see the section called “Speed of INSERT Statements”
- INSERT ... SELECT, see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
- INSERT DELAYED, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
- INSERT statement, grant privileges, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
- INSERT(), see the section called “String Functions”
- INSTR(), see the section called “String Functions”
- INT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- INTEGER, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- InteriorRingN(), see the section called “Polygon Functions”
- Intersection(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
- Intersects(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
- INTERVAL(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- IS NOT NULL, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- IS NULL, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- IS NULL, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes IS NULL”
- IS NULL, and indexes, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
- IS_FREE_LOCK(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- IS_USED_LOCK(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- IsClosed(), see the section called “MultiLineString Functions”
- IsClosed(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
- IsEmpty(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
- ISNULL(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- ISOLATION LEVEL, see the section called “SET TRANSACTION Syntax”
- IsRing(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
- IsSimple(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
- ITERATE, see the section called “ITERATE Statement”
- LAST_DAY(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- LAST_INSERT_ID(), see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
- LAST_INSERT_ID(), see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- LAST_INSERT_ID([expr]), see the section called “Information Functions”
- LCASE(), see the section called “String Functions”
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
- LD_RUN_PATH environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- LD_RUN_PATH environment variable, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
- LD_RUN_PATH environment variable, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
- LD_RUN_PATH environment variable, see the section called “Linux Source Distribution Notes”
- LEAST(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- LEAVE, see the section called “LEAVE Statement”
- LEFT JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- LEFT JOIN, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN”
- LEFT OUTER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- LEFT(), see the section called “String Functions”
- LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
- less than (<), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- less than or equal (<=), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- LIKE, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- LIKE, and indexes, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
- LIKE, and wildcards, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
- LIMIT, see the section called “Information Functions”
- LIMIT, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes LIMIT”
- linefeed (\n), see the section called “Strings”
- LineFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- LineFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- LINESTRING, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
- LineString(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
- LineStringFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- LineStringFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- LN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- LOAD DATA FROM MASTER, see the section called “LOAD DATA FROM MASTER Syntax”
- LOAD DATA INFILE, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
- LOAD DATA INFILE, see the section called “LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax”
- LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER, see the section called “LOAD TABLE tbl_name FROM MASTER Syntax”
- LOAD_FILE(), see the section called “String Functions”
- LOCALTIME, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- LOCALTIMESTAMP, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- LOCATE(), see the section called “String Functions”
- LOCK TABLES, see the section called “LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES Syntax”
- LOG(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- LOG10(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- LOG2(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- logical operators, see the section called “Logical Operators”
- LONG, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
- LONGBLOB, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- LONGTEXT, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- LOOP, see the section called “LOOP Statement”
- LOWER(), see the section called “String Functions”
- LPAD(), see the section called “String Functions”
- LTRIM(), see the section called “String Functions”
- MAKE_SET(), see the section called “String Functions”
- MAKEDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- MAKETIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- MASTER_POS_WAIT(), see the section called “MASTER_POS_WAIT() Syntax”
- MASTER_POS_WAIT(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- MATCH ... AGAINST(), see the section called “Full-Text Search Functions”
- mathematical functions, see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- MAX(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- MBRContains(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
- MBRDisjoint(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
- MBREqual(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
- MBRIntersects(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
- MBROverlaps(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
- MBRTouches(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
- MBRWithin(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
- MD5(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- MEDIUMBLOB, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- MEDIUMINT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- MEDIUMTEXT, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- MICROSECOND(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- MID(), see the section called “String Functions”
- MIN(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- minus, unary (-), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- MINUTE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- miscellaneous functions, see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- MLineFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- MLineFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- MOD (modulo), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- MOD(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- modulo (%), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- modulo (MOD), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- MONTH(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- MONTHNAME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- MPointFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- MPointFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- MPolyFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- MPolyFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- MULTILINESTRING, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
- MultiLineString(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
- MultiLineStringFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- MultiLineStringFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- multiplication (*), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- MULTIPOINT, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
- MultiPoint(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
- MultiPointFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- MultiPointFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- MULTIPOLYGON, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
- MultiPolygon(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
- MultiPolygonFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- MultiPolygonFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- my_init(), see the section called “my_init()”
- my_ulonglong C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
- my_ulonglong values, printing, see the section called “C API Data types”
- MySQL C type, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Data types”
- MYSQL C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
- mysql_affected_rows(), see the section called “mysql_affected_rows()”
- mysql_autocommit()., see the section called “mysql_autocommit()”
- MYSQL_BIND C type, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Data types”
- mysql_change_user(), see the section called “mysql_change_user()”
- mysql_character_set_name(), see the section called “mysql_character_set_name()”
- mysql_close(), see the section called “mysql_close()”
- mysql_commit()., see the section called “mysql_commit()”
- mysql_connect(), see the section called “mysql_connect()”
- mysql_create_db(), see the section called “mysql_create_db()”
- mysql_data_seek(), see the section called “mysql_data_seek()”
- MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Client”
- MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- mysql_debug(), see the section called “mysql_debug()”
- mysql_drop_db(), see the section called “mysql_drop_db()”
- mysql_dump_debug_info(), see the section called “mysql_dump_debug_info()”
- mysql_eof(), see the section called “mysql_eof()”
- mysql_errno(), see the section called “mysql_errno()”
- mysql_error(), see the section called “mysql_error()”
- mysql_escape_string(), see the section called “mysql_escape_string()”
- mysql_fetch_field(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_field()”
- mysql_fetch_field_direct(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_field_direct()”
- mysql_fetch_fields(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_fields()”
- mysql_fetch_lengths(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_lengths()”
- mysql_fetch_row(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_row()”
- MYSQL_FIELD C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
- mysql_field_count(), see the section called “mysql_num_fields()”
- mysql_field_count(), see the section called “mysql_field_count()”
- MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
- mysql_field_seek(), see the section called “mysql_field_seek()”
- mysql_field_tell(), see the section called “mysql_field_tell()”
- mysql_free_result(), see the section called “mysql_free_result()”
- mysql_get_client_info(), see the section called “mysql_get_client_info()”
- mysql_get_client_version(), see the section called “mysql_get_client_version()”
- mysql_get_host_info(), see the section called “mysql_get_host_info()”
- mysql_get_proto_info(), see the section called “mysql_get_proto_info()”
- mysql_get_server_info(), see the section called “mysql_get_server_info()”
- mysql_get_server_version(), see the section called “mysql_get_server_version()”
- MYSQL_HISTFILE environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- MYSQL_HISTFILE environment variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
- MYSQL_HOST environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- MYSQL_HOST environment variable, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- mysql_info(), see the section called “mysql_info()”
- mysql_info(), see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- mysql_info(), see the section called “UPDATE Syntax”
- mysql_info(), see the section called “LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax”
- mysql_info(), see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
- mysql_init(), see the section called “mysql_init()”
- mysql_insert_id(), see the section called “mysql_insert_id()”
- mysql_insert_id(), see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
- mysql_insert_id(), see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- mysql_kill(), see the section called “mysql_kill()”
- mysql_list_dbs(), see the section called “mysql_list_dbs()”
- mysql_list_fields(), see the section called “mysql_list_fields()”
- mysql_list_processes(), see the section called “mysql_list_processes()”
- mysql_list_tables(), see the section called “mysql_list_tables()”
- mysql_more_results()., see the section called “mysql_more_results()”
- mysql_next_result()., see the section called “mysql_next_result()”
- mysql_num_fields(), see the section called “mysql_num_fields()”
- mysql_num_rows(), see the section called “mysql_num_rows()”
- mysql_options(), see the section called “mysql_options()”
- mysql_ping(), see the section called “mysql_ping()”
- MYSQL_PS1 environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- MYSQL_PWD environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- MYSQL_PWD environment variable, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- MYSQL_PWD environment variable, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- mysql_query(), see the section called “Common questions and problems when using the C API”
- mysql_query(), see the section called “mysql_query()”
- mysql_real_connect(), see the section called “mysql_real_connect()”
- mysql_real_escape_string(), see the section called “mysql_real_escape_string()”
- mysql_real_escape_string(), see the section called “Strings”
- mysql_real_query(), see the section called “mysql_real_query()”
- mysql_reload(), see the section called “mysql_reload()”
- MYSQL_RES C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
- mysql_rollback()., see the section called “mysql_rollback()”
- MYSQL_ROW C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
- mysql_row_seek(), see the section called “mysql_row_seek()”
- mysql_row_tell(), see the section called “mysql_row_tell()”
- mysql_select_db(), see the section called “mysql_select_db()”
- mysql_server_end(), see the section called “mysql_server_end()”
- mysql_server_init(), see the section called “mysql_server_init()”
- mysql_set_sever_option(), see the section called “mysql_set_server_option()”
- mysql_shutdown(), see the section called “mysql_shutdown()”
- mysql_sqlstate(), see the section called “mysql_sqlstate()”
- mysql_ssl_set(), see the section called “mysql_ssl_set()”
- mysql_stat(), see the section called “mysql_stat()”
- MYSQL_STMT C type, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Data types”
- mysql_stmt_affected_rows(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_affected_rows()”
- mysql_stmt_attr_get(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_attr_get()”
- mysql_stmt_attr_set(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_attr_set()”
- mysql_stmt_bind_param(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_bind_param()”
- mysql_stmt_bind_result(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_bind_result()”
- mysql_stmt_close(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_close()”
- mysql_stmt_data_seek(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_data_seek()”
- mysql_stmt_errno(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_errno()”
- mysql_stmt_error()., see the section called “mysql_stmt_error()”
- mysql_stmt_execute(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_execute()”
- mysql_stmt_fetch(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_fetch()”
- mysql_stmt_fetch_column(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_fetch_column()”
- mysql_stmt_field_count(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_field_count()”
- mysql_stmt_free_result(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_free_result()”
- mysql_stmt_init(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_init()”
- mysql_stmt_insert_id(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_insert_id()”
- mysql_stmt_num_rows(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_num_rows()”
- mysql_stmt_param_count(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_param_count()”
- mysql_stmt_param_metadata(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_param_metadata()”
- mysql_stmt_prepare(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_prepare()”
- mysql_stmt_reset(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_reset()”
- mysql_stmt_result_metadata., see the section called “mysql_stmt_result_metadata()”
- mysql_stmt_row_seek(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_row_seek()”
- mysql_stmt_row_tell(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_row_tell()”
- mysql_stmt_send_long_data()., see the section called “mysql_stmt_send_long_data()”
- mysql_stmt_sqlstate(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_sqlstate()”
- mysql_stmt_store_result(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_store_result()”
- mysql_store_result(), see the section called “Common questions and problems when using the C API”
- mysql_store_result(), see the section called “mysql_store_result()”
- MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
- MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Running Multiple Servers on Unix”
- mysql_thread_end(), see the section called “mysql_thread_end()”
- mysql_thread_id(), see the section called “mysql_thread_id()”
- mysql_thread_init(), see the section called “mysql_thread_init()”
- mysql_thread_safe(), see the section called “mysql_thread_safe()”
- MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
- MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
- MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Running Multiple Servers on Unix”
- MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
- mysql_use_result(), see the section called “mysql_use_result()”
- mysql_warning_count()., see the section called “mysql_warning_count()”
- NATIONAL CHAR, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- NATURAL LEFT JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- NATURAL RIGHT JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- NCHAR, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- newline (\n), see the section called “Strings”
- NOT BETWEEN, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- not equal (!=), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- not equal (<>), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- NOT IN, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
- NOT LIKE, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- NOT REGEXP, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- NOT, logical, see the section called “Logical Operators”
- NOW(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- NUL, see the section called “Strings”
- NULL, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
- NULL, see the section called “Working with NULL Values”
- NULL value, see the section called “NULL Values”
- NULLIF(), see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
- NUMERIC, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- NumGeometries(), see the section called “GeometryCollection Functions”
- NumInteriorRings(), see the section called “Polygon Functions”
- NumPoints(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
- OCT(), see the section called “String Functions”
- OCTET_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
- OLAP, see the section called “GROUP BY Modifiers”
- OLD_PASSWORD(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- OPEN, see the section called “Cursor OPEN Statement”
- operators, logical, see the section called “Logical Operators”
- OPTIMIZE TABLE, see the section called “OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax”
- OR, see the section called “Index Merge Optimization”
- OR, see the section called “Searching on Two Keys”
- OR, bitwise, see the section called “Bit Functions”
- OR, logical, see the section called “Logical Operators”
- ORD(), see the section called “String Functions”
- ORDER BY, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- ORDER BY, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- ORDER BY, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
- Overlaps(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
- parentheses ( and ), see the section called “Parentheses”
- PASSWORD(), see the section called “Ignoring user”
- PASSWORD(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- PASSWORD(), see the section called “Assigning Account Passwords”
- PASSWORD(), see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
- PATH environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- PATH environment variable, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
- PERIOD_ADD(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- PERIOD_DIFF(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- PI(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- POINT, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
- Point(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
- PointFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- PointFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- PointN(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
- PointOnSurface(), see the section called “MultiPolygon Functions”
- PolyFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- PolyFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- POLYGON, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
- Polygon(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
- PolygonFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
- PolygonFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
- POSITION(), see the section called “String Functions”
- POW(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- POWER(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- PREPARE, see the section called “SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements”
- PRIMARY KEY, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- PRIMARY KEY, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- PROCESSLIST, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
- PURGE MASTER LOGS, see the section called “PURGE MASTER LOGS Syntax”
- RADIANS(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- RAND(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- REAL, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- ref_or_null, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes IS NULL”
- REGEXP, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- Related(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
- RELEASE_LOCK(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
- RENAME TABLE, see the section called “RENAME TABLE Syntax”
- REPAIR TABLE, see the section called “REPAIR TABLE Syntax”
- REPEAT, see the section called “REPEAT Statement”
- REPEAT(), see the section called “String Functions”
- REPLACE, see the section called “REPLACE Syntax”
- REPLACE ... SELECT, see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
- REPLACE(), see the section called “String Functions”
- REQUIRE GRANT option, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- REQUIRE GRANT option, see the section called “SSL GRANT Options”
- RESET MASTER, see the section called “RESET MASTER Syntax”
- RESET SLAVE, see the section called “RESET SLAVE Syntax”
- RESTORE TABLE, see the section called “RESTORE TABLE Syntax”
- return (\r), see the section called “Strings”
- REVERSE(), see the section called “String Functions”
- REVOKE, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
- RIGHT JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- RIGHT OUTER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- RIGHT(), see the section called “String Functions”
- RLIKE, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- ROLLBACK, see the section called “START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK Syntax”
- ROLLBACK, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
- ROLLUP, see the section called “GROUP BY Modifiers”
- ROUND(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- ROW_COUNT(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- RPAD(), see the section called “String Functions”
- RTRIM(), see the section called “String Functions”
- SAVEPOINT, see the section called “SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT Syntax”
- SEC_TO_TIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- SECOND(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- SELECT, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- SELECT INTO, see the section called “SELECT ... INTO Statement”
- SELECT INTO TABLE, see the section called “SELECT INTO TABLE”
- SELECT speed, see the section called “Speed of SELECT Queries”
- SELECT, optimizing, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
- SESSION_USER(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- SET, see the section called “Variable SET Statement”
- SET, see the section called “SET Syntax”
- SET, see the section called “The SET Type”
- SET, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- SET OPTION, see the section called “SET Syntax”
- SET PASSWORD, see the section called “SET PASSWORD Syntax”
- SET PASSWORD statement, see the section called “Assigning Account Passwords”
- SET SQL_LOG_BIN, see the section called “SET SQL_LOG_BIN Syntax”
- SET TRANSACTION, see the section called “SET TRANSACTION Syntax”
- SHA(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- SHA1(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
- SHOW BINARY LOGS, see the section called “SHOW MASTER LOGS Syntax”
- SHOW BINLOG EVENTS, see the section called “SHOW BINLOG EVENTS Syntax”
- SHOW BINLOG EVENTS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW CHARACTER SET, see the section called “SHOW CHARACTER SET Syntax”
- SHOW COLLATION, see the section called “SHOW COLLATION Syntax”
- SHOW COLUMNS, see the section called “SHOW COLUMNS Syntax”
- SHOW COLUMNS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW CREATE DATABASE, see the section called “SHOW CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
- SHOW CREATE DATABASE, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW CREATE SCHEMA, see the section called “SHOW CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
- SHOW CREATE SCHEMA, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW CREATE TABLE, see the section called “SHOW CREATE TABLE Syntax”
- SHOW CREATE TABLE, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW CREATE VIEW, see the section called “SHOW CREATE VIEW Syntax”
- SHOW DATABASES, see the section called “SHOW DATABASES Syntax”
- SHOW DATABASES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW ENGINES, see the section called “SHOW ENGINES Syntax”
- SHOW ENGINES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW ERRORS, see the section called “SHOW ERRORS Syntax”
- SHOW ERRORS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW FIELDS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW GRANTS, see the section called “SHOW GRANTS Syntax”
- SHOW GRANTS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW INDEX, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
- SHOW INDEX, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW INNODB STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW KEYS, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
- SHOW KEYS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW MASTER LOGS, see the section called “SHOW MASTER LOGS Syntax”
- SHOW MASTER LOGS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW MASTER STATUS, see the section called “SHOW MASTER STATUS Syntax”
- SHOW MASTER STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW PRIVILEGES, see the section called “SHOW PRIVILEGES Syntax”
- SHOW PRIVILEGES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW PROCESSLIST, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
- SHOW PROCESSLIST, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW SCHEMAS, see the section called “SHOW DATABASES Syntax”
- SHOW SCHEMAS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW SLAVE HOSTS, see the section called “SHOW SLAVE HOSTS Syntax”
- SHOW SLAVE HOSTS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW SLAVE STATUS, see the section called “SHOW SLAVE STATUS Syntax”
- SHOW SLAVE STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW STORAGE ENGINES, see the section called “SHOW ENGINES Syntax”
- SHOW TABLE STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW TABLE TYPES, see the section called “SHOW ENGINES Syntax”
- SHOW TABLE TYPES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW TABLES, see the section called “SHOW TABLES Syntax”
- SHOW TABLES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW VARIABLES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SHOW WARNINGS, see the section called “SHOW WARNINGS Syntax”
- SHOW WARNINGS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
- SIGN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- SIN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- single quote (\'), see the section called “Strings”
- SMALLINT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- SOUNDEX(), see the section called “String Functions”
- SOUNDS LIKE, see the section called “String Functions”
- SPACE(), see the section called “String Functions”
- SQL_CACHE, see the section called “Query Cache SELECT Options”
- SQL_NO_CACHE, see the section called “Query Cache SELECT Options”
- SQRT(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- SRID(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
- START SLAVE, see the section called “START SLAVE Syntax”
- StartPoint(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
- statements, GRANT, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
- statements, INSERT, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
- STD(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- STDDEV(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- STOP SLAVE, see the section called “STOP SLAVE Syntax”
- STR_TO_DATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- STRAIGHT_JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- STRCMP(), see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- string comparison functions, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
- string functions, see the section called “String Functions”
- SUBDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- SUBSTRING(), see the section called “String Functions”
- SUBSTRING_INDEX(), see the section called “String Functions”
- SUBTIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- subtraction (-), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- SUM(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
- SymDifference(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
- SYSDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- SYSTEM_USER(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- tab (\t), see the section called “Strings”
- table_cache, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
- TAN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- TEXT, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
- TEXT, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- threads, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
- TIME, see the section called “The TIME Type”
- TIME, see the section called “Overview of Date and Time Types”
- TIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- TIME_FORMAT(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- TIME_TO_SEC(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- TIMEDIFF(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- TIMESTAMP, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
- TIMESTAMP, see the section called “Overview of Date and Time Types”
- TIMESTAMP(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- TIMESTAMPADD(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- TIMESTAMPDIFF(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- TINYBLOB, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- TINYINT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
- TINYTEXT, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
- TMPDIR environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- TMPDIR environment variable, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
- TO_DAYS(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- Touches(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
- trace DBI method, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
- TRIM(), see the section called “String Functions”
- TRUE, see the section called “Numbers”
- TRUNCATE, see the section called “TRUNCATE Syntax”
- TRUNCATE(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
- Types, see Chapter 12, Column Types
- TZ environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- TZ environment variable, see the section called “Time Zone Problems”
- UCASE(), see the section called “String Functions”
- UDF functions, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
- ulimit, see the section called “File Not Found”
- UMASK environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- UMASK environment variable, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
- UMASK_DIR environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- UMASK_DIR environment variable, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
- unary minus (-), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- UNCOMPRESS(), see the section called “String Functions”
- UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
- UNHEX(), see the section called “String Functions”
- UNION, see the section called “UNION Syntax”
- UNION, see the section called “Searching on Two Keys”
- Union(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
- UNIQUE, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
- UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- UNLOCK TABLES, see the section called “LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES Syntax”
- UNTIL, see the section called “REPEAT Statement”
- UPDATE, see the section called “UPDATE Syntax”
- UPPER(), see the section called “String Functions”
- USE, see the section called “USE Syntax”
- USE INDEX, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- USE INDEX, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- USE KEY, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
- USE KEY, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
- USER environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
- USER environment variable, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
- USER(), see the section called “Information Functions”
- User-defined functions, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
- UTC_DATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- UTC_TIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- UTC_TIMESTAMP(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
- UUID(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”