ULActiveSyncStream function: about | ULActiveSyncStream function |
ULActiveSyncStream function: parameters | ActiveSync parameters |
ULActiveSyncStream function: setting synchronization stream | stream synchronization parameter |
ULActiveSyncStream function: Windows CE | Adding ActiveSync synchronization to your application |
ulapi.h: C++ API | C++ API class hierarchy |
ULChangeEncryptionKey function: about | ULChangeEncryptionKey function |
ULChangeEncryptionKey function: using | Changing the encryption key for a database |
ULClearEncryptionKey function | ULClearEncryptionKey function |
ULClearEncryptionKey function: using | Using the encryption key on the Palm Computing Platform |
ULConduitStream function | ULConduitStream function (deprecated) |
ULConduitStream function: setting synchronization stream | stream synchronization parameter |
ULConnection class: about | ULConnection class |
ULConnection class: ResetLastDownloadTime method | ResetLastDownloadTime method |
ULConnection class: RevokeConnectFrom method | RevokeConnectFrom method |
ULConnection class: using | Working with the ULData and ULConnection objects |
ULCountUploadRows function | ULCountUploadRows function |
ULCursor class: about | ULCursor class Generated table class |
ULData class: about | ULData class |
ULData class: multi-threaded UltraLite applications | Developing multi-threaded applications |
ULData class: Palm Computing Platform | Working with the ULData and ULConnection objects |
ULData class: using | Working with the ULData and ULConnection objects |
UlDatabase class: obfuscating databases | Obfuscating an UltraLite database |
ULDropDatabase function | ULDropDatabase function |
ULEnableFileDB function: about | ULEnableFileDB function |
ULEnableFileDB function: C++ API | Defining database features for C++ API applications C++ API class hierarchy |
ULEnableGenericSchema function: about | ULEnableGenericSchema function |
ULEnableGenericSchema function: upgrading UltraLite applications | Deploying UltraLite applications |
ULEnablePalmRecordDB function: about | ULEnablePalmRecordDB function |
ULEnablePalmRecordDB function: C++ API | Defining database features for C++ API applications |
ULEnableStrongEncryption function: about | ULEnableStrongEncryption function |
ULEnableStrongEncryption function: C++ API | Defining database features for C++ API applications C++ API class hierarchy |
ULEnableUserAuthentication function: about | Embedded SQL user authentication example C++ API user authentication example Java user authentication example ULEnableUserAuthentication function |
ULEnableUserAuthentication function: C++ API | Defining database features for C++ API applications C++ API class hierarchy |
ULEnableUserAuthentication function: using | Enabling user authentication |
ulgen utility: about | Generating UltraLite Java classes |
ulgen utility: C++ API | Generating UltraLite C++ classes |
ulgen utility: syntax | The UltraLite generator |
ULGetLastDownloadTime function: about | ULGetLastDownloadTime function |
ULGetSynchResult function: about | ULGetSynchResult function |
ulglobal.h: C++ API | C++ API class hierarchy |
ulglobal.h: ul_synch_info structure | Synchronization parameters |
ULGlobalAutoincUsage function: about | ULGlobalAutoincUsage function |
ULGrantConnectTo function: about | ULGrantConnectTo function |
ULHTTPSStream function: about | ULHTTPSStream function |
ULHTTPSStream function: parameters | HTTPS stream parameters |
ULHTTPSStream function: setting synchronization stream | stream synchronization parameter |
ULHTTPSStream function: Windows CE | TCP/IP, HTTP, or HTTPS synchronization from Windows CE |
UlHTTPSStream object: Java synchronization stream | Initializing the synchronization options stream synchronization parameter |
UlHTTPSStream object: parameters | HTTPS stream parameters |
ULHTTPStream function: about | ULHTTPStream function |
ULHTTPStream function: parameters | HTTP stream parameters |
ULHTTPStream function: setting synchronization stream | stream synchronization parameter |
ULHTTPStream function: Windows CE | TCP/IP, HTTP, or HTTPS synchronization from Windows CE |
UlHTTPStream object: Java synchronization stream | Initializing the synchronization options stream synchronization parameter |
UlHTTPStream object: parameters | HTTP stream parameters |
ULInitSynchInfo function: about | Initializing the synchronization parameters |
ULIsSynchronizeMessage function: about | ULIsSynchronizeMessage function |
ULIsSynchronizeMessage function: ActiveSync | Adding ActiveSync synchronization to your application |
ULPalmDBStream function | ULPalmDBStream function (deprecated) |
ULPalmExit function: about | ULPalmExit function Closing an UltraLite Palm application Adding TCP/IP, HTTP, or HTTPS synchronization to Palm applications |
ULPalmExit function: using | Adding HotSync synchronization to Palm applications Adding HotSync synchronization to Palm applications Adding HotSync synchronization to your application |
ULPalmLaunch function: about | ULPalmLaunch function Launching an UltraLite Palm application Launching an UltraLite Palm application Adding TCP/IP, HTTP, or HTTPS synchronization to Palm applications |
ULPalmLaunch function: using | Adding HotSync synchronization to Palm applications Adding HotSync synchronization to Palm applications Adding HotSync synchronization to your application |
ULResetLastDownloadTime function: about | ULResetLastDownloadTime function |
ULResultSet class: about | ULResultSet class |
ULRetrieveEncryptionKey function | ULRetrieveEncryptionKey function |
ULRetrieveEncryptionKey function: using | Using the encryption key on the Palm Computing Platform |
ULRevokeConnectFrom function: about | ULRevokeConnectFrom function |
ULSaveEncryptionKey function | ULSaveEncryptionKey function |
ULSaveEncryptionKey function: using | Using the encryption key on the Palm Computing Platform |
ULSecureCerticomTLSStream function: security | security_parms synchronization parameter |
ULSecureCerticomTLSStream: about | security synchronization parameter |
UlSecureRSASocketStream object: about | Using transport-layer security from UltraLite Java applications |
UlSecureRSASocketStream object: Java synchronization stream | Initializing the synchronization options |
UlSecureRSASocketStream object: parameters | UlSecureRSASocketStream synchronization parameters |
ULSecureRSATLSStream function: security | security_parms synchronization parameter |
ULSecureRSATLSStream: about | security synchronization parameter |
UlSecureSocketStream object: about | Using transport-layer security from UltraLite Java applications |
UlSecureSocketStream object: Java synchronization stream | Initializing the synchronization options stream synchronization parameter |
UlSecureSocketStream object: parameters | UlSecureSocketStream synchronization parameters |
ULSetDatabaseID function: about | ULSetDatabaseID function |
ULSocketStream function: about | ULSocketStream function |
ULSocketStream function: parameters | TCP/IP stream parameters |
ULSocketStream function: setting synchronization stream | stream synchronization parameter |
ULSocketStream function: Windows CE | TCP/IP, HTTP, or HTTPS synchronization from Windows CE |
UlSocketStream object: Java synchronization stream | Initializing the synchronization options stream synchronization parameter |
UlSocketStream object: parameters | TCP/IP stream parameters |
ULStoreDefragFini function: about | ULStoreDefragFini function |
ULStoreDefragInit function: about | ULStoreDefragInit function |
ULStoreDefragStep function: about | ULStoreDefragStep function |
ulStoreDefragStep method: JdbcDefragIterator class | ulStoreDefragStep method |
UlSynchObserver interface: implementing | Writing a synchronization callback function Implementing the UlSynchObserver interface |
UlSynchOptions object: members | Synchronization parameters |
ULSynchronize function: about | ULSynchronize function |
ULSynchronize function: serial port on Palm Computing Platform | Adding TCP/IP, HTTP, or HTTPS synchronization to Palm applications |
ULSynchronize library function: about | Adding synchronization to your application |
ULTable class: about | ULTable class |
ULTable objects: reopening | Closing an UltraLite Palm application |
UltraLite databases: deploying on Palm Computing Platform | Deploying UltraLite databases on the Palm Computing Platform |
UltraLite databases: encrypting | Encrypting UltraLite databases |
UltraLite databases: multiple Java | Connecting to multiple databases |
UltraLite databases: storage | Database storage mechanism |
UltraLite databases: user IDs | Adding user authentication to your application Managing user IDs and passwords User authentication for UltraLite databases |
UltraLite databases: Windows CE | Storing persistent data |
UltraLite directory: defined | File locations for the sample application |
UltraLite generator: command line | Using the UltraLite generator |
UltraLite generator: defined | Generating the UltraLite data access code |
UltraLite generator: syntax | The UltraLite generator |
UltraLite generator: UltraLite development | UltraLite development tools |
UltraLite generator: using | Using the UltraLite generator |
UltraLite Java: threads | Developing multi-threaded applications |
UltraLite passwords: about | Adding user authentication to your application User authentication for UltraLite databases |
UltraLite passwords: maximum length | Adding user authentication to your application |
UltraLite plug-in for CodeWarrior: converting projects | Converting an existing CodeWarrior project to an UltraLite application |
UltraLite plug-in for CodeWarrior: installing | Installing the UltraLite plug-in for CodeWarrior |
UltraLite plug-in for CodeWarrior: using | Using the UltraLite plug-in for CodeWarrior |
UltraLite project creation wizard: using | Creating an UltraLite project Lesson 1: Add SQL statements to your reference database |
UltraLite projects: about | Creating an UltraLite project |
UltraLite projects: adding statements to | Adding SQL statements to an UltraLite project Adding statements to a project |
UltraLite projects: CodeWarrior | Creating UltraLite projects in CodeWarrior |
UltraLite projects: defining | Defining projects |
UltraLite runtime library: deploying | Deploying Windows CE applications |
UltraLite segment utility: syntax | The UltraLite segment utility |
UltraLite statement creation wizard: using | Adding SQL statements to an UltraLite project Lesson 1: Add SQL statements to your reference database |
UltraLite user IDs: about | Adding user authentication to your application User authentication for UltraLite databases |
UltraLite user IDs: limit | Adding user authentication to your application |
UltraLite user IDs: maximum length | Adding user authentication to your application |
UltraLite: about | Introduction to UltraLite |
UltraLite: architecture | UltraLite architecture |
UltraLite: C++ API | Introduction |
UltraLite: C++ API class hierarchy | C++ API class hierarchy |
UltraLite: code generation | Generating the UltraLite data access code |
UltraLite: defining tables | Defining UltraLite tables |
UltraLite: development overview | The UltraLite development process |
UltraLite: directory | File locations for the sample application |
UltraLite: features | UltraLite features |
UltraLite: JDBC driver | Loading and registering the JDBC driver |
ULUtil: about | The UltraLite utility |
ul_add_project system procedure: about | ul_add_project system procedure |
ul_add_statement system procedure: about | ul_add_statement system procedure |
UL_AS_SYNCHRONIZE macro: ActiveSync UltraLite messages | UL_AS_SYNCHRONIZE macro |
UL_AUTH_STATUS_EXPIRED auth_status value: about | auth_status synchronization parameter |
UL_AUTH_STATUS_INVALID auth_status value: about | auth_status synchronization parameter |
UL_AUTH_STATUS_IN_USE auth_status value: about | auth_status synchronization parameter |
UL_AUTH_STATUS_UNKNOWN auth_status value: about | auth_status synchronization parameter |
UL_AUTH_STATUS_VALID auth_status value: about | auth_status synchronization parameter |
UL_AUTH_STATUS_VALID_BUT_EXPIRES_SOON auth_status value: about | auth_status synchronization parameter |
ul_binary data UltraLite type: C++ API | UltraLite data types |
ul_char data UltraLite type: C++ API | UltraLite data types |
ul_column_num UltraLite data type: C++ API | UltraLite data types |
ul_delete_project system procedure: about | ul_delete_project system procedure |
ul_delete_statement procedure: about | ul_delete_statement system procedure |
ul_delete_statement system procedure: about | ul_delete_statement system procedure |
ul_fetch_offset UltraLite data type: C++ API | UltraLite data types |
ul_length UltraLite data type: C++ API | UltraLite data types |
UL_NULL | UltraLite data types |
ul_set_codesegment procedure: about | ul_set_codesegment system procedure |
ul_set_codesegment system procedure: about | ul_set_codesegment system procedure |
UL_STORE_PARMS macro: about | UL_STORE_PARMS macro |
UL_STORE_PARMS macro: using | Configuring and managing database storage |
ul_stream_error structure: about | stream_error synchronization parameter |
ul_synch_info structure: about | Initializing the synchronization parameters |
ul_synch_status structure: about | Writing a synchronization callback function |
UL_SYNC_ALL macro: about | UL_SYNC_ALL macro |
UL_SYNC_ALL macro: publication mask | publication synchronization parameter |
UL_SYNC_ALL_PUBS macro: about | UL_SYNC_ALL_PUBS macro |
UL_SYNC_ALL_PUBS macro: publication mask | publication synchronization parameter |
UL_TEXT macro: about | UL_TEXT macro |
UL_USE_DLL macro: about | UL_USE_DLL macro |
unable to use Java in the database: error message | Error on starting the analyzer |
UNDER_CE compiler directive: about | UNDER_CE macro |
UNDER_NT compiler directive: about | UNDER_NT macro |
UNDER_PALM_OS compiler directive: about | UNDER_PALM_OS macro |
unique values: using default global autoincrement in UltraLite | Global autoincrement default column values |
Universal Serial Bus: HotSync support for | Choosing a synchronization method |
unsupported features: UltraLite limitations | JDBC features in UltraLite SQL features and limitations of UltraLite applications |
unsupported JDBC methods: UltraLite limitations | Unsupported JDBC methods |
Update method (ULCursor class): about | Update method |
updates: UltraLite databases | How UltraLite tracks row states |
upgrading databases: creating reference databases | Using an existing database as a reference database |
upgrading: UltraLite applications | Deploying UltraLite applications |
upgrading: UltraLite databases | ULEnableGenericSchema function |
upload-only synchronization: UltraLite databases | Synchronizing high-priority changes upload_only synchronization parameter |
upload_ok synchronization parameter: about | upload_ok synchronization parameter |
upload_only synchronization parameter: MobiLink synchronization | upload_only synchronization parameter |
URL: UltraLite Java database | Loading and registering the JDBC driver UltraLite JDBC URLs |
url_suffix stream parameter: HTTP synchronization | HTTP stream parameters |
url_suffix stream parameter: HTTPS synchronization | HTTPS stream parameters |
USB: HotSync support for | Choosing a synchronization method |
user authentication: auth_status synchronization parameter | auth_status synchronization parameter |
user authentication: C++ API UltraLite applications | C++ API user authentication example |
user authentication: C++ API | Defining database features for C++ API applications |
user authentication: compiler directive | UL_ENABLE_USER_AUTH macro |
user authentication: embedded SQL UltraLite applications | Embedded SQL user authentication example Java user authentication example GrantConnectTo method ULEnableUserAuthentication function ULGrantConnectTo function ULRevokeConnectFrom function |
user authentication: MobiLink and UltraLite | Sharing MobiLink and UltraLite user IDs |
user authentication: reporting | auth_status synchronization parameter |
user authentication: status | auth_status synchronization parameter |
user authentication: UltraLite case sensitivity | Adding user authentication to your application |
user IDs: Palm Computing Platform | Managing user IDs and passwords |
user IDs: UltraLite case sensitivity | Adding user authentication to your application |
user IDs: UltraLite databases | Adding user authentication to your application Managing user IDs and passwords User authentication for UltraLite databases |
user IDs: UltraLite Java | UltraLite JDBC URLs |
user-defined data types: unsupported | UltraLite data types |
user_data synchronization parameter: about | user_data synchronization parameter |
user_name synchronization parameter: about | user_name synchronization parameter user_name synchronization parameter |
utilities: SQL preprocessor | The SQL preprocessor |
utilities: UltraLite | The UltraLite utility |
utilities: UltraLite generator | The UltraLite generator |
utilities: UltraLite segment utility | The UltraLite segment utility |