SQL Command, Type, and Function Index

! (logical NOT), see the section called “Logical Operators”
!= (not equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
", see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
% (modulo), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
% (wildcard character), see the section called “Strings”
& (bitwise AND), see the section called “Bit Functions”
&& (logical AND), see the section called “Logical Operators”
() (parentheses), see the section called “Parentheses”
(Control-Z) \Z, see the section called “Strings”
* (multiplication), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
+ (addition), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- (subtraction), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
- (unary minus), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
–password option, see the section called “Keeping Your Password Secure”
-p option, see the section called “Keeping Your Password Secure”
.my.cnf file, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
.my.cnf file, see the section called “Keeping Your Password Secure”
.my.cnf file, see the section called “Causes of Access denied Errors”
.my.cnf file, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
.my.cnf file, see the section called “Using Option Files”
.my.cnf file, see the section called “MySQL on Windows Compared to MySQL on Unix”
.mysql_history file, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
.pid (process ID) file, see the section called “Setting Up a Table Maintenance Schedule”
/ (division), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
/etc/passwd, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
/etc/passwd, see the section called “Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers”
< (less than), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
<<, see the section called “Calculating Visits Per Day”
<< (left shift), see the section called “Bit Functions”
<= (less than or equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
<=> (equal to), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
<> (not equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
= (equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
> (greater than), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
>= (greater than or equal), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
>> (right shift), see the section called “Bit Functions”
\" (double quote), see the section called “Strings”
\' (single quote), see the section called “Strings”
\0 (ASCII 0), see the section called “Strings”
\\ (escape), see the section called “Strings”
\b (backspace), see the section called “Strings”
\n (linefeed), see the section called “Strings”
\n (newline), see the section called “Strings”
\r (carriage return), see the section called “Strings”
\t (tab), see the section called “Strings”
\Z (Control-Z) ASCII 26, see the section called “Strings”
^ (bitwise XOR), see the section called “Bit Functions”
_ (wildcard character), see the section called “Strings”
`, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”


ABS(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
ACOS(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
ADDDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
addition (+), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
ADDTIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
AES_DECRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
AES_ENCRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
alias, see the section called “Problems with Column Aliases”
ALTER COLUMN, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
ALTER DATABASE, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
ALTER SCHEMA, see the section called “ALTER DATABASE Syntax”
ALTER TABLE, see the section called “Problems with ALTER TABLE”
ALTER TABLE, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
ALTER VIEW, see the section called “ALTER VIEW Syntax”
ANALYZE TABLE, see the section called “ANALYZE TABLE Syntax”
AND, bitwise, see the section called “Bit Functions”
AND, logical, see the section called “Logical Operators”
Area(), see the section called “MultiPolygon Functions”
Area(), see the section called “Polygon Functions”
arithmetic functions, see the section called “Bit Functions”
AS, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
AS, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
AsBinary(), see the section called “Geometry Format Conversion Functions”
ASCII(), see the section called “String Functions”
ASIN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
AsText(), see the section called “Geometry Format Conversion Functions”
ATAN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
ATAN2(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
AVG(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”


backspace (\b), see the section called “Strings”
BACKUP TABLE, see the section called “BACKUP TABLE Syntax”
BdMPolyFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
BdMPolyFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
BdPolyFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
BdPolyFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
BEGIN, see the section called “BEGIN ... END Compound Statement”
BEGIN, see the section called “START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK Syntax”
BENCHMARK(), see the section called “Information Functions”
BETWEEN ... AND, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
BIGINT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
BIN(), see the section called “String Functions”
BINARY, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
BIT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
BIT_AND(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
BIT_COUNT, see the section called “Calculating Visits Per Day”
BIT_COUNT(), see the section called “Bit Functions”
BIT_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
BIT_OR, see the section called “Calculating Visits Per Day”
BIT_OR(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
BIT_XOR(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
BLOB, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
BLOB, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
BOOL, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
BOOLEAN, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
Boundary(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
Buffer(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”


C:\my.cnf file, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
CACHE INDEX, see the section called “CACHE INDEX Syntax”
CALL, see the section called “CALL Statement”
carriage return (\r), see the section called “Strings”
CASE, see the section called “CASE Statement”
CASE, see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
CAST, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
casts, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
CC environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
CC environment variable, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
CC environment variable, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
CEILING(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
Centroid(), see the section called “MultiPolygon Functions”
CFLAGS environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
CFLAGS environment variable, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
CFLAGS environment variable, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
CHANGE MASTER TO, see the section called “CHANGE MASTER TO Syntax”
CHAR, see the section called “String Types”
CHAR, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
CHAR VARYING, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
CHAR(), see the section called “String Functions”
CHAR_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
CHARACTER, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
CHARACTER VARYING, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
CHARACTER_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
CHARSET(), see the section called “Information Functions”
CHECK TABLE, see the section called “CHECK TABLE Syntax”
CHECKSUM TABLE, see the section called “CHECKSUM TABLE Syntax”
CLOSE, see the section called “Cursor CLOSE Statement”
COALESCE(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
COERCIBILITY(), see the section called “Information Functions”
COLLATION(), see the section called “Information Functions”
command-line options, see the section called “mysqld Command-Line Options”
Comment syntax, see the section called “Comment Syntax”
COMMIT, see the section called “START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK Syntax”
COMMIT, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
comparison operators, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
COMPRESS(), see the section called “String Functions”
CONCAT(), see the section called “String Functions”
CONCAT_WS(), see the section called “String Functions”
configure option, –with-charset, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
configure option, –with-collation, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
configure option, –with-extra-charsets, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
CONNECTION_ID(), see the section called “Information Functions”
constraints, see the section called “How MySQL Deals with Constraints”
Contains(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
control flow functions, see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
CONV(), see the section called “String Functions”
CONVERT, see the section called “Cast Functions and Operators”
CONVERT TO, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
CONVERT_TZ(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
ConvexHull(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
COS(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
COT(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
COUNT(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
COUNT(DISTINCT), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
CRC32(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
CREATE DATABASE, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
CREATE INDEX, see the section called “CREATE INDEX Syntax”
CREATE SCHEMA, see the section called “CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
CREATE TABLE, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
CREATE VIEW, see the section called “CREATE VIEW Syntax”
CROSS JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
Crosses(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
CURDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
CURRENT_DATE, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
CURRENT_TIME, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
CURRENT_USER(), see the section called “Information Functions”
CURTIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
CXX environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
CXX environment variable, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
CXX environment variable, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
CXXFLAGS environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
CXXFLAGS environment variable, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
CXXFLAGS environment variable, see the section called “Typical configure Options”


Database information, obtaining, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
DATABASE(), see the section called “Information Functions”
DATE, see the section called “Problems Using DATE Columns”
DATE, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
DATE, see the section called “Overview of Date and Time Types”
date and time functions, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DATE_ADD(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DATE_FORMAT(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DATE_SUB(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DATEDIFF(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DATETIME, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
DATETIME, see the section called “Overview of Date and Time Types”
DAY(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DAYNAME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DAYOFMONTH(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DAYOFWEEK(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DAYOFYEAR(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
DBI->quote, see the section called “Strings”
DBI->trace, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
DBI_TRACE environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
DBI_TRACE environment variable, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
DBI_USER environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
DEALLOCATE PREPARE, see the section called “SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements”
DEC, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
DECIMAL, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
DECLARE, see the section called “DECLARE Statement”
DECODE(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
DEFAULT(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
DEGREES(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
DELAYED, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
DELETE, see the section called “DELETE Syntax”
DES_DECRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
DES_ENCRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
DESC, see the section called “DESCRIBE Syntax (Get Information About Columns)”
DESCRIBE, see the section called “DESCRIBE Syntax (Get Information About Columns)”
DESCRIBE, see the section called “Getting Information About Databases and Tables”
Difference(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
Dimension(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
DISCARD TABLESPACE, see the section called “Using Per-Table Tablespaces”
DISCARD TABLESPACE, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
Disjoint(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
Distance(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
DISTINCT, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
DISTINCT, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes DISTINCT”
DISTINCT, see the section called “Selecting Particular Columns”
DIV, see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
division (/), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
DO, see the section called “DO Syntax”
DOUBLE, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
DOUBLE PRECISION, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
double quote (\"), see the section called “Strings”
DOUBLE(M,D), see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
DROP DATABASE, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
DROP FOREIGN KEY, see the section called “FOREIGN KEY Constraints”
DROP FOREIGN KEY, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
DROP INDEX, see the section called “DROP INDEX Syntax”
DROP INDEX, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
DROP PRIMARY KEY, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
DROP SCHEMA, see the section called “DROP DATABASE Syntax”
DROP TABLE, see the section called “DROP TABLE Syntax”
DROP USER, see the section called “DROP USER Syntax”
DROP VIEW, see the section called “DROP VIEW Syntax”
DUMPFILE, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”


ELT(), see the section called “String Functions”
ENCODE(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
ENCRYPT(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
encryption functions, see the section called “Encryption Functions”
END, see the section called “BEGIN ... END Compound Statement”
EndPoint(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
ENUM, see the section called “The ENUM Type”
ENUM, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
Envelope(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
Environment variable, CC, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, CC, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
environment variable, CC, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
Environment variable, CFLAGS, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, CFLAGS, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
environment variable, CFLAGS, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
Environment variable, CXX, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, CXX, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
Environment variable, CXX, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
environment variable, CXX, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
Environment variable, CXXFLAGS, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, CXXFLAGS, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
environment variable, CXXFLAGS, see the section called “Typical configure Options”
Environment variable, DBI_TRACE, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
Environment variable, DBI_TRACE, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
Environment variable, DBI_USER, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
Environment variable, HOME, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, HOME, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
Environment variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
Environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
Environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH, see the section called “Linux Source Distribution Notes”
Environment variable, MYSQL_DEBUG, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
Environment variable, MYSQL_DEBUG, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Client”
environment variable, MYSQL_DEBUG, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
Environment variable, MYSQL_HISTFILE, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, MYSQL_HISTFILE, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
Environment variable, MYSQL_HOST, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, MYSQL_HOST, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
Environment variable, MYSQL_PS1, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
Environment variable, MYSQL_PWD, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, MYSQL_PWD, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
environment variable, MYSQL_PWD, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
Environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT, see the section called “Running Multiple Servers on Unix”
Environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see the section called “Running Multiple Servers on Unix”
Environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
Environment variable, PATH, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, PATH, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
Environment variable, TMPDIR, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
Environment variable, TMPDIR, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
Environment variable, TZ, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
Environment variable, TZ, see the section called “Time Zone Problems”
Environment variable, UMASK, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
Environment variable, UMASK, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
Environment variable, UMASK_DIR, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
Environment variable, UMASK_DIR, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
Environment variable, USER, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
environment variable, USER, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
Environment variables, CXX, see the section called “Dealing with Problems Compiling MySQL”
equal (=), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
Equals(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
escape (\\), see the section called “Strings”
EXECUTE, see the section called “SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements”
EXP(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
EXPLAIN, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
EXPORT_SET(), see the section called “String Functions”
ExteriorRing(), see the section called “Polygon Functions”
EXTRACT(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”


FALSE, see the section called “Numbers”
FETCH, see the section called “Cursor FETCH Statement”
FIELD(), see the section called “String Functions”
FILE, see the section called “String Functions”
FIND_IN_SET(), see the section called “String Functions”
FIXED, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
FLOAT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
FLOAT(M,D), see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
FLOAT(p), see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
FLOOR(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
FLUSH, see the section called “FLUSH Syntax”
FORCE INDEX, see the section called “Optimizer-Related Issues”
FORCE INDEX, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
FORCE INDEX, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
FORCE KEY, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
FORCE KEY, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
FORMAT(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
FOUND_ROWS(), see the section called “Information Functions”
FROM, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
FROM_DAYS(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
FROM_UNIXTIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
functions, arithmetic, see the section called “Bit Functions”
functions, bit, see the section called “Bit Functions”
functions, control flow, see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
functions, date and time, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
functions, encryption, see the section called “Encryption Functions”
functions, GROUP BY, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
functions, information, see the section called “Information Functions”
functions, mathematical, see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
functions, miscellaneous, see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
functions, string, see the section called “String Functions”
functions, string comparison, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
Functions, user-defined, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”


GeomCollFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
GeomCollFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
GEOMETRY, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
GeometryCollection(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
GeometryCollectionFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
GeometryCollectionFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
GeometryFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
GeometryFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
GeometryN(), see the section called “GeometryCollection Functions”
GeometryType(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
GeomFromText(), see the section called “Geometry Format Conversion Functions”
GeomFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
GeomFromWKB(), see the section called “Geometry Format Conversion Functions”
GeomFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
GET_FORMAT(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
GET_LOCK(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
GLength(), see the section called “MultiLineString Functions”
GLength(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
GRANT, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
GRANT statement, see the section called “SSL GRANT Options”
GRANT statement, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
GRANTS, see the section called “SHOW GRANTS Syntax”
greater than (>), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
greater than or equal (>=), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
GREATEST(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
GROUP BY, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes GROUP BY”
GROUP BY functions, see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
GROUP_CONCAT(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”


HANDLER, see the section called “HANDLER Syntax”
HEX(), see the section called “String Functions”
hexadecimal values, see the section called “Hexadecimal Values”
HOME environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
HOME environment variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
host.frm, problems finding, see the section called “Unix Post-Installation Procedures”
HOUR(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”


identifiers, quoting, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”
IF, see the section called “IF Statement”
IF(), see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
IFNULL(), see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
IGNORE INDEX, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
IGNORE INDEX, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
IGNORE KEY, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
IGNORE KEY, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
IMPORT TABLESPACE, see the section called “Using Per-Table Tablespaces”
IMPORT TABLESPACE, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
IN, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
INET_ATON(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
INET_NTOA(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
information functions, see the section called “Information Functions”
INNER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
INSERT, see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
INSERT, see the section called “Speed of INSERT Statements”
INSERT ... SELECT, see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
INSERT DELAYED, see the section called “INSERT DELAYED Syntax”
INSERT statement, grant privileges, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
INSERT(), see the section called “String Functions”
INSTR(), see the section called “String Functions”
INT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
INTEGER, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
InteriorRingN(), see the section called “Polygon Functions”
Intersection(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
Intersects(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
INTERVAL(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
IS NOT NULL, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
IS NULL, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
IS NULL, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes IS NULL”
IS NULL, and indexes, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
IS_FREE_LOCK(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
IS_USED_LOCK(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
IsClosed(), see the section called “MultiLineString Functions”
IsClosed(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
IsEmpty(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
ISNULL(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
ISOLATION LEVEL, see the section called “SET TRANSACTION Syntax”
IsRing(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
IsSimple(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
ITERATE, see the section called “ITERATE Statement”


JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”


KILL, see the section called “KILL Syntax”


LAST_DAY(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
LAST_INSERT_ID(), see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
LAST_INSERT_ID(), see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
LAST_INSERT_ID([expr]), see the section called “Information Functions”
LCASE(), see the section called “String Functions”
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
LD_RUN_PATH environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
LD_RUN_PATH environment variable, see the section called “Problems Using the Perl DBI/DBD Interface”
LD_RUN_PATH environment variable, see the section called “Solaris Notes”
LD_RUN_PATH environment variable, see the section called “Linux Source Distribution Notes”
LEAST(), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
LEAVE, see the section called “LEAVE Statement”
LEFT JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
LEFT JOIN, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN”
LEFT OUTER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
LEFT(), see the section called “String Functions”
LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
less than (<), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
less than or equal (<=), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
LIKE, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
LIKE, and indexes, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
LIKE, and wildcards, see the section called “How MySQL Uses Indexes”
LIMIT, see the section called “Information Functions”
LIMIT, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes LIMIT”
linefeed (\n), see the section called “Strings”
LineFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
LineFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
LINESTRING, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
LineString(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
LineStringFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
LineStringFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
LN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
LOAD DATA FROM MASTER, see the section called “LOAD DATA FROM MASTER Syntax”
LOAD DATA INFILE, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
LOAD DATA INFILE, see the section called “LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax”
LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER, see the section called “LOAD TABLE tbl_name FROM MASTER Syntax”
LOAD_FILE(), see the section called “String Functions”
LOCALTIME, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
LOCALTIMESTAMP, see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
LOCATE(), see the section called “String Functions”
LOCK TABLES, see the section called “LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES Syntax”
LOG(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
LOG10(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
LOG2(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
logical operators, see the section called “Logical Operators”
LONG, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
LONGBLOB, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
LONGTEXT, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
LOOP, see the section called “LOOP Statement”
LOWER(), see the section called “String Functions”
LPAD(), see the section called “String Functions”
LTRIM(), see the section called “String Functions”


MAKE_SET(), see the section called “String Functions”
MAKEDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
MAKETIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
MASTER_POS_WAIT(), see the section called “MASTER_POS_WAIT() Syntax”
MASTER_POS_WAIT(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
MATCH ... AGAINST(), see the section called “Full-Text Search Functions”
mathematical functions, see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
MAX(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
MBRContains(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
MBRDisjoint(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
MBREqual(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
MBRIntersects(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
MBROverlaps(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
MBRTouches(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
MBRWithin(), see the section called “Relations on Geometry Minimal Bounding Rectangles (MBRs)”
MD5(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
MEDIUMBLOB, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
MEDIUMINT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
MEDIUMTEXT, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
MICROSECOND(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
MID(), see the section called “String Functions”
MIN(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
minus, unary (-), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
MINUTE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
miscellaneous functions, see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
MLineFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
MLineFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
MOD (modulo), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
MOD(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
modulo (%), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
modulo (MOD), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
MONTH(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
MONTHNAME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
MPointFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
MPointFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
MPolyFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
MPolyFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
MULTILINESTRING, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
MultiLineString(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
MultiLineStringFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
MultiLineStringFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
multiplication (*), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
MULTIPOINT, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
MultiPoint(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
MultiPointFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
MultiPointFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
MULTIPOLYGON, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
MultiPolygon(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
MultiPolygonFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
MultiPolygonFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
my_init(), see the section called “my_init()”
my_ulonglong C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
my_ulonglong values, printing, see the section called “C API Data types”
MySQL C type, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Data types”
MYSQL C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
mysql_affected_rows(), see the section called “mysql_affected_rows()”
mysql_autocommit()., see the section called “mysql_autocommit()”
MYSQL_BIND C type, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Data types”
mysql_change_user(), see the section called “mysql_change_user()”
mysql_character_set_name(), see the section called “mysql_character_set_name()”
mysql_close(), see the section called “mysql_close()”
mysql_commit()., see the section called “mysql_commit()”
mysql_connect(), see the section called “mysql_connect()”
mysql_create_db(), see the section called “mysql_create_db()”
mysql_data_seek(), see the section called “mysql_data_seek()”
MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable, see the section called “Debugging a MySQL Client”
MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
mysql_debug(), see the section called “mysql_debug()”
mysql_drop_db(), see the section called “mysql_drop_db()”
mysql_dump_debug_info(), see the section called “mysql_dump_debug_info()”
mysql_eof(), see the section called “mysql_eof()”
mysql_errno(), see the section called “mysql_errno()”
mysql_error(), see the section called “mysql_error()”
mysql_escape_string(), see the section called “mysql_escape_string()”
mysql_fetch_field(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_field()”
mysql_fetch_field_direct(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_field_direct()”
mysql_fetch_fields(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_fields()”
mysql_fetch_lengths(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_lengths()”
mysql_fetch_row(), see the section called “mysql_fetch_row()”
MYSQL_FIELD C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
mysql_field_count(), see the section called “mysql_num_fields()”
mysql_field_count(), see the section called “mysql_field_count()”
MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
mysql_field_seek(), see the section called “mysql_field_seek()”
mysql_field_tell(), see the section called “mysql_field_tell()”
mysql_free_result(), see the section called “mysql_free_result()”
mysql_get_client_info(), see the section called “mysql_get_client_info()”
mysql_get_client_version(), see the section called “mysql_get_client_version()”
mysql_get_host_info(), see the section called “mysql_get_host_info()”
mysql_get_proto_info(), see the section called “mysql_get_proto_info()”
mysql_get_server_info(), see the section called “mysql_get_server_info()”
mysql_get_server_version(), see the section called “mysql_get_server_version()”
MYSQL_HISTFILE environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
MYSQL_HISTFILE environment variable, see the section called “mysql, the Command-Line Tool”
MYSQL_HOST environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
MYSQL_HOST environment variable, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
mysql_info(), see the section called “mysql_info()”
mysql_info(), see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
mysql_info(), see the section called “UPDATE Syntax”
mysql_info(), see the section called “LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax”
mysql_info(), see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
mysql_init(), see the section called “mysql_init()”
mysql_insert_id(), see the section called “mysql_insert_id()”
mysql_insert_id(), see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
mysql_insert_id(), see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
mysql_kill(), see the section called “mysql_kill()”
mysql_list_dbs(), see the section called “mysql_list_dbs()”
mysql_list_fields(), see the section called “mysql_list_fields()”
mysql_list_processes(), see the section called “mysql_list_processes()”
mysql_list_tables(), see the section called “mysql_list_tables()”
mysql_more_results()., see the section called “mysql_more_results()”
mysql_next_result()., see the section called “mysql_next_result()”
mysql_num_fields(), see the section called “mysql_num_fields()”
mysql_num_rows(), see the section called “mysql_num_rows()”
mysql_options(), see the section called “mysql_options()”
mysql_ping(), see the section called “mysql_ping()”
MYSQL_PS1 environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
MYSQL_PWD environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
MYSQL_PWD environment variable, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
MYSQL_PWD environment variable, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
mysql_query(), see the section called “Common questions and problems when using the C API”
mysql_query(), see the section called “mysql_query()”
mysql_real_connect(), see the section called “mysql_real_connect()”
mysql_real_escape_string(), see the section called “mysql_real_escape_string()”
mysql_real_escape_string(), see the section called “Strings”
mysql_real_query(), see the section called “mysql_real_query()”
mysql_reload(), see the section called “mysql_reload()”
MYSQL_RES C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
mysql_rollback()., see the section called “mysql_rollback()”
MYSQL_ROW C type, see the section called “C API Data types”
mysql_row_seek(), see the section called “mysql_row_seek()”
mysql_row_tell(), see the section called “mysql_row_tell()”
mysql_select_db(), see the section called “mysql_select_db()”
mysql_server_end(), see the section called “mysql_server_end()”
mysql_server_init(), see the section called “mysql_server_init()”
mysql_set_sever_option(), see the section called “mysql_set_server_option()”
mysql_shutdown(), see the section called “mysql_shutdown()”
mysql_sqlstate(), see the section called “mysql_sqlstate()”
mysql_ssl_set(), see the section called “mysql_ssl_set()”
mysql_stat(), see the section called “mysql_stat()”
MYSQL_STMT C type, see the section called “C API Prepared Statement Data types”
mysql_stmt_affected_rows(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_affected_rows()”
mysql_stmt_attr_get(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_attr_get()”
mysql_stmt_attr_set(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_attr_set()”
mysql_stmt_bind_param(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_bind_param()”
mysql_stmt_bind_result(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_bind_result()”
mysql_stmt_close(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_close()”
mysql_stmt_data_seek(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_data_seek()”
mysql_stmt_errno(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_errno()”
mysql_stmt_error()., see the section called “mysql_stmt_error()”
mysql_stmt_execute(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_execute()”
mysql_stmt_fetch(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_fetch()”
mysql_stmt_fetch_column(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_fetch_column()”
mysql_stmt_field_count(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_field_count()”
mysql_stmt_free_result(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_free_result()”
mysql_stmt_init(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_init()”
mysql_stmt_insert_id(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_insert_id()”
mysql_stmt_num_rows(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_num_rows()”
mysql_stmt_param_count(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_param_count()”
mysql_stmt_param_metadata(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_param_metadata()”
mysql_stmt_prepare(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_prepare()”
mysql_stmt_reset(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_reset()”
mysql_stmt_result_metadata., see the section called “mysql_stmt_result_metadata()”
mysql_stmt_row_seek(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_row_seek()”
mysql_stmt_row_tell(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_row_tell()”
mysql_stmt_send_long_data()., see the section called “mysql_stmt_send_long_data()”
mysql_stmt_sqlstate(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_sqlstate()”
mysql_stmt_store_result(), see the section called “mysql_stmt_store_result()”
mysql_store_result(), see the section called “Common questions and problems when using the C API”
mysql_store_result(), see the section called “mysql_store_result()”
MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Running Multiple Servers on Unix”
mysql_thread_end(), see the section called “mysql_thread_end()”
mysql_thread_id(), see the section called “mysql_thread_id()”
mysql_thread_init(), see the section called “mysql_thread_init()”
mysql_thread_safe(), see the section called “mysql_thread_safe()”
MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Overview of the Client-Side Scripts and Utilities”
MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment”
MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Running Multiple Servers on Unix”
MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
mysql_use_result(), see the section called “mysql_use_result()”
mysql_warning_count()., see the section called “mysql_warning_count()”


NATIONAL CHAR, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
NATURAL LEFT JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
NATURAL RIGHT JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
NCHAR, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
newline (\n), see the section called “Strings”
NOT BETWEEN, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
not equal (!=), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
not equal (<>), see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
NOT IN, see the section called “Comparison Functions and Operators”
NOT LIKE, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
NOT REGEXP, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
NOT, logical, see the section called “Logical Operators”
NOW(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
NUL, see the section called “Strings”
NULL, see the section called “Problems with NULL Values”
NULL, see the section called “Working with NULL Values”
NULL value, see the section called “NULL Values”
NULLIF(), see the section called “Control Flow Functions”
NUMERIC, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
NumGeometries(), see the section called “GeometryCollection Functions”
NumInteriorRings(), see the section called “Polygon Functions”
NumPoints(), see the section called “LineString Functions”


OCT(), see the section called “String Functions”
OCTET_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
OLAP, see the section called “GROUP BY Modifiers”
OLD_PASSWORD(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
OPEN, see the section called “Cursor OPEN Statement”
operators, logical, see the section called “Logical Operators”
OPTIMIZE TABLE, see the section called “OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax”
OR, see the section called “Index Merge Optimization”
OR, see the section called “Searching on Two Keys”
OR, bitwise, see the section called “Bit Functions”
OR, logical, see the section called “Logical Operators”
ORD(), see the section called “String Functions”
ORDER BY, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
ORDER BY, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
ORDER BY, see the section called “Sorting Rows”
Overlaps(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”


parentheses ( and ), see the section called “Parentheses”
PASSWORD(), see the section called “Ignoring user”
PASSWORD(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
PASSWORD(), see the section called “Assigning Account Passwords”
PASSWORD(), see the section called “Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification”
PATH environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
PATH environment variable, see the section called “Installing MySQL on Other Unix-Like Systems”
PERIOD_ADD(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
PERIOD_DIFF(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
PI(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
POINT, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
Point(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
PointFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
PointFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
PointN(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
PointOnSurface(), see the section called “MultiPolygon Functions”
PolyFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
PolyFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
POLYGON, see the section called “MySQL Spatial Data Types”
Polygon(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using MySQL-Specific Functions”
PolygonFromText(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKT Functions”
PolygonFromWKB(), see the section called “Creating Geometry Values Using WKB Functions”
POSITION(), see the section called “String Functions”
POW(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
POWER(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
PREPARE, see the section called “SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements”
PRIMARY KEY, see the section called “CREATE TABLE Syntax”
PRIMARY KEY, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
PROCESSLIST, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
PURGE MASTER LOGS, see the section called “PURGE MASTER LOGS Syntax”


QUARTER(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
QUOTE(), see the section called “String Functions”
quoting of identifiers, see the section called “Database, Table, Index, Column, and Alias Names”


RADIANS(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
RAND(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
REAL, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
ref_or_null, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes IS NULL”
REGEXP, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
Related(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
RELEASE_LOCK(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”
RENAME TABLE, see the section called “RENAME TABLE Syntax”
REPAIR TABLE, see the section called “REPAIR TABLE Syntax”
REPEAT, see the section called “REPEAT Statement”
REPEAT(), see the section called “String Functions”
REPLACE, see the section called “REPLACE Syntax”
REPLACE ... SELECT, see the section called “INSERT Syntax”
REPLACE(), see the section called “String Functions”
REQUIRE GRANT option, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
REQUIRE GRANT option, see the section called “SSL GRANT Options”
RESET MASTER, see the section called “RESET MASTER Syntax”
RESET SLAVE, see the section called “RESET SLAVE Syntax”
RESTORE TABLE, see the section called “RESTORE TABLE Syntax”
return (\r), see the section called “Strings”
REVERSE(), see the section called “String Functions”
REVOKE, see the section called “GRANT and REVOKE Syntax”
RIGHT JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
RIGHT OUTER JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
RIGHT(), see the section called “String Functions”
RLIKE, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
ROLLBACK, see the section called “START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK Syntax”
ROLLBACK, see the section called “Transactions and Atomic Operations”
ROLLUP, see the section called “GROUP BY Modifiers”
ROUND(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
ROW_COUNT(), see the section called “Information Functions”
RPAD(), see the section called “String Functions”
RTRIM(), see the section called “String Functions”


SAVEPOINT, see the section called “SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT Syntax”
SEC_TO_TIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
SECOND(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
SELECT, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
SELECT INTO, see the section called “SELECT ... INTO Statement”
SELECT INTO TABLE, see the section called “SELECT INTO TABLE”
SELECT speed, see the section called “Speed of SELECT Queries”
SELECT, optimizing, see the section called “EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)”
SESSION_USER(), see the section called “Information Functions”
SET, see the section called “Variable SET Statement”
SET, see the section called “SET Syntax”
SET, see the section called “The SET Type”
SET, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
SET OPTION, see the section called “SET Syntax”
SET PASSWORD, see the section called “SET PASSWORD Syntax”
SET PASSWORD statement, see the section called “Assigning Account Passwords”
SET SQL_LOG_BIN, see the section called “SET SQL_LOG_BIN Syntax”
SET TRANSACTION, see the section called “SET TRANSACTION Syntax”
SHA(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
SHA1(), see the section called “Encryption Functions”
SHOW BINARY LOGS, see the section called “SHOW MASTER LOGS Syntax”
SHOW BINLOG EVENTS, see the section called “SHOW BINLOG EVENTS Syntax”
SHOW BINLOG EVENTS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW CHARACTER SET, see the section called “SHOW CHARACTER SET Syntax”
SHOW COLLATION, see the section called “SHOW COLLATION Syntax”
SHOW COLUMNS, see the section called “SHOW COLUMNS Syntax”
SHOW COLUMNS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW CREATE DATABASE, see the section called “SHOW CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
SHOW CREATE DATABASE, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW CREATE SCHEMA, see the section called “SHOW CREATE DATABASE Syntax”
SHOW CREATE SCHEMA, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW CREATE TABLE, see the section called “SHOW CREATE TABLE Syntax”
SHOW CREATE TABLE, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW CREATE VIEW, see the section called “SHOW CREATE VIEW Syntax”
SHOW DATABASES, see the section called “SHOW DATABASES Syntax”
SHOW DATABASES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW ENGINES, see the section called “SHOW ENGINES Syntax”
SHOW ENGINES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW ERRORS, see the section called “SHOW ERRORS Syntax”
SHOW ERRORS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW FIELDS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW GRANTS, see the section called “SHOW GRANTS Syntax”
SHOW GRANTS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW INDEX, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
SHOW INDEX, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW INNODB STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW KEYS, see the section called “SHOW INDEX Syntax”
SHOW KEYS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW MASTER LOGS, see the section called “SHOW MASTER LOGS Syntax”
SHOW MASTER LOGS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW MASTER STATUS, see the section called “SHOW MASTER STATUS Syntax”
SHOW MASTER STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW PRIVILEGES, see the section called “SHOW PRIVILEGES Syntax”
SHOW PRIVILEGES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW PROCESSLIST, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
SHOW PROCESSLIST, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW SCHEMAS, see the section called “SHOW DATABASES Syntax”
SHOW SCHEMAS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW SLAVE HOSTS, see the section called “SHOW SLAVE HOSTS Syntax”
SHOW SLAVE HOSTS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW SLAVE STATUS, see the section called “SHOW SLAVE STATUS Syntax”
SHOW SLAVE STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW STORAGE ENGINES, see the section called “SHOW ENGINES Syntax”
SHOW TABLE STATUS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW TABLE TYPES, see the section called “SHOW ENGINES Syntax”
SHOW TABLE TYPES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW TABLES, see the section called “SHOW TABLES Syntax”
SHOW TABLES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW VARIABLES, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SHOW WARNINGS, see the section called “SHOW WARNINGS Syntax”
SHOW WARNINGS, see the section called “SET and SHOW Syntax”
SIGN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
SIN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
single quote (\'), see the section called “Strings”
SMALLINT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
SOUNDEX(), see the section called “String Functions”
SOUNDS LIKE, see the section called “String Functions”
SPACE(), see the section called “String Functions”
SQL_CACHE, see the section called “Query Cache SELECT Options”
SQL_NO_CACHE, see the section called “Query Cache SELECT Options”
SQRT(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
SRID(), see the section called “General Geometry Functions”
START SLAVE, see the section called “START SLAVE Syntax”
StartPoint(), see the section called “LineString Functions”
statements, GRANT, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
statements, INSERT, see the section called “Adding New User Accounts to MySQL”
STD(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
STDDEV(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
STOP SLAVE, see the section called “STOP SLAVE Syntax”
STR_TO_DATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
STRAIGHT_JOIN, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
STRCMP(), see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
string comparison functions, see the section called “String Comparison Functions”
string functions, see the section called “String Functions”
SUBDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
SUBSTRING(), see the section called “String Functions”
SUBSTRING_INDEX(), see the section called “String Functions”
SUBTIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
subtraction (-), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
SUM(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
SymDifference(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
SYSDATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
SYSTEM_USER(), see the section called “Information Functions”


tab (\t), see the section called “Strings”
table_cache, see the section called “How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables”
TAN(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
TEXT, see the section called “The BLOB and TEXT Types”
TEXT, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
threads, see the section called “SHOW PROCESSLIST Syntax”
TIME, see the section called “The TIME Type”
TIME, see the section called “Overview of Date and Time Types”
TIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
TIME_FORMAT(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
TIME_TO_SEC(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
TIMEDIFF(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
TIMESTAMP, see the section called “The DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP Types”
TIMESTAMP, see the section called “Overview of Date and Time Types”
TIMESTAMP(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
TIMESTAMPADD(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
TIMESTAMPDIFF(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
TINYBLOB, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
TINYINT, see the section called “Overview of Numeric Types”
TINYTEXT, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
TMPDIR environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
TMPDIR environment variable, see the section called “Problems Running mysql_install_db”
TO_DAYS(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
Touches(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
trace DBI method, see the section called “Debugging mysqld under gdb”
TRIM(), see the section called “String Functions”
TRUE, see the section called “Numbers”
TRUNCATE, see the section called “TRUNCATE Syntax”
TRUNCATE(), see the section called “Mathematical Functions”
Types, see Chapter 12, Column Types
TZ environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
TZ environment variable, see the section called “Time Zone Problems”


UCASE(), see the section called “String Functions”
UDF functions, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
ulimit, see the section called “File Not Found”
UMASK environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
UMASK environment variable, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
UMASK_DIR environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
UMASK_DIR environment variable, see the section called “Problems with File Permissions”
unary minus (-), see the section called “Arithmetic Operators”
UNCOMPRESS(), see the section called “String Functions”
UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(), see the section called “String Functions”
UNHEX(), see the section called “String Functions”
UNION, see the section called “UNION Syntax”
UNION, see the section called “Searching on Two Keys”
Union(), see the section called “Spatial Operators”
UNIQUE, see the section called “ALTER TABLE Syntax”
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
UNLOCK TABLES, see the section called “LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES Syntax”
UNTIL, see the section called “REPEAT Statement”
UPDATE, see the section called “UPDATE Syntax”
UPPER(), see the section called “String Functions”
USE, see the section called “USE Syntax”
USE INDEX, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
USE INDEX, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
USE KEY, see the section called “JOIN Syntax”
USE KEY, see the section called “SELECT Syntax”
USER environment variable, see Appendix E, Environment Variables
USER environment variable, see the section called “Connecting to the MySQL Server”
USER(), see the section called “Information Functions”
User-defined functions, see the section called “CREATE FUNCTION/DROP FUNCTION Syntax”
UTC_DATE(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
UTC_TIME(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
UTC_TIMESTAMP(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
UUID(), see the section called “Miscellaneous Functions”


VARCHAR, see the section called “String Types”
VARCHAR, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
VARCHARACTER, see the section called “Overview of String Types”
VARIANCE(), see the section called “GROUP BY (Aggregate) Functions”
VERSION(), see the section called “Information Functions”


WEEK(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
WEEKDAY(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
WEEKOFYEAR(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
WHERE, see the section called “How MySQL Optimizes WHERE Clauses”
WHILE, see the section called “WHILE Statement”
Wildcard character (%), see the section called “Strings”
Wildcard character (_), see the section called “Strings”
Within(), see the section called “Functions That Test Spatial Relationships Between Geometries”
without-server option, see the section called “Typical configure Options”


X(), see the section called “Point Functions”
XOR, bitwise, see the section called “Bit Functions”
XOR, logical, see the section called “Logical Operators”


Y(), see the section called “Point Functions”
YEAR, see the section called “The YEAR Type”
YEAR, see the section called “Overview of Date and Time Types”
YEAR(), see the section called “Date and Time Functions”
| (bitwise OR), see the section called “Bit Functions”
|| (logical OR), see the section called “Logical Operators”
~, see the section called “Bit Functions”