Contents Index Using the default collation Understanding character sets in software

ASA Database Administration Guide
  International Languages and Character Sets
    Introduction to international languages and character sets

Character set questions and answers

The following table identifies where you can find answers to questions.

To answer the question... Consider reading...
How do I set up my computing environment to treat character sets properly? Configuring your character set environment
How do I decide which collation to use for my database? Understanding collations
How are characters represented in software, and Adaptive Server Anywhere in particular? Understanding character sets in software
What collations does Adaptive Server Anywhere provide? Choosing collations
How do I ensure that error and informational messages sent from the database server to client applications are sent in the proper language and character set for my application? Character translation for database messages
I have a different character set on client machines from that in use in the database. How can I get characters to be exchanged properly between client and server? Starting a database server using character set translation
What character sets can I use for connection strings? Connection strings and character sets
How do I create a collation that is different from the supplied ones? Creating a database with a custom collation
How do I change the collation sequence of an existing database? Changing a database from one collation to another.
How do I create a database for Windows CE? Creating databases for Windows CE

Contents Index Using the default collation Understanding character sets in software