Contents Index DatabaseName connection parameter [DBN] DataSourceName connection parameter [DSN]

ASA Database Administration Guide
  Connection and Communication Parameters
    Connection parameters

DatabaseSwitches connection parameter [DBS]


To provide database-specific options (switches) when starting a database.


Connecting to a server when the database is not loaded. This connection parameter autostarts an engine with the specified database and options if a server is not already running.




No options


You should supply DatabaseSwitches only if you are connecting to a database that is not currently running. When the server starts the database specified by DatabaseFile, the server uses the supplied DatabaseSwitches to determine startup options for the database.

Only database options (switches)

can be supplied using this parameter. Server switches must be supplied using the StartLine connection parameter.

For information about database options, see Database options.

See also 

The database server

StartLine connection parameter [START]

Contents Index DatabaseName connection parameter [DBN] DataSourceName connection parameter [DSN]