handle_odbc_error: new feature in version 7.0.1 | MobiLink new features |
handling events: new feature in version 7.0.0 | Adaptive Server Anywhere new features |
hash anti-semijoin: new feature in 8.0.2 | Adaptive Server Anywhere new features |
hash joins: new feature in version 8.0.0 | Query processing and database performance |
hash semijoin: new feature in 8.0.2 | Adaptive Server Anywhere new features |
hash size: new feature in version 7.0.0 | Adaptive Server Anywhere new features |
hibernation: new feature in version 8.0.0 | Miscellaneous |
Histograms property: new feature in version 8.0.0 | Administration and troubleshooting |
HotSync conduit configuration: new UltraLite feature in 8.0.1 | UltraLite new features |
HotSync conduit: troubleshooting assistance in version 9.0.0 | MobiLink new features |
HotSync progress: new UltraLite feature in 8.0.1 | UltraLite new features |
hover mode: new SQL Remote feature in version 6.0.2 | SQL Remote new features |
HoverRescanThreshold: new feature in version 9.0.0 | MobiLink new features |
HTTP synchronization: new UltraLite feature in version 7.0.1 | UltraLite new features |
HTTPS synchronization: new UltraLite features in 8.0.2 | UltraLite new features |
HTTPS: MobiLink new feature in 8.0.2 | MobiLink new features |