Contents Index Setting up a Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise consolidated database Setting up an IBM DB2 consolidated database

MobiLink Synchronization User's Guide
  Synchronization Basics
    Consolidated database
      Setting up a consolidated database

Setting up an Oracle consolidated database

To set up Oracle to work as a MobiLink consolidated database, run the syncora.sql setup script, located in the MobiLink\setup subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation.


For tips on using Oracle as a MobiLink consolidated database, see DBMS-dependent scripts and Supported DBMS scripting strategies.

ODBC driver 

You must set up an ODBC DSN for your Oracle consolidated database. SQL Anywhere Studio includes an iAnywhere Solutions ODBC driver for Oracle. You must configure this driver to work with MobiLink.

For more information, see iAnywhere Solutions ODBC Driver for Oracle Wire Protocol.

Contents Index Setting up a Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise consolidated database Setting up an IBM DB2 consolidated database