Contents Index View the columns of a table Lesson 1: Create a database file

ASA Getting Started
  Designing and Building Your Database

Tutorial: Design and build a simple database

When designing a database, you plan what items you want to store information about, and what information you will keep about each item. You also determine how these items are related. You classify the things in your database as entities; the links between these entities are called relationships.

In this tutorial, you design and build a very simple database, modeled on the product, sales_order_items, sales_order, and customer tables of the sample database, but simplified. The database you create is not used in other parts of the documentation, but it is still highly recommended that you work through the tutorial to gain familiarity with the software and concepts.

Lesson 1: Create a database file
Lesson 2: Connect to your database
Lesson 3: Design and create a table
Lesson 4: Identify and create primary keys
Lesson 5: Design column properties
Lesson 6: Design and create relationships between tables

Contents Index View the columns of a table Lesson 1: Create a database file