Contents Index View a list of tables in the sample database Tutorial: Design and build a simple database

ASA Getting Started
  Designing and Building Your Database
    The sample database
      Viewing the structure of the sample database using Sybase Central

View the columns of a table

Each table has tabs in the right pane with information about a table's columns, foreign keys, indexes, triggers, and data. Here, we look only at the columns of the product table in the sample database.

For information on viewing tables, see View a list of tables in the sample database.

To view information about the columns of the product table

  1. In Sybase Central, open the product table. In the left pane, expand the Tables folder, and then select the product table in the left pane.

    Information about the product table appears on the tabs in the right pane.

    Sybase Central, with the product table opened.
  2. In the right pane, click the Columns tab.

    The name, data type, and other information about each column appears in the right pane.

  3. View the properties of the color column.

    Select the color column, and then choose Properties from the File menu.

    The color property sheet appears. This property sheet contains a detailed description of the column. Some of the properties are useful for advanced users only, and are not described in this book.

You can use Sybase Central to browse other aspects of the sample database, including foreign keys, primary keys, and the data in each table. You are encouraged to do so in order to be familiar with the sample database for examples in the remainder of the documentation.

Contents Index View a list of tables in the sample database Tutorial: Design and build a simple database