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Introducing SQL Anywhere Studio
   Tutorial: Managing Databases with Sybase Central

Lesson 1: Start Sybase Central

This tutorial introduces the Sybase Central user interface. Lesson 1 describes how to start Sybase Central, how to connect to a database, and how to view a database schema in Sybase Central.

The following lessons show you how to create, delete, and view tables, columns, and procedures; how to manage users and user groups; and how to back up your database.

Before you begin, make a copy of the sample database so that you can restore it after you have finished the tutorial.

To copy the sample database

  1. Navigate to the directory that contains the sample database file, asademo.db. The default installation directory for it is Program Files\Sybase\Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.

  2. Create a sub-directory to hold a copy of asademo.db. For example, call it demoback.

  3. Create a copy of asademo.db in the backup directory. You will not touch this copy, but work with the original version.

Start Sybase Central
Connect to the sample database from Sybase Central
Explore the database schema
View the data in the database

Contents Index About Sybase Central Start Sybase Central