Contents Index DatabaseFile connection parameter [DBF] DatabaseSwitches connection parameter [DBS]

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Connection and Communication Parameters
    Connection parameters

DatabaseName connection parameter [DBN]


For use when connecting to a database that is already running. Identifies a loaded database to which a connection needs to be made.

If you want to connect to a database that is not already running, use the DatabaseFile (DBF) parameter.


Running local databases or network servers.




There is no default setting.


Whenever a database is started on a server, it is assigned a database name, either by the administrator using the -n option, or by the server using the base of the filename with the extension and path removed.

If the database you want to connect to is already running, you should specify the database name rather than the database file.

A connection will only occur if the name of the running database matches the name that is specified in the DatabaseName (DBN) parameter.

If you specify both the database name and database file, the database file is ignored and is not used to try to connect to a database that is already running.

Contents Index DatabaseFile connection parameter [DBF] DatabaseSwitches connection parameter [DBS]