Contents Index Connection and Communication Parameters AppInfo connection parameter [APP]

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Connection and Communication Parameters

Connection parameters

This section describes each connection parameter. Connection parameters are included in connection strings. They can be entered in the following places:

The ODBC configuration dialog and the Adaptive Server Anywhere Connect dialog for Windows operating systems share a common format. Some of the parameters correspond to checkboxes and fields in these dialogs, while others can be entered in the text box at the end on the Advanced tab.


AppInfo connection parameter [APP]
AutoStart connection parameter [ASTART]
AutoStop connection parameter [ASTOP]
CharSet connection parameter [CS]
CommBufferSize connection parameter [CBSIZE]
CommLinks connection parameter [LINKS]
Compress connection parameter [COMP]
CompressionThreshold connection parameter [COMPTH]
ConnectionName connection parameter [CON]
DatabaseFile connection parameter [DBF]
DatabaseName connection parameter [DBN]
DatabaseSwitches connection parameter [DBS]
DataSourceName connection parameter [DSN]
DisableMultiRowFetch connection parameter [DMRF]
EngineName connection parameter [ENG]
EncryptedPassword connection parameter [ENP]
Encryption connection parameter [ENC]
Encryption Key connection parameter [DBKEY]
FileDataSourceName connection parameter [FILEDSN]
ForceStart connection parameter [FORCESTART]
Idle connection parameter [IDLE]
Integrated connection parameter [INT]
Language [LANG]
LazyClose connection parameter [LCLOSE]
LivenessTimeout connection parameter [LTO]
Logfile connection parameter [LOG]
Password connection parameter [PWD]
PrefetchBuffer connection parameter [PBUF]
PrefetchRows connection parameter [PROWS]
ServerName connection parameter [ENG]
StartLine connection parameter [START]
Unconditional connection parameter [UNC]
Userid connection parameter [UID]

Contents Index Connection and Communication Parameters AppInfo connection parameter [APP]