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language [dblang] utility: new feature in version 7.0.2 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LargeProcedureIDs property: new feature in version 8.0.0 Administration and troubleshooting
last download time: new UltraLite feature in version 8.0.0 UltraLite new features
UltraLite new features
last download timestamp: always passed first MobiLink behavior changes
last download timestamp: new MobiLink feature in version 8.0.0 MobiLink new features
last download timestamp: new UltraLite feature in 8.0.2 UltraLite new features
LastStatement property: new feature in version 8.0.0 Administration and troubleshooting
lateral derived tables: new feature in 9.0.0 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LazyClose [LCLOSE] connection parameter: new feature in 8.0.2 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
license [dblic] utility: new feature in version 7.0.2 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
licensing: new feature in version 7.0.2 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
licensing: new features in version 8.0.0 Miscellaneous
limitations: new features in version 8.0.0 Administration and troubleshooting
LIST function: enhancement in 9.0.0 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LIST function: new features in version 7.0.0 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LIST function: ordering Adaptive Server Anywhere behavior changes
Listener: MobiLink new feature in 9.0.0 MobiLink new features
liveness: new MobiLink features in version 8.0.0 MobiLink new features
LivenessTimeout database property: new feature in 8.0.1 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LOAD TABLE statement: behavior change in version 7.0.3 Behavior changes
LOAD TABLE statement: new feature in 8.0.2 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LOAD TABLE statement: new features in version 6.0.3 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
local temporary tables: new feature in 8.0.2 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LocalOnly [LOCAL] connection parameter: new feature in 8.0.1 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LOCK TABLE statement: new feature in version 7.0.0 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
log MobiLink issued ODBC statements: new feature in 8.0.1 MobiLink new features
log transfer manager [dbltm] utility: new features in version 6.0.3 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
log translation [dbtran] utility: new feature in version 6.0.2 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
log translation [dbtran] utility: new features in version 6.0.3 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
log translation [dbtran] utility: new SQL Remote feature in version 6.0.3 SQL Remote new features
Logfile [LOG] connection parameter: new features in version 7.0.1 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LogFileFragments database property: new feature in 8.0.1 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LogFileFragments property: new feature in version 8.0.0 Administration and troubleshooting
logging: new MobiLink behavior in version 8.0.0 MobiLink new features
LOGIN_PROCEDURE option: behavior change in version 8.0.0 Adaptive Server Anywhere behavior changes
LOGIN_PROCEDURE option: new features in version 7.0.3 New features
LOGIN_PROCEDURE option: new features in version 8.0.0 Administration and troubleshooting
LOG_LEVEL: Redirector new feature in version 9.0 MobiLink new features
LONG BINARY data type: new MobiLink feature in version 7.0.0 MobiLink and UltraLite new features
LONG BINARY data type: storage enhancement in version 7.0.0 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LONG VARCHAR data type: new MobiLink feature in version 7.0.0 MobiLink and UltraLite new features
LONG VARCHAR data type: storage enhancement in version 7.0.0 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LTM: new features in version 8.0.0 Miscellaneous
LTMGeneration property: new feature in version 7.0.1 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features
LTMTrunc property: new feature in version 7.0.0 Adaptive Server Anywhere new features